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Your worst fear

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Yep, shout out and give your reasons!

My fears are the unknown, yep I'd be scared if I saw a big floppy floppy tentacle object at the end of my hall too...

And spiders.

Three words

Brazilian wandering spider.

The spider is

Just creepy... And that venom tho...

Of course I live in Texas so no spider would "wonder" that far just to give me a spook!

Give a shout out! What's your worst fears?

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My worst fear would have to be to lose my "humanity" again.

The first time was when I shut off my emotions myself to try and deal with the death of someone close to me. I went a little psycopathic when I tried to get them back and it took me half a year to get everything under control.

Right now a few things can happen that will brake me again, and I will revert to having a life that I can't consider a life as well as carry out the plans I made when I went sadistic..

As for vanishing or dispersing off the face of the Earth, I could care less if my life just turns to nothing because I don't really seem to care for myself. However I can not offered to vanish or die as long as one of my friends need me.

Edited by AquaWind
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Number one is myself. Always. She's not exactly sane, in a bad way (Or at least as far as I understand, I don't really comprehend right and wrong properly)

Emotion. For someone so emotional so much of the time, I really hate emotions overall. They cause nothing but pain. And I don't want to feel pain anymore (as in I have wanted to previously) Someday I hope to kill the part of me that experiences emotion, but it also kind of experiences fear and doesn't want to die, so I think that's impossibubble

Then comes bugs. I hate bugs. Just kill them all (I happen to love Bug types though :P )

Unicorns. Don't laugh yet. Just think about it a moment. A horse is already a very dangerous creature (Just try being trampled by one...), and now you're giving it magical powers and the ability to impale you. How is that not terrifying? (And, if it impales you in the right spot, you could take hours to bleed out)

Zombies. Just because. It's pretty irrational

EDIT: Eh, not really, I kind of maybe want to murder the girl that I love...

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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I've always been afraid of disappearing too, but for the completely opposite reason of you guys above; I'm far more worried that other people would worry about what happened to me. It wouldn't matter to me; I'd be gone... but I'd feel terrible to make other people worry.

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Yes, dissapearing into nothing and nonexistence is a fear I also have.

One for me would be the inablity to dream/daydream. I always feel safe whether their dreams or nightmares. I confide in them and trust them. To not dream would mean losing my self, sense of freedom, sense of protection and trust in anything. I'd be constantly afraid and nervous. Sometimes, I just want to live in my dreams and cast reality's badgering taunts aside.

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Rejection. Rejection is my biggest fear of all.

...And, thinking about it, clowns and being completely alone. Not the kind of alone like chilling, but alone outside at 3 AM in a foreign/dangerous place.

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Just like Jake, I have a fear of the unknown.
I fear losing control of my emotions. I have been pushed to the brink by absolute shitheads before, and when that happens, I fail to think things through, and just blindly attack the person who is being the idiot to me. (I have a story about this, if anyone wants to know. Try to catch me in a good mood and I'll see if I can't retell it)

My largest fear is the concept of time. The idea that I can fall asleep and then wake up 8 or so hours later without it feeling that long is paralyzingly frightening.

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I got this habit of imagining creepy monster/murderers attacking me while showering. of course i doknow there isnt anybody there but i always fear my imagination becoming reality thus i always panic while having my eyes closed while showering

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I have the fear of being non-existence, like fading away one day and everyone forgets about me as if I never existed and there's not a single memory of me in anyone's mind. Unlikely, this will happen but still...thinking about this kinda stirs up fear within me.

Trying to ponder deeply into the timeline system in Chrono Trigger, I suppose. :wacko:

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I have a fear of being the equivalent of a bullys lackey or even a sidekick. The way that everyone associates you with that person rather than me and my characteristics is Scary. If i go through life, i want to do it as i am, not as an accompaniment for someone else.

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Humanity. Plain and simple for me.

I wouldn't exactly classify to feeling I get as "fear" in the traditional sense, but when you know what something can potentially do, and Dread the day if or when it does it, Can't that be called fear too?

So unpredictable, so short sighted at times.

What worries me most is that we have the capabilties to wipe each other out with the virtual push of a button...

Edited by Legendaries tamer
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  On 3/24/2014 at 9:50 PM, DobbyTheElf said:

I have a fear of being the equivalent of a bullys lackey or even a sidekick. The way that everyone associates you with that person rather than me and my characteristics is Scary. If i go through life, i want to do it as i am, not as an accompaniment for someone else.

Living in someone's shadow, like Robin is in Batman's (until teen titans came along)?

I know some things that would break me as a person, but I don't actually fear them happening because highly unlikely and just kinda thinking about them just doesn't bother me.

But things that do scare me are sharks, specifically dreams of being in the water with them. FU megalodon. As an extremely proficient swimmer by human standards and having been hooked to pbs and discovery channel as a kid and teen, I know exactly how fucked we would be if a shark really wanted to eat somebody.

And heights bother me. I get scared/anxious every time I have to jump out of an airplane, but once I feel that parachute catch wind and start deploying I get to start enjoying it.

And those are really the only pressing concerns/fears for my part.

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Beside the generic fear of dying alone which everyone has, I'm afraid of losing my senses, especially sight. My senses are something I'm very proud of, and the mere idea of going blind is utterly terrifying for me.

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