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  On 8/30/2014 at 6:17 AM, Supernovae said:

It's not that I don't trust her. It's just that, at this point, she's basically just a recurring character anyway. She already hasn't been present for any of the major plot points and I just don't feel like she has a great dynamic with anyone from the group.

I completely go with what Supernovae posted here.

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Alright, We shall name the team "Spark Alpha".

Now... to find a naming opportunity. The end of this chapter will do nicely (I've decided that if you all aren't gonna do this contest thing, then I'm just going to move the time forward to night and change the setting to the mess hall during dinner. That's where I intend to end this chapter, regardless of how long or short it is at this point. though we still have a little time before I decide to do that.)

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I think Kenny is eager to do that contest thing so it'll probably still happen. It just isn't something Logan would do after that entire Enyo/Erick situation.

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hey, i was planning on dropping out, but someone changed my mind, so i'm still up for the Contest. who am i to let a low point in a RP to change my stance on something?!

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I think Sid might just go at it (if needed), but to be honest, battling other cadets kinda grows weary on me. Lets see some battlefield action and things blowing up! like that articuno boss fight and fighting the real bad guys.

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  On 8/31/2014 at 3:13 PM, typhlosionrulez said:

I think Sid might just go at it (if needed), but to be honest, battling other cadets kinda grows weary on me. Lets see some battlefield action and things blowing up! like that articuno boss fight and fighting the real bad guys.

Be careful what ya wish for now...

I'll be giving that and then some to you all in the next chapter... you will probably hate Ditto with a fiery passion by the beginning of chapter four.

encase you haven't noticed, I have my own mechanics for how Dittos transform. they can do it perfectly from memory, as well as if given a sample of the targets DNA, and they can do it by touch or even just by seeing a photo of the target...

in other words, enjoy these nice matches against each other while you can, because things only get tougher from this point. Enemies will fight to kill. every time you throw out your GAOs, you will be engaging in a death match against your opponent. your skill and competence will decide whether your partners, or for some of you more sentimental characters at this point, your friends, live or die.

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  On 8/31/2014 at 3:25 PM, K_H said:

Of course, if one (or all) of the Cadets gets their hands on a Ditto, all heck might break loose...

Anyone asks, and they get to feel my wrath...

any request to get a ditto will be Vetoed every single time. no negotiation

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  On 8/31/2014 at 3:22 PM, Stratos said:

in other words, enjoy these nice matches against each other while you can, because things only get tougher from this point. Enemies will fight to kill. every time you throw out your GAOs, you will be engaging in a death match against your opponent. your skill and competence will decide whether your partners, or for some of you more sentimental characters at this point, your friends, live or die.

Why do I have the feeling that last sentence is meant for Logan? xD

Btw what happens if one of our GAO's die? Do we immediately get a new one or does that character has to fight with one less?

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If they die while your out in the field, You'll either have to catch a replacement there, or fight with one less party member.

up until this point in the story, if someone's GAO partner was killed during training/ on duty at Bexly, then they would be assigned a new one to replace it. But it won't be so for much longer. come time for the war and the Squads deployment, if your GAO dies in battle, you'll be the only one responsible for acquiring a new one to replace it. You can't exactly go running back to base like a child running to it's mother's skirts when you're hundreds of miles deep into Enemy held territory, and thousands of miles from home.

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Ok, just asking since we could be forced to do the mission with one GAO less. I imagine it isn't all that safe to catch a new one in enemy territory.

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There are a few perceptible inconsistencies with the nature of Kenny's question and the subject of Clint's answer, but i'm going to let you guys figure it out on your own!

(Here's a hint: Clint gave a little extra information that Kenny didn't inquire about...)

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  On 9/6/2014 at 2:36 PM, typhlosionrulez said:

I think Sid's horsea is ready to evolve now, its level 21 now (technically its 30 but as i recall you lower the cap by 17) so how do i evolve it into Kingdra? do i just give him the dragon scale or something?

What? I don't recall ever lowering the level for evolution for any species.

How you can evolve it into Kingdra is this:

First get it to level 30 and evolve to seadra.

Then level it to 40, at which point it will be able to evolve upon leveling up while holding the Dragon Scale.

That's what the evol for Kingdra is in this. (For every pokemon that evolves by trade, evolving them by doing so is still possible, but I have taken the liberty of giving them all a secondary method of Evolving that can be used as well... like the one I just detailed for Seadra to go to Kingdra.)

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  On 5/1/2014 at 1:20 AM, Stratos said:

He can be trained for it... but I don't exactly know how many opportunities to drive such a heavily armed vehicle will present themselves...

as for levels

I beleive that's about correct...

vicious- level 5 at start plus one victory at tier two intensity... approximately one level gained. ergo, Vicious is approximately level 6 currently

Smoke- level 5 at start plus no victory... still level five currently

Projected levels after Time-jump:

Vicious (Shinx, Male)- Lv.16 Evolution possible: Yes

Smoke (Horsea, Male) -Lv.15 Evolution possible: No... Approximate levels till evolution possible: 17

^ there... i feel like an archaeologist searching this in the early part of thread.

But im fine with evolution cap of lvl 30 for Seadra and 40 for Kingdra.

EDIT: Whoops i just misunderstood what you mean, you didn't lower the cap.. my bad. Seadra evolves at 32.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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