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A wild Gator appeared!


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As no doubt all of us have noticed.

Brief explanation of what went down-- basically, as a site we were using too many of our hosts' resources and so they had to suspend us for a bit while we flipped some scripts around to make the site a bit more efficient. If we're lucky, this will also stop the 500 errors that we were getting but as of now it's not 100% certain that we're out of the woods. The settings I changed appear to have made the difference but there isn't really a way to test except for letting the traffic roll in again.

Tl;dr more errors might happen just be ready for that. Or they might not!

On a more positive note, the recent discussions about tier changes have been implemented on the server. I think there are still a couple of kinks to work out with it, but following this we're going to start sectioning out lower tiers for 6th gen and after some settling time may look at Blaziken for suspect.

For everyone's reference, these are the changes that were applied.

Ubers -> OU

OU -> Ubers
Mega Kangaskhan
Mega Gengar
Mega Blaziken
Mega Lucario

And if we find that stuff doesn't work out, it can always be reversed, so no need to get in a tizzy about it~

Tizzy. That's a fun word. You know what else is fun? Spontaneously ending announcements bye!

Hi there, it's Kiozo coming in to add some stuff! Ame gave me permissions to spontaneously add <3

Anywho, for a little while now, I wanted to do three things. I'm only going to hint at what's to come, and we'll see how they develop. At least you know, so if we run into Host vs Process issues again, you know we do have things in development even while this is down!

First, I'd like to address our CAP system. CAP stands for Create-A-Pokémon, and for those of you that don't know, it basically results in us adding a Pokémon that is community created for the benefit of using alongside the awesome battling environment that has developed from Gamefreak's work.

  • This isn't going to be an easy or fast journey. I will be making this organized to prevent issues from happening like before, in which there was a complete disorganization and it resulted in nothing getting complete because there was nothing to follow.
  • There isn't going to be an overpowered idea in this. If something is meant to specifically not be in Ubers, we'll see that it's power curve will be adjusted. This is not Gamefreak's truth, and I'm not afraid to adjust accordingly. If there is something meant to just be in Ubers for whatever reason (Overpowered Poison Legendary, Aya?) Then we definitely will attend to that idea!
  • Speaking of ideas, there will be someone being a general head of the projects in order to see it out. Don't get all crazy, this is going to be taken very seriously and as such, won't be distributed randomly per project. It's to make sure we stay on topic, so it's not all fun and games. Remember, it's a community thing! One person won't decide everything, but we definitely need regulations.
  • We'll use a voting system to make sure that the most heavily favored aspect of this is carried out. It might not be streamlined or might need multiple votes, but it'll be much better.

So in short on that subject, I wish to make our CAP attempts into an actual system. I suggest that any and all spriters practice up, as we'll definitely appreciate the additional help!

Second, I wish to address the general battling aspect that we have here. We don't really have anything non-league based. Kamina took over the Theme Tournaments from me when I was computer-less, so I appreciate that and basically trust that it's running fine! As such, I'd like to make some more things happen. I have a couple of ideas, but nothing hashed out.

  • I'd like to hash out something that incorporates non-linear gameplay from PO. This means, not a huge focus on Overused, or League style tiering. (League style if you don't know, is basically don't use legends or megas. X-League allows one legend or mega.)
  • There's a possibility of developing things that will rotate between tiers, or things that involve running battles in a specific tier and developing that.
  • There is also a possibility of running a team based event as well. I'm specifically not using the term "clan" for a reason; so if you're anti-clan, don't panic. I don't even have one! It'd promote people working together for the greater good, so that'd be awesome to bring us closer together!

That's a general look at what I'm thinking about in that dimension. Nothing's decided yet, but do know that I'm looking at long term events. We can make an easy tournament in a heartbeat on the server. I would like something that people can look back on in Reborn's history and go "yeah, I was a part of that!". That'd reflect well!

Third, I'd like to throw some heads around. Particularly tier wise. Now, first I'd like to recognize and not inhibit the standard tiering that's been going on. It's a definite step in the right direction and I'll see about helping out in that regard as well. On the other hand, I'd also like to recognize the Fight Club addition. I'm glad to see people trying to develop new things, and I'm happy to see people getting involved!

  • I'd also like to add to it though. For fifth gen, I had a NFE tier being developed. With my pc going down, and my in progress tier list not having been retrievable by the one person I did share it with, that didn't ever happen. I apologize for that. However, I do wish to develop one for this gen. More notably, a parallel to the format of standard 6th Gen. This includes higher and lower tiers, and hopefully we'll see those in use somehow.
  • I also have a larger project in the works. It's yet to be started, but will be accomplished. Basically, it's guaranteed to knock your heads off your shoulders! It is tier based, so there is that. I'll be referencing a lot of help from certain factors, and given this list of tasks I wish to do, it might not be immediate. But it will be new, fun, and I'm certain you'll enjoy it! Unfortunately, I can't reveal anything just yet. Stay tuned and I'm sure you'll enjoy what you hear!

So this is my task list I've been meaning to accomplish. I came up with some of this recently, but since I have been sick and the forums been down, I haven't been able to or motivated to start it. Since these things are past, I can and will start moving forward. I hope you all enjoy what you hear, and I hope to see you looking into these tasks as they materialize into actual engaging events! Thanks for tuning in, and thanks Ame for letting me type way too much and hijacking your post <3!

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You can automatically set it to default you to that. When you load, it has you define what gen. Type 6G Overused. You should see it pop up as an option. It'll remember this option even if you need to reload that team.

