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Pokemon with guaranteed IV´s


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Hello everyone!!


So id like to know what pokemon have guaranteed ivs. And with guaranteed i mean that the IVs are always the same or at least for some stats thats true.

So far i know that baby and legendary pokemon have 3 IVs guaranteed to be 31. 

There's also the sylveon with all 31 IVs and the transform eevee with 10? 20? in all stats (i have one with all 20 but i saw some people saying that it could be 10? idk)


So yeah i was wandering if there is more pokemon like this.

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Ok so after some search apparently every pokemon that is part of the undiscovery egg group will have guaranteed 31 IVs in 3 stats.

This egg group includes all the legendary, mythical, ultra beast, paradox pokemon (minus manaphy). Includes the baby pokemon, unown, nidorina and nidoqueen (not nidoran female).


Also for the shadow pokemon i dont know if it was changed but across my 2 saves, every shadow pokemon that i have, have 20 IVs in all stats. Maybe the 10 IVs was in earlier versions?

I dont think i have any prism pokemon so i will just believe the information :)

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