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Parsing through Clouds

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Once upon a time, I started using these forums to post my own poems just as a way of getting them into the world, but something happened two years ago that sort of permanently stopped me from doing that, just mentally. It's taken me this long to feel like I can do anything about it, which may be my own fault for letting it fester, I'm not sure. But around a month ago, out of nowhere, I started cleaning my house, and now it's the best it's ever looked and I can finally use my space to do some of the things I've always wanted to do here.

But an unexpected outcome occured. Because I no longer felt shackled down by my environment, I began searching for new places to explore, and began attending events in person that I never would have in the past. I've never really gone anywhere on my own like that before, and now I've done it twice in the past month alone. I even have a little niece that I've been building a relationship with, and now after two years of darkness, I feel like there is a possibility of finding the light once more. I feel it will be hard, and quite arduous, but in spite of that, I feel it may be time to start writing once again, and starting today I will try to make a new poem once again.

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