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Fae Witch

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MattDank and I have started development of a Pokemon Fangame titled Pokemon Deviation, though we're also calling it the Kanto Rebornification Project. It's a Rebornification of the Kanto Pokemon games. The game will be set in the same universe as Pokemon Reborn, and is intended to have a Reborn/Rejuvenation/Desolation-like feel, story, characterization, and with mechanics taken from those games.


We're using Pokemon Zero's map and trainer data, Reborn's codebase, and some code from Rejuvenation Gen 9 mod as our base. We got permission to use all of this.


If you want to help, or you just want to see/discuss progress or give suggestions, you can join the game's Discord here: https://discord.gg/xQm7wJhy9a


Notes on what we're planning so far

  1. We'll start by getting the Pokemon Zero's Kanto maps to work properly on Reborn's codebase. The canon story is implemented (with modifications) for Pokemon Zero, so we'll get that working for the first version of the release, with our own modifications.
    1. We'll also add field effects to most areas, and to gym battles.
    2. We'll increase the difficulty, making it so you'll be at the level cap by the Elite 4
    3. We'll make non-Kanto Pokemon obtainable, though likely not all 1000+ in the first version.
    4. You'll be able to play as Red, Leaf, Kuro, Lucia, Ari, and Decibel (the latter 4 being player characters from Reborn).
  2. We plan to eventually make all Pokemon obtainable
  3. We plan to eventually have a badge for all Types
    1. Either the 8 normal gym leaders + 8 nomadic gym leaders, or somewhere around there given there are a few places to fit additional gyms, or 16 normal gym leaders with some of them on the Sevii islands, or some badges not being from gym leaders but unofficial badges from beating boss Pokemon or gauntlets of trainers. We're leaning toward 8 normal gym leaders + 8 nomadic gym leaders though
  4. We plan to have an Indigo Conference/Indigo Plateau, before the Elite 4
  5. Additional rivals
    1. I thinking I want Sabrina and Janine as rivals for the player, maybe Gary/Blue/Green Oak too, Maybe Red, Leaf, and Yellow if we can get a sprite for them.
      1. Red or Leaf are already a rival in Pokemon Zero, so they'll at least be a rival for the initial version
      2. Gary/Blue/Green Oak is already a rival in Pokemon Zero, so he'll at least be a rival for the initial version
  6. Story
    1. Extra focus on Mewtwo
    2. Extra focus on Team Rocket
    3. Set both before and after the Pokemon Reborn postgame. Spoilers if you never got to Pokemon Reborn's postgame
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    4. There will also be ultra wormholes, probably caused by Mewtwo messing with what was mentioned in the previous point.
    5. Giratina will get involved, as will the distortion world, caused by the weakening fabric of reality caused by the previous two points.
    6. Some sort of story involving Professor Oak and Agatha
    7. All gym leaders will play a major part in the story, at least for a single arc (for those with actual gyms, this would likely be in the city their gym is located)
    8. Side quests. Lots of side quests.
    9. Mewtwo will be created by Blaine and Mr./Dr. Fuji, Professor Oak and Giovanni will not be involved in the creation, or in the discovery of Mew. Giovanni will only discover Mewtwo after the fact.
    10. Elio/Selene's mom may have some part in the story, though I haven't decided how significant. I initially wanted to have young Elio/Selene show up, but they're way too young to even be conceived during Fire Red/Leaf Green. If she has a major role in the story, she'll have a Mega Meowth (explained in Gimmicks), and at least one Meowth Crest (Also explained in Gimmicks)
  7. Gimmicks
    1. Mega Evolution
    2. Z-Moves
    3. Pokemon with Gigantimax will instead have Mega Evolutions that look like their Gigantimax form (this is how it works in Pokemon Reborn/Rejuv/Deso)
    4. Crests from Pokemon Rejuvenation, which are held items that work kind of like the Thick Club for Marowak, the Light Ball for Pikachu, the Stick/Leek for Farfetch'd, the Lucky Punch for Chansey, etc. Basically a held item that gives a buff to a specific species of Pokemon. Mostly meant to make unviable Pokemon viable in late game. They won't be called Crests in Pokemon Deviation, as that's against the usage permission for Rejuvenation Assets, 
    5. Cursed Arcana, only usable in certain locations, and can be used by the opponent as well. Can only be used once, at the start of battle, by either the player or opponent, with the opponent taking priority. Causes a random effect based on tarot cards. When an opponent uses it, or at least an important opponent, the effect either won't actually be random, or won't be entirely random.
    6. Fields from Pokemon Reborn. These are kind of like Terrains from Pokemon Gen 7 and beyond, but there are many more of them, do a wider variety of things, and battles can start on them without being created by an ability.
  8. Other
    1. Challenge Trainers based on those from Pokemon Let's Go, which will likely be around the level of strength as the chapter's gym leader, and give a reward for beating them. First time would likely be a useful item, like a Choice Item, non-story Key Items like the Item Finder, Flame Orb, TM, etc. This will also be scaled based on story progression, so the first challenge trainer might just give a Type Plate. Also, they will be able to be rebattled, but will give progressively worse rewards. Like Choice Scarf -> 30 Dusk Balls -> 10 Ultra Balls.
      1. While when they're first fightable their Pokemon will be at about the level cap, once you reach a higher level cap, their Pokemon will be set to 5 levels below that level cap, so they shouldn't ever be a breeze (except for those with such a low initial level cap that they're using first/second stage Pokemon)
      2. They should give a decent monetary reward compared to other trainers
    2. Bottle Caps, Ability Capsules, Nature Mints, and an easy way to EV train will all be available fairly early on.
    3. Some method of lowering IVs for if you want a Trick Room Pokemon, or a low Attack stat for a Power Split Pokemon, etc.


