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Magic Deck Advice PLZ Red Black


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Archetype of Aggression

Rakdos Shred-Freak x4

Satyr Firedancer

Legion Loyalist x2

Kragama Butcher

Balustrade Spy x4

Guttersnipe x2

Young Pyromancer x2

Nyxborn Rollicker

Marshmist Titan

Fate Unraveler

Sire of Insanity

Mogis, God of Slaughter

Purphoros, God of the Forge


Fall of the Hammer x2

Mugging x4

Bolt of Keranos x2

Lighting Strike x2

Rakdos Charm x2

Searing Blood

Fated Conflagration

Deviant Glee x3


Mountain x10

Swamp x10

So what do you think?
I also got two Wight of the Precinct Six, I want to add one or two in. Advice welcome and wanted!

Edited by James-Sensei
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20 mana IMO is not enough unless you have some serious ramp (which you don't and won't unless you play green). I know it can be a tough decision to axe some cards here and there, but you should probably do so; look at what your main strategy is. I don't know what you'd remove in favor of more land to keep you from getting screwed (which I'd recommend 3 Mountain and 1 Swamp) though.

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I don't really know what I can get rid of though :/ Probs get out Sin of Insanity out on the field to power up Wright Six

How about taking out 2 Krados 2 spyies, and you mean 3 more mount and 1 more swap yes?
And get 2 of Temple of Malice (When I can get the money).

Edited by James-Sensei
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I dunno about Sire of Insanity, it's a god card if you get ahead. Though granted you don't have many means to protect it, but still, if they're gunning for your Sire then that opens a path for your other creatures.

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Mnn....if you wanna drain a deck of cards you're better off running a Dimir (blue/black) mill deck. You absolutely CANNOT and I seriously mean CANNOT mix an aggro and mill deck. You'll either die before you can mill enough cards to make a difference or you'll be killed before you can do enough damage. It won't work out, believe me I tried. Plus most of the really nice mill cards are blue or blue/black. You're better making the red/black a pure aggro. I don't know if my deck is standard anymore and I haven't updated it in a year or so, but its a blue/black mill deck if you want an idea of a kinda decent mill:

For Land:

x10 swamp

x8 Island

x2 Watery Grave

x1 Nephalia Drownyard ( Colorless, its there for the ability )

x1 Drowned Catacomb

x2 Dimir Guildgate

For Spells:

x4 Far/Away (Its a fuse spell)

x3 Thought Scour

x3 Mind Sculpt

x1 Paranoid Delusions

x1 Mindgrind

x2 Ultimate Price

x1 Temptation Blade ( Colorless artifact )

For Creatures:

x4 Argur of Bolas

x2 Gloom Surgeon

x2 Consuming Aberration

x4 Jace's Phantasm

x4 Vampire Nighthawk

x2 Wright of Precent Six

x1 Jace, Memory Adept

x1 Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker

x1 Lazav, Dimir Mastermind

For Sideboard: (A lot of the cards are to counter high aggrodecks or green/black decks)

x2 Fog Bank

x2 Tragic Slip

x2 Paranoid Delusions

x1 Tomb Scour

x1 Mind Sculpt

x1 Psychic Strike

x1 Mind Grind

x1 Notion Thief

x1 Duress

x1 Nightveil Specter (3 blue or black or both mana)

x1 Woodlot Crawler

x1 Tormid's Crypt (Colorless)

Edited by Lorriea
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Anyways take out two Krados, for two Krados Revenge

2 muggings for Temple of Malice

1 deviant Glee for Wight of Prescient Six and something else to get a second WSP

AND Sire of Insanity is for WSP to get a boost

My aim is to drain the cards to discard them, and get on the offense

Fate Unraveler (Maybe get another one) combos with the spies

So as a I see it Black=Drain and Red=Offense

Edited by James-Sensei
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You're basically going to be wasting mana trying to drain cards when you should focus on either buffing your creatures or burning the opponent. The only real way to test your deck is to do a best of 3 with someone.

And I put my mill deck there IN CASE you wanted to make a blue/black mill.Since most red/black I see are aggro.

You're using too many turns in the beginning to force discards.

Edited by Lorriea
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Standard? Whatever is used in tours i guess, and that's more of a secondary focus. Though I do have a lot of trade fodder so...

Should I just do a mono color then?

And I'm kind of tired of just hearing negatives >3>

Like for what it is is it pretty good? Or just bad? I just started out, and pretty much meshed 2 (Green Red, and Blue Black) starter decks, and then got advice from the store owner, the next day.

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Really the best thing to do is see what other people are doing and see what you can build from what you have. That and just trial and error.

Do a best of 3 and fix your deck up a bit afterwards. When you build your deck, lay out cards by manacost to help build your curve.

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Standard is limited to the core set and whatever is out for the current block (3 sets to a block).

Ex. Alara is made up of Shards of Alara, Conflux, and Alara Reborn. When it started, you played with Shards of Alara cards, then added Conflux as it was released and so on.

Extended is you can use any cards from whenever (some limits and restrictions apply because a lot of earlier cards are OP in combination with newer cards, which tend to be far more balanced)

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You want about 24 Lands. 4 shocklands, and 4 scry lands., leaving about 8 Mountains and 8 Swamps. 20 Lands is never enough. Also, as said, trying to mix mill and aggro is a road to a quick death.

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I got out of magic partially because Mael left, everyone I played after he left were either Way above my skill level or way below... Also, mtG is expensive yo

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I got out of magic partially because Mael left, everyone I played after he left were either Way above my skill level or way below... Also, mtG is expensive yo

No, it's really not. People just think it is. Plus they spend tons buying boosters instead of just paying a pittance for the card online. Or winning tournaments and getting boosters that way.

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I used to go to card shops and buy cards, I hardly ever bought boosters.

Why buy 3 boosters to maybe get a card I want or need when I could pay that much to get the card immidiately for lesser value

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