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what pokemon would you hate to see in real life?


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All of the ratta and magikarp jokes I have jinx is the Pokemon I hope never becomes real just because of what it did to Brock theirs a fine line between kissing and trying to suck someones face off

That was so nasty when I was a kid

Edited by blazenx56
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  On 3/25/2014 at 3:33 PM, blazenx56 said:

All of the ratta and magikarp jokes I have jinx is the Pokemon I hope never becomes real just because of what it did to Brock theirs a fine line between kissing and trying to suck someones face off

That was so nasty when I was a kid

Nicki Minaj 'nuff said

As for which i wouldn't like to see, probably Swirlix, cuz id have to commit poke murder and eat it.

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  On 3/25/2014 at 4:12 PM, Tempest said:

Absol. Because disaister will befall you.

Actually the theory was that Absol does not cause the disasters but show up when they're about to happen, so regardless whether they're there or not the disaster would still happen and seeing them would just be a warning of what's to come.

Mine would be Banette cause that would mean that one of my old toys came to life as a pokemon and has come after me....and trust me I have many old neglected toys...

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  On 3/25/2014 at 5:23 PM, Shadow Walker said:

Actually the theory was that Absol does not cause the disasters but show up when they're about to happen, so regardless whether they're there or not the disaster would still happen and seeing them would just be a warning of what's to come.

Mine would be Banette cause that would mean that one of my old toys came to life as a pokemon and has come after me....and trust me I have many old neglected toys...

I know that, but it means a disaister is coming.

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Guest Tsurisma

A wild Rapidash appeared!

Dunno about others but, something about a burning horse galloping towards you at bullet train speed in the middle of the night just doesn't sit well with me...

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I'd say pretty much all the pokemons... Cmon, just think a little:

You see a spider in real life - Damn those spiders, i'm going to hit it/Scream/Burn my house...

Now, imagine: Oh look, a Galvantula in my bathroom... Not only it's a giant spider, but it can also shoot Thunders at will...

All the pokemons are scary...

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  On 3/29/2014 at 1:59 AM, Vinny953 said:
All the pokemons are scary...

I do not find all pokemon scary. Some of them are harmless and small. If you have lived with them for years, it wouldn't be scary at all...

I hate Whismur. It looks like a plushie with akward eyes.

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Ugly and disgusting pokemons, mostly from poison pokemons like Muk and Garbrador. The toxicity level they possess simply incites my hate towards them, but however I like them when they're not real, don't mind using them for battle.

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  On 3/29/2014 at 1:20 AM, Tsurisma said:

A wild Rapidash appeared!

Dunno about others but, something about a burning horse galloping towards you at bullet train speed in the middle of the night just doesn't sit well with me...



I swear I remember this scene too.

A pokemon I'd hate to see in reality? Food-based Pokemon COUGH SWIRLIX. I'm very gluttonous and PETA will probably be on my ass.

Edited by Slicster
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Gyarados and Tyranitar, simply because they´d run amok everywhere when they´re pissed off :o

I´d also hate to see Shedinja, because if it turns around and I look into the hole on it´s back I´ll lose my soul >_>

  On 3/25/2014 at 4:11 PM, Azery123 said:

as much as i love ditto i would hate to see it in real life

here is why you never know who you friend is are they ditto or not

Who knows? Maybe you are a Ditto? What if I am a Ditto and I don´t even know? ^^"

I´d also hate to encounter most ghost-type pokemon in real life. I mean I like them all, Ghost is one of my favorite types, but their pokedex-entries make me believe it wouldn´t be best for me to see one if I don´t have anything to defend myself with ^^"

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Well, I'd probably be out and about, traveling and being a man, and I'd see a Beedril. Little fun fact, Beedril are 3 foot tall BEES.

So yeah, there's that. Also wouldn't wanna be near any Grimer or Muk. I like being clean and prefeably not being full of toxins.

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Continuing from my previous post the pokemon i would hate seeing now would be hydreigon because this thing is called the BRUTAL pokemon a savage like pokemon that Destroys and murders whatever is in its path meaning it will kill you mercilessly

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I would hate to see anyone in the Chandelure line exist. Dying a gruesome death is one thing, but Chandelure waits at the bedside of the dying and absorbs their souls into it's lantern and uses it as fuel (I wonder if Thresh was inspired by him at all haha). That essentially means that you were denied whatever afterlife you may have had in store. They ERASE you from existence.

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Jigglypuff, because the way it is in the anime. I don't want my face to be drawn if Jigglypuff's singing makes me fall asleep, and after I saw the Smosh's parody of Jigglypuff I was really scared of Jigglypuff ._.

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