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Maybe we should consider to skip the contest? If you're only doing one battle at a time when there are 5(?) 6 (I forgot Sid) people remaining, it's going to take a looooong time before it's finished.

And I want to start the War Games

Edited by Chimchain
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alright then:

here are everyone's numbers: (Turns out it's gonna be between 10-15)

Murdoc: 11

Bibs: 15

Kenny: 12

Typlhosion: 13



And...GO! Random Number Generator, I choose you!!




Alright, here's the results. The settings were placed to generate a digit between 10-15, on a Cryptographic algorithim, I only generated the number once.

A screen shot to prove I am not biased:

  Reveal hidden contents

Kenny, congrats... you're the winner I guess.

so... you all gonna resolve this or should I just do it?

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Emolga 4 Ubers!

Btw Stratos, you said earlier Ralts evo line isn't allowed, but what about Gothitelle?

They can predict the future from the placement and movement of the stars. They can see Trainers' life spans.

That first part can be a bit OP in a war.

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Gothielle's line is fine.

and just to note, pretty much all psychic types can use telepathy to communicate, with these exceptions:

  • Unown
  • the Wynaut line
  • the spoink line
  • The chimecho line
  • the Munna line
  • The woobat line
  • Sigilyph
  • The entire Slowpoke line (except for Slowking, that one's justified for it)
  • The Exeggutor line
  • The Staryu line
  • Lunatone and Solrock
  • The Baltoy line
  • The bronzor line

God... I should really get around to editing a list of the RP's Mechanics into the OP...

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By the way folks, I actually meant that thing about finding the mechanics.

  On 9/9/2014 at 8:04 PM, Stratos said:

Alright... I'll get to making the timeskip, but I want someone to go and find all the Mechanics I've listed in this OCC so far and compile them into a list via copy and paste.

It takes a lot of work to manage this and PSS (well actually not that much for this... but it really does for PSS.) along with staying involved in other RPs.

so... anyone wanna be nice and lend a hand? if no one wants to, then I'll just get around to it eventually... but... ;-;

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Here's the Mechanics I could glean from the OOC thread:

No Chain-Bred Moves.

No Tutor Moves.

Rule 7

Rule 8

Pokemon don't have their typing altered while using Moves that would normally alter their Typing in the Games.

TMs/HMs must make sense for them to be in a Pokemon's Movepool.

Gen VI-introduced Items and Pokemon are unavailable until the Euro-Mediterranean Front, but Gen VI Movepools and Typings for Pre-Gen VI introduced Pokemon are allowed.

If anyone else wants to add to this list, feel free to do so.

Edited by K_H
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Allow me to quote myself:

  On 9/10/2014 at 9:05 PM, K_H said:

Gen VI Movepools and Typings for Pre-Gen VI introduced Pokemon are allowed.

Does that clear it up, Jory?

Edited by K_H
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