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Filler Pokemon for this teamset?


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Okay. So I'm having trouble figuring out what I should put on my team. If you all look at my signature, that is the team that I had up until episode 10.5. I then switched heliolisk out for gardevoir in ep 11 because I screwed around with their EVs and his Speed EV became -1000 somethingorother (like wtf, never screwing around with EVs again x.x)

Anyway, this is my team as of episode 11:

Gardevoir: lv 62- Synchronize- Modest. Knows Moonblast, Calm Mind, Psychic, and Double Team.

Gourgeist, lv 65- Insomnia- Naughty. Knows Rock Smash, Seed Bomb, Leech Seed, and Phantom Force.

Delphox, lv 62- Blaze- Bold. Knows Mystical Fire, Flamethrower, Psyshock, and Psychic.

Crobat, lv 64- Infiltrator- Quirky. Knows Confuse Ray, Acrobatics, Bite, and Cross Poison.

Azumarill (He stays on my team without question, powerhouse ftw rite) Lv 67, Huge Power, Lax. Knows Play Rough, Aqua Tail, Strength, and Bounce (Azurill moveset)

This is the pokemon team I intend to keep (I tend not to switch often, only if necessary. I almost never do- that's my skill. To be able to play the entire game with only one team- and this team, minus gardevoir and Plus Heliolisk and Shuckle, destroyed 7 of the 9 gym leaders alone). Since I've finished the episode (IT WAS RATHER SHORT AME....), I'm just IV breeding my pokemon to have overall good IVs so that they fare better. I'm also doing that to remove the fucked up EVs I seem to have glitched onto them permanently. >>

But more to the point, any suggestions as to what I should put as my sixth pokemon? Should I just rotate around the pokemon I already have? I have quite a few. They are:













And a few more in training (Mudkip, Piplup, Hoppip, Croagunk,Dwebble, Shuppet, Flabebe, Sandile, Chespin, Spiritomb, Abra, and many, many more).

Let me put it this way. Should I catch a new pokemon to fill my team? or should I use one of the listed below (The only pokemon in that list which has yet to be caught is spiritomb, I'll get to that later, as soon as I can be bothered to run to byxbysion again). Advice, Suggestions, and Critiques on my team are all welcome- I'm open to revising the entire team because I like a challenge (not switching out a million times)

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ok looking at your set up and the back ups the 2 things that your missing is an electric or a dragon, id say replace 1 of those with shuckle and the other 1 with possibly guardevoir tho im not realy sure if thats a good idea replacing guardevoir that is. thats all i can suggest for now im afrraid, if you only exchange shuckle i recomend puting an electric type in its place

Edited by sandy
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At the moment its not on my team, so I can put the electric type in the filler spot.

As for Gardevoir, I don't really know if I want to swap it for a dragon type. There aren't that many that would live up to it's special attack, and the only one I can think of isnt in game. But thanks for the suggestion~

Any recommendations on the electric type? Please don't suggest stunfisk. I refuse to put that weird thing on my team.

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Stunfisk Magnezone would be pretty good to put in your team, strong sp attacker plus it's a steel type and your team would be more balanced (although I can't help but notice your team would be mostly Sp attackers than physical). It can also take a few hits so long you don't put it up against it's weakness.

Edited by Shadow Walker
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well looking at your yeam tou dont really have anything with high def/special defence so id suggest a magnazone. tho i may be wrong on your team if i am and your team dose have bulk any electric type will work, idd shadow walker which has nealy the same SP attack as guardevoir ann they you can add noivyrn to replace shuckle

Edited by sandy
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eeeh. Noivern. The controversial bat that I really do not like. But I'll consider that. thanks!


On a brighter note, I do consider magnezone, but his speed.... actually wait. Magneton and magnezone have decent speed. Hmmm. Okay. Ill try that. Thanks you two~

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