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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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[b]Stockbelly Snorlax[/b]
Snorlax @ Leftovers
Trait: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 248 Def / 8 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SpAtk)
- Stockpile
- Rest
- Belly Drum
- Body Slam

Start off with setting up Stockpiles to help you take hits better. Once you hit the max amount of three Stockpiles or when you start taking negligible damage, either Belly Drum if you're still in good shape or Rest to regain full HP. This is why Thick Fat is preferred over Immunity because if you do get Toxic on you, Rest will remove it along with Paralysis or Burn. Plus, Thick Fat adds to your ability to take hits from Fire and Ice type attacks. Once you have Stockpiles and Belly Drum up, start to use Body Slam. This move is chosen because Snorlax gets STAB, good base power, good PP, and it has a 30% chance to Paralyze. Because of this, you can use Body Slam before you finish setting up with Stockpile and Belly Drum to induce paralyze and make it easier to set up. Once you do all of this, then Snorlax is ready to take hits and dish out pain.

It has almost equal Defense to its Special Defense, allowing it to take hits from both sides of the spectrum and works in tandem with Stockpile. When Snorlax is fully set up with the max Stockpiles (3) and Belly Drum, it will have 625 Defense, 640 Special Defense and 1032 Attack. The last 8 EVs can either go in Defense or Special Defense for more durability or in Attack for more power, its up to you. The only weakness this set has is that it cannot touch Ghosts. It is also susceptible to moves like Taunt, Encore and Trick which shut down any Pokemon that needs to set up. And of course, any Pokemon carrying powerful Fighting moves like Close Combat. It is recommended that you wait for the late game, scout the opposing team, and eliminate any counters before bringing Snorlax in, set up and sweep.
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cursed flame snorlax
snorlax (M/F) @ chesto berry
Trait: Immunity
EVs: 252 def/ sdef
impish Nature
- curse
- body slam
- fire punch
- rest

the curselax can be a mighty thing. Setting up one can be difficult but often times well worth the effort. curse your way to 3 for good defense and offense or 6 for an impregnable belly that can only be downed by crits or focus blasts. the fire punch is a great way to down steel pokemon which bodyslam would do considerably less against and your main defense against ghosts except for the unfortunate flashfire shandlure. The chesto berry is so when you rest you aren't left at the mercy of an opponent who can set up nasty tricks and can be used as a good upset to breloom's who try to spore you.

the main problem with this setup is the fact that you are actually rather vulnerable while trying to set up. snorlax's hi sdef will usually keep you safe from anything that isnt an aura sphere or focus blast while you set up but if you see a blaziken or infernape and you havent done at least 3 curses run for the hills cause your in trouble.
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  • 10 months later...
Snorlax (F) @ (No Item)
- Amnesia
- Fire Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is indeed a special Snorlax for use in Gen 1. Amnesia takes his Special to a pretty damn good area (Just a little shy of Slowbro) The elemental trinity of attacks gives you excellent coverage.
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  • 1 year later...



Snorlax @ Choice Band


Adamant Nature

EVs: 252Atk / 252SpDef / 4Def

Trait: Thick Fat


- Return

- Crunch

- Pursuit

- Earthquake/Fire Punch


My favourite thing to use in all of UU on the PO server. I'm sure it won't fare as well in OU here, but if you happen to be on the PO server or just want to try using this thing in OU, then here it is. The BandLax is great for bulky offence, which is my favourite style of play. It destroys things that like to switch in on the more common CurseLax and Special Wall Snorlax. Return is like BAYUM. Crunch is, y'know, for ghosts. This set is a great Chandelure switch-in, especially Choiced variants. Of course, Chandelure is equally dangerous to you if you click Return without thinking and get trapped.Earthquake and Fire Punch are coverage but most of the time you'll be using Return or Pursuit. This Snorlax isn't nearly as durable as a defensive Snorlax, though. Be aware that it is meant to be part of an offensive core.

Edited by Ashka
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