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  On 8/5/2014 at 1:26 PM, Pineapple said:

The leveling things would make...Shadow lv 17, as it already was, and Buddy lv 19. That means the Drilbur I will catch will be lv 17. Hey, I'm not going to catch a wild Pokemon that is higher leveled than the ones I already have.

alright, that's your choice then.

I do believe... that I'm going to have Erick catch a Magickarp. at level 20. :]

it'll make for some interesting things later on... especially when he finds out how utterly useless it actually is...

I don't know what Surge is going to catch. or what Enyo is... seeing as she has no GAOs right now. or perhaps I'll simply make her... disappear...again.

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  On 8/5/2014 at 1:47 PM, Stratos said:

alright, that's your choice then.

I do believe... that I'm going to have Erick catch a Magickarp. at level 20. :]

it'll make for some interesting things later on... especially when he finds out how utterly useless it actually is...

I don't know what Surge is going to catch. or what Enyo is... seeing as she has no GAOs right now. or perhaps I'll simply make her... disappear...again.

> at level 20

>> Magikarp evolves at 20

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  On 8/5/2014 at 2:28 PM, Chimchain said:

Meh I don't know what I want as a GAO. Any suggestions?

Maybe Logan should get something Medicaly inclined...

Like a Chansey perhaps? maybe a Milktank?

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From Balbapedia:

It is said that Meganium's petals can release an aroma that can soothe anyone that comes in contact with it and can calm aggressive feelings, and its breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. Its powerful and soothing regenerative powers can even come about by being around it, giving those who stand near the impression of being in a clean and lush forest. Meganium tend to be a very docile species and has been portrayed as a peacemaker in the anime. Meganium can rarely be found living in grasslands.

Honestly, I think a Chikorita would be a good next partner for Logan.

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I was planning on Catching a Cyndaqil at some point, and since Chikorita and Cyndaquil share the same Habitat, it would be a good opportunity for me to Catch one. after all, Bulbapedia has this to say on the matter:

"Though rare in the wild, few can be found living on grasslands."

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Ethic, what do you mean, exactly, by "For Now"? if that means that Gen VI pokemon will become available at some point, I'll wait for then before i Evolve Eve. (Yup, you know what i mean!)

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  On 8/5/2014 at 3:41 PM, K_H said:

Ethic, what do you mean, exactly, by "For Now"? if that means that Gen VI pokemon will become available at some point, I'll wait for then before i Evolve Eve. (Yup, you know what i mean!)

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at this point I've decided that sixth generation will be included eventually. for now, the only thing from GenVI in this story is the existence of the 18th type, Fairy.

That said, however, you will not find any Pokemon introduced in Generation VI in the wilderness of North or South America. unlike pokemon from the previous generations, Gen VI mons are currently only found on the European continent and certain parts of the Mediterranean coast of Africa.

so there'll be no encounters with them possible in the forest.

Regarding the Fairy types, however, any pokemon that was introed before VI but was given a change to fairy will have that change still be valid in their typing, and they will be available to encounter outside of the European continent


Mons that received the change:

(Changed to Pure Fairy type)

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(Changed to Partial Fairy Type:)

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So yay. We got Fairies now. (and Fairy typed moves) maybe now some more Thoughts will be made when someone is thinking about getting a dragon type.

as for the request for more capsule

I'm Afraid three is all the empty capsules you all get for now. It's not negotiable.

and you won't need four capsules anyway, Kenny, because I'm going to limit you all to obtaining only one new partner in this capture quest, you can only choose one to take a slot in your party. however, that said, I've something related to the plot planned that involves Surge, Ray, Erick and Enyo catching multiple GAOs. (Surge and Ray both have only one partner right now and will need two more in the future to balance it out. Erick will only be keeping a single GAO that he captures and will give the other he obtains away. Enyo has no party right now and will be given a newly captured mon to use to acquire replacements by Erick.)

anyways, yeah, you only get three capsules. only one new partner can be obtained since you all already have two on your teams.

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  On 8/5/2014 at 3:12 PM, K_H said:

I was planning on Catching a Cyndaqil at some point, and since Chikorita and Cyndaquil share the same Habitat, it would be a good opportunity for me to Catch one. after all, Bulbapedia has this to say on the matter:

"Though rare in the wild, few can be found living on grasslands."

Dang, that's my favorite mon. ^_^

Oh well. As I said much, much earlier in the OOC, I was thinking of perhaps catching a ghost Pokemon, namely Gastly. Would it be possible to find one where we're going? If not, I'll probably go for Aron or Larvitar.

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  On 8/5/2014 at 7:13 PM, Flux said:

Dang, that's my favorite mon. ^_^

Oh well. As I said much, much earlier in the OOC, I was thinking of perhaps catching a ghost Pokemon, namely Gastly. Would it be possible to find one where we're going? If not, I'll probably go for Aron or Larvitar.

Gastly would be fine. you'll find an entrance to an underground cave system somewhere in Bexly forest where there might be a few.

Guess I need to draft a map now... make sure that peeps don't go getting lost.

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OK, then, Nevermind about my Catching another Eevee, and we can forget about my Catching a Cyndaquil and an Oshawott for now, but I will be getting those two later on in this RP. By the way, Ethic, I noticed Megas in that List of Changed Partial Fairy Types. Does that have any significance?

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Ethic, i'd like it if Ryu Senses the Emolga in the Tree, and tries to warn Kenny of it by trying to tell Clemont Telepathically. But Ryu Wouldn't succeed, and Kenny would get hit by the Emolga in the back when it Overshoots Ryu in its Glide from the Tree. Clemont wouldn't get the Message that Ryu sends, because Ryu hasn't evolved yet, which is when we agreed that Ryu would be able to speak Telepathically. Perhaps Clemont could be slightly surprised by this, and Clemont could inform Oak about it. Clemont would recieve a very garbled Message from Ryu, one that Clemont wouldn't understand at all, Clemont would only know that it was Ryu trying to tell him something.

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Let's just clean this up a bit because it's looking a bit jumpy and ha a lot of unnecessary occurrences in my opinion...

If Ryu is trying to warn Kenny about it, then why would he try to communicate via Clemont instead of trying to directly warn kenny with attempted telepathy?

during this outing, you all will be split up individually in the forest, with Clemont staying by the gates tracking all of your locations and looking in on you all. so yeah, the situation wouldn't be able to work out as you suggested above. Kenny and Ryu will be on their own out there, as will everyone else. (You all can still have encounters with each other and battles and whatnot if you so please, but you'd have to run into each other in the other first)

now let's cut some parts and simplify it:

just have it try warn kenny with telepathy, then have it so that Kenny fails to be able to understand the message due to Ryu's inexperience and being unevloved and have Kenny be subsequently struck by the emolga as it overshoots it's intended target, ryu.

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I still want Clint to catch a Jigglypuff.

Also, will our cadets recognize/know of some of the more common pokemon in the forest? They've been on base for 6 months or so now and since just about everyone on base has GAOs, most of the more common ones would be at least recognizable to the cadets.

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I'm just going to give my opinion at this, if you don't mind. It would be pretty logical that we know what a Pidgey or a Wurmple is, for example, but not a Drilbur, a Gastly, a Chikorita or other slightly more rare Pokemon. Mind you, this is only my opinion, and Stratos has to be the one to decide what happens.

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yeah, being in the camp for a while seems logical enough to be able to identify which pokes are common. maybe we'll be given a pokedex? and hell naw im not catching a pidgey with my remaining pokeball.

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