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Yea but what if I use a move that I think is not OP but others think it is. There are what, about 20 people so how am I going to get 100% vote. The first one was overkill I'll give them that but I don't know what I did wrong in the 2nd one and if I ask it'll make me seem like I wasn't paying at all. -sigh- This is supposed to be fun, not stress me out, I know I might be over thinking stuff but still. I just don't get why I can't just edit my mistakes out, if people have a problem I'm more than willing to change it but I can't rely on people like that, it isn't fair to them.

Edit: I just kind vented in this post sorry -_-'

The post about 101 was a joke but I guess it tuned into me just typing my thoughts out.

Edited by EXLink32
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Sorry that I took it seriously; it's hard to judge on the Internet :/

And don't be sorry. If it makes you feel better, them feel free to vent. Honestly, it's hard to find a balance between anime and rl logic for attacks, especially if we are playing as someone not our age. And you don't need everyone's approval; that is way too much. Jory and I pm'ed each other to consider our moves in our match so that it won't seem one sided. Maybe that can work for you?

Edit: As for the editing out part, I thought they gave you a chance to before? All I could say is that they got impatient after you went overboard a few times. No offense, but it is reasonable. At the same time, you could also express this in the OOC. I'm pretty confident that they will try and help you grasp it, despite their remarks

Edited by DarkLight
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... oh, wait... this isn't Predict The Next Person... darn...

And... Hey uh, Ex... sorry, regarding TX-101 >> like DarkLight said, I don't think you really have to give him up, so long as there's a balance... if it makes you feel any better, I named the Magnemite I got in PMD: Red Rescue Team in honor of TX-101

also, to contribute:


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But Zeph, you exist in darkness, you don't need no bed!

ExLink: it's been so many posts ago @.@ But yeah, I don't think anyone wants you to get rid of TX either judging from the thread.

Edited by DarkLight
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