Wifi Clause? I'd rather not know what's coming and have people know what's coming. I feel it adds another dynamic to making intelligent choices and also is more similar to the original way Pokémon used to be played. If it's default, I probably will stop trying to re-enter battling.

Glad to see the tier list changes in effect. I'll toss around some of the new OU ideas to see what's what.

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Ohh. Gator. How I hate you now.

Anyways, I'm just glad to see the website back. Reborn is back at full strength.

Nothing about Fight Club!?

Amethyst probobly doesn't even know about Fight Club yet. Also, wooooooo!~~~ Time for leagueing. Ty for fixing the site Ame.

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Ohh. Gator. How I hate you now.

Anyways, I'm just glad to see the website back. Reborn is back at full strength.

Nothing about Fight Club!?

My thoughts exactly. Though somewhat less prolific

And yes, Fight Club ^^

I especially like the idea of a team based event, Kio. And I'd also be happy to assist if you need anything with organizing and stuff (not that I expect you do, but I always like to offer)

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After reading the edited OP, I want to strongly object to any form of CAP system...Not that I think this objection will help...

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After reading the edited OP, I want to strongly object to any form of CAP system...Not that I think this objection will help...

I agree, This seems like it could lead to a complicated mess.

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After reading the edited OP, I want to strongly object to any form of CAP system...Not that I think this objection will help...

I agree, This seems like it could lead to a complicated mess.

If you explained why, it might; in its present state that objection is pretty unhelpful, yeah.

Kiozo directly said that it will be taken seriously and I'm sure he has ideas to keep it from becoming a complicated mess, which is more than we can say for the last times we tried it.

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Well, the amount of people that would agree to CAPs being used against them would probobly be low (after a couple of novelty matches), he implied that they might be used in Leauge (cause of mentioning Aya and an OP Poison legend) which kinda defeats the whole point. I have other complaints as well, but I don't have time to type them out right now.

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I especially like the idea of a team based event, Kio. And I'd also be happy to assist if you need anything with organizing and stuff (not that I expect you do, but I always like to offer)

I'm glad to hear that you're interested in both what's to come and how to help, and I'll keep it in mind! ^^ I'm not sure how many people I will have/need for this, acknowledging that Swimming and/or Nyu would be useful but outside of that it depends on how I'm handling it. I'll be vocal if/when I need help!

Also, I thought I made 6G OverUsed the default... at least that is what it was when I tested it recently.

Lately, it's been setting it to inverted. Not sure why. Better than CC? ><;

If you explained why, it might; in its present state that objection is pretty unhelpful, yeah.

Kiozo directly said that it will be taken seriously and I'm sure he has ideas to keep it from becoming a complicated mess, which is more than we can say for the last times we tried it.

I do! The last few times were complicated, although I don't want to call them a mess per say, but yeah. It worked for the first one but not the second. So I have knowledge of what didn't work and can help that not be an issue! I suppose that would be something you'd have to have participated in or witnessed to know more about though.

Well, the amount of people that would agree to CAPs being used against them would probably be low (after a couple of novelty matches), he implied that they might be used in League (cause of mentioning Aya and an OP Poison legend) which kinda defeats the whole point. I have other complaints as well, but I don't have time to type them out right now.

First to clarify, the Strong Legendary Poison type was in reference to the fact that Aya just doesn't have an actual Legend that is usable really. Not looking at Arceus. I meant it as a joke, and I don't have any hold over league minus maybe an opinion or something. Nothing I do with CAP would influence it, in any way. I promise you that.

Second, if a CAP was used, it would be used within it's specific environment. Much like an Uber being regarded to an Uber tier only, you can do the exact same thing with CAPs. These actually have had good impacts in other places, and people used to be pretty interested about the idea. But that is just it; 6G Overused will stay within Gamefreak's Pokémon set. Just like League, there will be a separation of CAP and what you have to work with now; it's going to be an addition, not a change, if you could think about it that way.

The idea of CAP isn't to create a novelty. It's to create something that feels truly unique and capable of doing something that is otherwise unachievable. On top of that, it also is to create something by the community for the community. When you add those aspects, people like using them and facing them, and unlike the current Pokémon, we can edit these to feel just right. There will be testing phases introduced to make sure everything is able to fit in properly while still standing out. I mean, heck. You have multiple people who met and came here from a CAP server...that has to mean something right? ^^

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Ewwww... wifi clause

Also, I thought I made 6G OverUsed the default... at least that is what it was when I tested it recently.

Lastly, it is surprisingly easy for me to make tiers. If you have any good ideas for tiers or scripting things, please PM me

Damnit Swimming. Don't take the tier thing from me. :P

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I'm glad to hear that you're interested in both what's to come and how to help, and I'll keep it in mind! ^^ I'm not sure how many people I will have/need for this, acknowledging that Swimming and/or Nyu would be useful but outside of that it depends on how I'm handling it. I'll be vocal if/when I need help!

I shall be listening, just in case ^^

On CAPs. I think having a system for doing it is a positive thing. It will help keep things organized, as long as it's not overly complex

I like the idea of having them have their separate area to be used, because having them in everyday battles feels sorta cheaty? IDK, I'm just uncomfortable with the concept. I wouldn't mind them in league, but I'd rather not

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Really looking forward to seeing a CAP project pan out. I'm in favour of CAP having its own tiers because I have to admit the Smogon method of having a testing phase as well as free for all CAP environment is pretty cool. Just concerned though that whatever we create will wind up in the Reborn game to screw us over when we least expect it hahaha

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Glad there's some positive responses coming in! I did address the separation in the previous post because I believe it's best, so yeah. I don't ever foresee anything entering League or the Reborn Game, or anything, but that's honestly not my call :P.

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