Enatsyrte Posted December 30, 2024 Share Posted December 30, 2024 Hello guys ! (and women too don't worry !) This time I'm back with another terrain based team, and oh gosh I won't be full of praise. Contrary to the previous terrain teams I made before, the Grassy Terrain Team is harder to make it profitable. So if you want, like me, to make a Mono Grass Team on it, just be CAREFUL. Or you're just masochistic, that's all. Before presenting the team, I'll just explain why the Grassy Terrain is in my opinion a less good terrain than the Misty and Psychic Terrain Teams. 1) Grass enhanced moves, a good idea ? Yeah, the grass type deal super effective damage to Rock, Ground and Water Types. That's all. It's a type easily resisted by a ton of Pokémon and 7 types on 18. It's almost the half of the type chart. And here is a comparison of Grass type moves against the 9gen roster (1215 Pokémons) : For Fairy Type : For Psychic Type : With this, you can easily understand what kind of mess the Grass Type is. You will need huge coverage moves to cover the bad coverage of the Grass Type. But hey, can we use the boosted moves of the terrain for it ? 2) Grassy Terrain boosted moves, literally a joke You won't go far by using the boosted coverage moves. Here is the list : Fairy Wind, Silver Wind, Ominous Wind, Icy Wind, Razor Wind, Gust and Twister. Outside Grass Type attacks, you won't deal huge damage with it. The moves here don't compete with the regular strong moves like Moonblast, Bug Buzz / Pollen Pluff, Ice Beam or even Dragon Pulse. All of these moves are far better because they have more PP, Power or secondary effects. The only way to expand the boosted moves list is destroying the field where you are fighting, and then setting up the Grassy Terrain. Yeah ! Now I have boosted Fire Type attacks, cool ! But with a Mono Grass Team you're literally giving a gun to your opponent : "of yeah take this gun, I'll beat you with a Water Gun OMG". And most of the time, you will spend 1-2 Pokémon for having a Grassy Field for 6 turns. The investment is too huge for the drawbacks it gives. By the way, I'll give you kalosian expression for a wind joke : "C'est du vent" => it's nonsense ! 3) The abilities are cool, right ? ... rigtht ? Nope they're not. With you Grassy Terrain as an Overlay you only 2 boosted abilities : Leaf Guard and Grass Pelt. The only Pokémon with Grass Pelt is Gogoat. It's not a strong Pokémon and it's a pure Grass Type by the way. You can try to make a full Def Bulk Up Gogoat with Grass Pelt, but it will be destroyed by one of its common weakenesses. Leaf Guard is not better, since it only protects your Pokémon from being statused. The weakenesses remain and the Pokémon with this ability already have better options, or won't fit in the team (sorry Meganium, you won't shine today). 4) How should we use the Grassy Terrain then ? Contrary to the other Terrains I presented before, I think it's not a Terrain to increase your firepower. You can use it for boosted Grass Type Attacks to hit Ground, Rock or Water Types if you struggle with them. For Sun Teams it can work well, and Rillaboum will be a good asset for your Team, especially when caught with Grassy Glide. For the masochists who still want to create a Mono Grass Team based on this terrain, follow me on the next page ! Grassy Terrain Generator A-Glalie @ Amplified Rock Ability: Grassy Surge EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Impish Nature - Rock Slide / Grassy Glide - Stealth Rock / Spikes - Toxic / Leech Seed - Synthesis The first option for generating the Grassy Terrain. Actually, it's a OK tiers Pokémon. We would prefer a better defensive typing, but at least it can resist physical Flying Type attacks and retaliate with Rock Slide. It has good support moves to help the teams but lacks pivoting tools. It would be great but it can't. I suggest you to find a A-Snorunt with Toxik (Technique Contrat) to deal gradual damage on a too bulky Pokémon. Rillaboom @ Amplified Rock Ability: Grassy Surge EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant / Jolly Nature - Wood Hammer - Grassy Glide - High Horsepower / Drain Punch / Knock Off / Superpower - U-turn If you think A-Glalie is too passive for your team, consider using Rillaboum. I won't present it for too long since we follow the Smogon set (like the Choice Band). It can be better to due its ability to use quickly boosted Grass Type attacks and U-Turn to bring another teammate to continue the match. I think without Grassy Glide Rillaboum would be less good, so try to get that move as soon as possible. Otherwise, use A-Glalie. The Grass Weakenesses check Torterra @ Torterra Crest Ability: Shell Armor EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD Careful Nature - Sand Tomb / Rock Slide - Leech Seed - Protect - Stealth Rock If you want to make a correct Mono Grass Team, you will need a crested Torterra. With it, it resists almost every Grass Type weakenesses (except Poison). However, it still can't learn Shell Smash, so we have to use a Defensive set. The goal is to cripple the foe with annoying moves with the hope the team will be able to finish it before it finishes your team first. I've tried the Curse set, but it only cursed me so don't try it. Plus, the defensive set can't benefit from the HP recovery of the crest since you need to deal direct damage to increase your HP recovery. Support Pivoting Tool Whimsicott @ Heat Rock Ability: Prankster EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD Bold Nature - Nature Power / Moonblast - Encore / Defog / Tailwind - Sunny Day - U-turn It's surprising to see this kind of set here, but we need Whimsicott to expand the coverage teams of its teammates. Usually, you will try to sacrify it when you think you can sweep your opponent. It provides a good Fairy Typing and still has the opportunity to weaken some Pokémon before switching into another teammate. Dhelmise @ Leftovers / Heat Rock / Berry.... Ability: Steelworker EVs: 248 HP / 80 Atk / 120 SpD / 60 Spe Adamant Nature - Steel Roller / Ancor Shot / Power Whip - Flip Turn - Sunny Day / Rapid Spin - Synthesis It's another pivoting tool I used for a long part of the run. It's helpful with a Poison and Bug Type neutrality, and it's slow enough to use Flip Turn and safely bringing its teammates. However, it loses utility when you reach late game part of the story, since it struggles to stay healthy. That's why Whimsicoot is for me a better option. Grassy Terrain Abuser Serperior @ Leftovers / Berry Ability: Contrary EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Leaf Storm - Hidden Power [Fire] - Glare / Substitute - Giga Drain / Dragon Pulse / Leech Seed Actually the better option to deal huge damage with Grass Type attacks. It's clearly a very Pokémon for this team even if it struggle with Fire Types. But if you manage to set up enough Leaf Storms and keeping the Grassy Terrain active, just spam your damn Grass STAB ! A-Breloom @ Muscle Band / Berry Ability: Tough Claws EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Wake-Up Shock - Grassy Glide - Drain Punch - Spore It another alternative for a Grass Type Abuser. If you hunt one of them with Grassy Glide, you have a better priority move user than Rillaboum. If it manages to use Spore on the foe, the Wake-Up Shock will deal HUGE damage, but over time it will miss more one shots. And the problem of this Pokémon is its poor bulk. In late game it's too slow and easily get one shot by almost any strong neutral moves. You could try to use it in Trick Room by the way. Beware ! Don't let it to forget Spore, it cannot relearn this move ! The Firefighter A-Froslass (F) @ Interceptium-Z (Fire, Rock...) Ability: Adaptability EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Timid Nature - Leaf Storm - Hydro Pump / Water Sprout - Soak - Flip Turn / Giga Drain / Weather Ball The most useful Pokémon of the Team. You must hunt a A-Snorunt with Leaf Storm to make it shine. Under Grassy Terrain, its first Leaf Storm is very very strong. If you don't have Z-moves yet, use some white herbs or Water/Grass enhancing items. With Soak, it helps all the team to deal with Grass Type resistant Pokémon. However it has a 4 moveslots syndrom. You would like to have more moves on it, such as Hydro Pump + Giga Drain + Leaf Storm + Soak + Flip Turn. Choose well your moves before fighting please. And the more important problem of this Pokémon is its lack of firepower. Outside it STABs, A-Froslass doesn't deal huge damage. For example, the boosted Icy-Wind is very weak in comparison of its STABs. However, you can compensate a bit with Weather Ball under the Sun for a less powerful Water STAB. The Mega Grass Type Venusaur @ Venusaurite -G Ability: Chlorophyll EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Giga Drain - Weather Ball / Earth Power - Sleep Powder - Growth One of our better Pokémon. It doesn't rely on the Grassy Terrain, but the sun weather. It has a 4 moveslots syndrom like A-Froslass so you need to take care of Fire Types first. You must use Sleep Powder to get a chance to set up a Growth and then dealing huge damage under the sun. I suggest you to use Giga-Drain to have a HP recovery tool and having another opportunity to setting up the Pokémon if you kept a Sun Setter alive. Plus, it can outspeed the Pokémon faster than Serperior and A-Froslass, which is mandatory for the survival of the team. Without Venusaur under the Sun, threats like Crobat, A-Gengar or Greninja are free to destroy our team. Voilà voilà, if you want to shine with the Mono Grassy Terrain Team, you must expand your coverage and risking being destroyed by Fire moves. I'll wait the next update to create a good team under Electric Terrain, since the overlay doesn't boost the Pokémon with Plus/Minus abilities. BYE ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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