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Stuff I've noticed + queries + AWESOME Soundtrack!!!


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So I've been playing reborn for about a month.. In game I am on my way to azurine island.. I have already come across 7-8 shiny pokemon.. In regular poke games I come across 1 or 2 by the time i get 4 badges.. Is this normal or am i lucky?? And is it possible to get shiny pokemon from events??

I want them SHINIES...

I also wanted to know how to use the hammer while mining?? i can only use the pickaxe.. if i press enter or z then it strikes and x quits.. same with escape.. Someone please help...

Another thing.. Being confused my pokes hit themselves 3/4 times.. maybe even more... Is this a change in the design of the move??

P.S... Love the soundtrack Amethyst!! Thanks a lot for the tunes!!! To everybody who contributed to it.. :D:D:D:D

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The Shiny rate in Reborn is increased to about 1.07%. Events can also have shiny pokemon, but you will have to reset a lot.

I don't know anything about the hammer either, but maybe someone else does.

For confusion: i guess it's Ame making the game even harder for us...

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Ya i just saw that there is an increased shiny rate.. and it seems my pokes were unlucky at that time.. the next battle they didnt hit themselves even once.. so i guess it was just random luck..

Anyways thanks people!!

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The shiny rate in reborn is way higher but I would also like to say your extremely lucky if you run into like 2 shinies by the 4th gym each playthrough of the main series games.

I have played pokemon since gen 1 and played through all the games countless times and I mean countless times (I love pokemon too much) and have only ever ran into 4 shinies in playthroughs and 3 of those were in X and Y... I have breed for shinies but that's completely different and I don't even have that much luck there tbh.

Edited by GottaLoveShuckle
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Confusion rate hasn't been changed

With the hammer, can anyone confirm if it's possible to switch without also 'using' it at the same time? I don't know that I failed to account for it, but now that I'm thinking about it I might have derped it up with the control change.

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With the hammer, can anyone confirm if it's possible to switch without also 'using' it at the same time? I don't know that I failed to account for it, but now that I'm thinking about it I might have derped it up with the control change.

Tested... Everything looks fine to me...

EDIT: Yep, everything is fine...

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