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  On 8/10/2014 at 8:48 AM, Chimchain said:

I think I might take you up on that offer.

Btw Stratos, you said we could capture our enemies GAO's in the future, but would they do the same to us? Because I'm considering letting Crush betray Logan.

  On 8/10/2014 at 12:05 PM, Pineapple said:

If it is legit to do this, I would like to do something alike as well... However, I'm not going to make a post yet before Stratos approves.

That's actually a good question...

I suppose that the Russian would be able to have developed "Capture-able" Capsules just like America has, especially seeing as how they had their mutation outbreak earlier than north america did, and They have had a program running for almost twice as long as America has. (When Japan fell, The US wasn't the only one to continue the EtM research... Russia did as well, amoung other nations...)

I hadn't really had enemies capturing your GAOs in mind when I said that earlier, because for one, I'll be controlling the enemies mostly, so for me to use them to take away your mons would honestly feel like an abuse of power on my part.

But I mean, If you actually want it to happen... then Yeah I guess, we can talk about it...

Also, just a note. when you capture an Enemy GAO, you will have to overcome the loyalty factor before it will obey you, as in you must break the loyalty it already has to it's former master. in a trade, this wouldn't be nessacary so long as you exude enough strength and confidence (Which people will later come to veiw as simply having a certain number of gym badges, but it really lies in the person) in order to get the new member to form a grudging trust in you. but this aint a trade, you'll be stealing these mons from their handlers in the heat of battle, and they'll probably still be a bit fiesty for a while afterwards.

Erick, or anyone else with Psychically-inclined GAOs, but Erick especially, since the entire Gardevoir Line has a knack with emotions, would be able to do this rather easily simply by having Genisa poke around in the mons mind and manipulate a few emotions here and there in a few memories in order to make them look back at their former master and feel nothing but hatred for them... for anyone without a Pokemon capable of Emotional manipulation like the Gardevoir line is, then it'll take time for them to break the stolen pokemon down and build it back up in terms of loyalty.

(And no, no one is catching a Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir, so don't even ask me...just one on the team is going to prove more than sufficient)

This said though, the Enemy would also have to overcome the loyalty factor. so Crush really wouldn't readily betray Logan upon being captured by a Tango unless they start moving apart early on... like starting now.

((Erick might or might not help you get over the loyalty. it depends on if you ask him and also on the overall situation.))

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Actually, I was mostly talking about this:

  On 8/10/2014 at 8:24 AM, Jory said:

I had planned to do a second part of my post that should provide a nice chunk of XP. If anyone would like to participate, just post that you found me before I post again.

Is that alright to do?

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  On 8/10/2014 at 1:33 PM, Pineapple said:

Actually, I was mostly talking about this:

Is that alright to do?

oh, that's what you were talking about.

Yeah, go ahead, like I said, feel free to battle and shit while you're out there. just don't binge EXP to make your Mon's levels skyrocket. there's a maximum 3level limit per battle, and in every battle, you're not guaranteed to get 3. but you all know this already, so I'll save my lecture on being responsible about this and let you get to it.

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I'm posting from the car on the way to a water park. I should have time to post tn. Just waiting on confirmation from Ethic and anyone else who wants in. Keep in mind that the size of the next encounter is subject to adjustment based on the number of people involved.

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I gave the green light for it, Jory.

I'll leave you in charge of the situation, but just know that I reserve the power to intervene and take control of the encounter at any time as host if I see something wrong.

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Just thinking aloud here...

I might have the US start regarding Psychic-typed pokemon capable of direct human communication as being eligible for actual rank and authority in the Armed forces...it would make sense...

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I'm still going to make my Slowpoke evolve into Slowbro lol. And also, to have four people battle that thing, it would have to be pretty overpowered as hell at this point. We could also have two separate encounters with wild Pokemon, like two people battle that Pokemon there, two battle another Pokemon in another place.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 1:28 PM, Stratos said:

This said though, the Enemy would also have to overcome the loyalty factor. so Crush really wouldn't readily betray Logan upon being captured by a Tango unless they start moving apart early on... like starting now.

That was what I intended. Crush and Logan see things differently. Logan is all about equal levels and safety amongst his GAO while Crush wants to be the strongest in the entire squad. It will take a while before it happens though.

