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E11 A Problem I Have With the Story (Spoilers)


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So there is one thing that I don't really get about the story. We all know Elias and team Meteor is after those four keys, El even takes Emerald back from Luna. However, I don't really get when he has the player locked up in the cell, he also doesn't try to take back Ruby? He knows for a fact that he has ruby, as show by when the ditto-gardevoir tries to also take Ruby, but only takes Amethyst due to Cain. I am pretty sure the his own pokemon would tell him that he still has Ruby. So, why doesn't Elias try to take Ruby when they have the player all caught? Ame, I would like an explanation lol

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why tho vinnie? my theory is that he dosent know what transpired after he ran from radamus after the ditto archeus fell so he dosent know who has it also the reason for the cell is to keep the player out of the way long enough to brainwash luna which fails

Edited by sandy
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Elias' priority was Luna. Cleanse Luna first, then deal with the player, including the key.

Taking the Emerald from Luna was only an act of desperation; he would have rather let her keep it-- just not if she was determined to stay with Radomus'.

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I actually have no idea how to even damage this damn wannabe-arceus-thingsie as it 1hits acutally anything i got with its judgement except for my swampert. The first time I even got this problem.. Abra, Steelix & Garchomp were a piece of cake but this thing is just too much =I So how did u beat it?

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Scrafty used Hi Jump Kick... It's super effective...

Arceus used Focus Miss... It Missed...

Scrafty used Hi Jump Kick... It's super effective...

Arceus used Focus Miss... It Missed...

Scrafty used Hi Jump Kick... It's super effective...

Arceus fainted... *Victory jingle*

Something like that...

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it won't use anything else but judgement except for when i send in a ghost-type mon so.. i thought about trying to out-pp it by switching my lil ghost into every dam judgement..

€: this actually was a rly silly idea

Edited by Mimmu
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it won't use anything else but judgement except for when i send in a ghost-type mon so.. i thought about trying to out-pp it by switching my lil ghost into every dam judgement..

€: this actually was a rly silly idea

I beat him with a lvl 45 Spiritomb at the time. Most of my party died but sacrifices must be made in the name of progress

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I opened with Sturdy Steelix, got his defense down with Rock Smash, revived Steelix and repeated this (while at the same time wasted it's Focus Blasts) until Lucario could one shot it with Close Combat .I can't remember very well, but maybe it had some prior damage from my Swampert (the bulky bastard ^_^) too.

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