Current Progress:

  • Scripting
    • Took some of the Rejuvenation Gen 9 mod code. Only the stuff needed to compile, we're going to use Reborn's code for Gen 9 stuff once that's finished (Reborn has code for handling Gen 8 stuff, and will for Gen 9, but it's disabled, and the actual Pokemon and Moves aren't in the code, just how to handle them when they are there. This is because Rejuvenation and Desolation also use the same codebase and will actually update to future generations.)
    • Adapted the Pokemon Zero's trainer data into something Pokemon Reborn could interpret
    • Secret stuff ¬‿¬
    • Variable and Switch stuff
    • Assigned passwords to new switches
    • Added a few new passwords to the password list, but haven't implemented them yet. They're all based on mods I've developed in the past, so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement them.
    • Added a new password pack, the witchpack, with all the passwords I normally use, plus the ones I would use if they were in Reborn, Rejuv, and Deso
  • Map Development
    • Finished intro (though currently the intro sprites for Red and Leaf are in a different format than that of the four other player characters)
    • Also, at the moment you need to select a player character to see them, though you can then deselect them. I'll want to fix that for the initial release
    • Replaced all instances of a script called in the overworld with a new version that works
  • Other
    • Moved some of Pokemon Zero's graphics and audio to Pokemon Deviation
    • Added some new graphics for the Secret stuff. No, no new megas or regional forms.
Edited by Electronic Witch
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Are you sure it's best to use the FRLG Kanto maps? With as kneedeep as I've been in Rejuvenation maps, modifying them is so much more painful compared to just starting a new map from scratch, and I wonder how something like this would work without more unique, expansive environments than what Kanto has to offer - and the visual style of Rejuv/Reborn as well.


I would've had a much easier time of where I'm at right now if I'd just done Sheridan from scratch instead of trying to preserve parts of it - if you want to modify Kanto to fit this style, then I feel like you'll end up wanting to make some way bigger changes to the maps.

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  On 11/25/2024 at 1:35 PM, Dawn Oceana said:

Are you sure it's best to use the FRLG Kanto maps? With as kneedeep as I've been in Rejuvenation maps, modifying them is so much more painful compared to just starting a new map from scratch, and I wonder how something like this would work without more unique, expansive environments than what Kanto has to offer - and the visual style of Rejuv/Reborn as well.


I would've had a much easier time of where I'm at right now if I'd just done Sheridan from scratch instead of trying to preserve parts of it - if you want to modify Kanto to fit this style, then I feel like you'll end up wanting to make some way bigger changes to the maps.


It hadn't even occurred to me that it might be easier to start from scratch.

After thinking about it though, I think it would be best, at least for the initial version (v1) of the game, which is only gonna be Fire Red/Leaf Green with Reborn/Rejuv mechanics, to use the map pack as a base. Hopefully by the time we start v2 we'll have other people who've joined our team that can help with map making, since neither MattDank or I are experience enough with map making to make anything remotely as nice as the maps from Reborn, Rejuvenation, or Desolation, even if we use their tilesets.

I have also looked into getting permission to use the maps of the Kanto Re-Creation Project instead, though the creator has yet to respond to my email. It has a much nicer design than base Kanto and would probably be a much better starting point.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Progress update
I've gotten permission to use literally anything I want from Reborn, as long as I give credit, and I started working on the game a few days ago.

I've been using Pokemon Zero (which is free to use as long as I give credit) as a base alongside Reborn and the Rejuvenation Gen 9 mod (which I also got permission for as long as I give credit). I've finished the intro and have made good progress on Pallet Town. I've been delayed on Pallet Town because I keep running into script stuff I need to do first, like converting Pokemon Zero's trainer data into something Reborn's code base can use. 

I'll almost certainly finish Pallet Town today, or at least the early-game portion of it, there is some post-game stuff that I think I disabled.

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