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Hello hello, darling deers and daring trainers.

My name is Lorri,a wanna-be art/fashion student. Maid cafe meido in training. Shiny collector and sweets-a-holic.

I've finally decided to put down my 3ds and halt my shiny hunts on X to give the world of Reborn a try. It's a pleasure to meet you all, let us all be friends~

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Hi there, and welcome! It's great that you decided to join us, I gave up my shiny searching ages ago. Okey-dokey now, I'm going to steal the jobs of Temp and Vinny with some suggestions in the form of a nice list.

  1. Discard your sanity (burning it is also an option). It will be collected later
  2. Escape while you can, or else you will never leave Enjoy your time on the forums
  3. Consider downloading Pokemon Online and joining us on the Reborn Server, because that is basically our chatroom.
  4. Consider challenging the League on the server
Edited by Tenshine
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... Sweets? Sweets! :D I think we'll be good friends, fellow sweet-a-holic. xD

Welcome to Reborn, we hope you enjoy it here. ^^ And I'd have to echo the opinion of downloading Pokemon Online, it really is where a good 90% of the community interaction takes place. Don't worry, we don't bite! ^^

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Thank you for the warm welcomes everyone~ I guess I'll prepare another fragment of my mind to lose.

I'll look into that pokemon online thingy as well if I remember when I get home.

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