I was thinking about using the levels of the entire squad. Right now Logan should have the lowest levels overall. (When it comes to starters anyway). Crush will experience this by either being unable to beat those he has an advantage over, or just not doing so well in terms of battle. He will also experience Ace getting stronger than him and Flora already showed she is more than he can handle. Crush will add some more losses, grow impatient and making mistakes which result in more losses and blaming Logan for it.

So I thought that if in the story Logan runs into an enemy he can't beat, Crush will join the enemy. If it doesn't happen, Crush might just walk away and find someone else in the base with high level GAO.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 2:49 PM, Chimchain said:

Right now Logan should have the lowest levels overall. (When it comes to starters anyway).

You sure? Lars' are pretty low themselves compared to the rest of the group... (Considering that they got no experience from the first chapter.) I'll have to look back and figure out what they are exactly though.

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I've been trying hard lately to get back into this RP. It was initially one of my favorites and I ended up slacking on it, but I'm glad to be back as a contributing member.

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This fight is designed to be medium to medium-high intensity. Stratos, please feel free to take control of the swarm of Beedrill as you see fit if you feel that I am not doing that difficulty justice.

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  On 8/10/2014 at 10:47 PM, Flux said:

You sure? Lars' are pretty low themselves compared to the rest of the group... (Considering that they got no experience from the first chapter.) I'll have to look back and figure out what they are exactly though.

I can be wrong, but I thought most would be around 21-22 with Clint's GAO and Genisa as the exceptions. Even if Lars' have the same levels as Logan's, Crush would focus on the strongest ones.

@Super: That's actually a great idea. I'll make a post later today.

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No, Jigglypuff is the only one out of the capsule, though if you bring up a battle, Clint will gladly oblige and bring Onix out. Though, Rocky is hurt from the Ursaring, but since Logan is team medic I figure he can fix him up.

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as the Group Medic for both humans and GAOs, Logan has been trained to have extensive knowledge of Berries available in the Bexley forest and their effects. so if he could find enough Sitrus/ Oran Berries, then he could grind them up to make a regenerative salve for Rocky's wounds. Maybe Chimchain will be nice enough to have Logan do so if Clint request it.

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Kenny's got one heckuva lot of Oran Berries in his Bag because Eve and Ryu kept on bringing him a few each week. He's also got a few Sitrus Berries because of the same reason, but he doesn't have a lot of those because he used most of them in Ft. Bexly when he distributed them among the Conscious GAOs during the Intermission of the Boss Battle, as well as using Eight of them to heal up his GAOs just after he Caught Emma. it's almost like there's a grove of Oran Trees and a grove of Sitrus Trees in Bexly Woods...

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Have the Trainer look at the Scanner, which'll automatically scan the Wild GAO.

[EDIT]: Emma knows Acrobatics because it makes sense for any Flying-Type GAO to be able to do that maneuver once they've learned how to fly (or in Emma's case, Glide).

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  On 8/11/2014 at 10:40 PM, Jory said:

How should I format a scanner reading on a wild pokemon?

Right now the Scanners only determine the level. they do this by sending a series of "Ticks" at the target GAO. these "Ticks" then bounce off the creature and return to the device. the number of these "Ticks" that return are inversely proportional to the level of the Pokemon. so for example, with each scan, the Scanner's on you wrist sends out 100 "ticks", now then, say your scanning a level 12 Eevee. the "Ticks" would hit it, and of the 100 that were sent, only 88 would echo back. the device takes the number of ticks sent and the number echoed back and uses this data to determine the level. it takes three seconds between the time the "ticks" are sent and return.

it's pretty simple algebra, really, here's a table to make things easier:

0 ticks returned= Level 100

10 ticks returned= Level 90

20 ticks returned= Level 80

30 ticks returned= Level 70

40 ticks returned= Level 60

and so on and so forth

when it completes the scan, the results would look like this on the screen:

"Growth: 59"

(after "Growth:", it'll say what the numeric value of the pokemon's level)

so yeah, that's how it should be formated.

In order to initiate a scan, you have to press and hold the button on the side for two seconds while aiming the face of the Scanner at the GAO in question.

I took the idea for "Ticks" from how "Chunks" work in Minecraft...

Moving on now, I'm debating whether I should have that spiritomb Erick just captured raise hell along with Enyo's Gyarados, or have it be obedient enough to him to the point where it will refrain from cuasing issues... though the latter seems alot more appropriate seeing as how Erick really doesn't allow a whole lot of non-sense/ challenging his authority on his team (Something which in a way, Enyo kinda does,). In other words, he's going to whip spiritomb into submission.

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