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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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Breaking down walls
Omastar(M/F) @ focus sash
Trait: broken armor
EVs: 252 speed/ Satk
modest Nature
- surf
- shell smash
- ice beam
- hidden power (fire)/ earth power

broken armor to me is an over looked ability as it can easily turn the tide of battle with a single attack. Shell smash will increase omastars speed and power to the point where broken armor wont much matter but broken armor can be utilized in such a way where switching in to omastar while expecting a physical attack can bring omastars speed to almost 300 which can grant you the edge you need when it counts. Priority hurts and so do special walls but besides that this will mess with alot of powerful pokemon.
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  • 4 months later...
SurprisedWeDon'tHaveThisSetYet set
252 def 242 sp def 4 HP
Nature +sp def -attack
Ability: Swift swim

Toxic Spikes
Stealth Rock
Ice Beam

Omastar is here to annoy your opponent as a lead.
Set up Stealth Cocks first, because your opponent needs to Rapid Spin in order to get them away.
Toxic Spikes second because, even though they're incredibly useful, a poison type could just shoo them away by switching in.
Scald for STAB and possible burn
Ice Beam for coverage

Because of Omastar's amazing defense and special attack, our tentacle --Ikaru-- friend can act as a tank. He can survive most anything your opponent sends out as a lead, unless they're a hyper attack noob. Switch out against special attackers obviously carrying thunderbolt or a grass attack. Omastar's done a great job of setting stuff up for me, and your main problem will be Taunt leads. In which case you can do them alot of damage regardless because of your special attack and switch Omastar in later. Omastar is best used in synergy with something that can resist grass/electric attacks. Just about all teams carry a ground type, so you could switch that in to absorb your opponent's bolts, and of course there's always a fire/ice/dragon type to resist grass.
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