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So I came up with another justification for fighting types being at least neutral or better against dark types. Dark types are intrinsically sneaky, they rely on the failings of their opponents technique and cheap tactics. However a fighting type has been fighting for all of it's life, it knows all of the tricks that can be used on it and is therefore prepared for whatever the dark type will do. Basically, the dark type will be incapable of tricking or outmaneuvering the fighting type due to the extensive experience the fighting type has. Personally, with this explanation I think both fighting and dark should be generally not very effective against one another.

Another match up to discuss is dark vs. grass. Grass types are almost all plant-like in some way, meaning they likely rely on photosynthesis. Since we've described dark types as being able to remove light from an area it would make sense that dark type attacks would be GSE against grass types.

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I can see what you're talking about with the Grass VS Dark match up, and I guess the Fighting Type matchup Kinda makes sense in a way of natural Instinct and experience playing a factor... but I think the most fighting should be against Dark types, even with that justification, is neutral since it's justification before that GameFreak came up for it being SE was that it was "righteous" and Dark was "Evil, and literally nothing else besides that.

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When Attacking Dark:

Always Super Effective:

-Fairy (Because of their Photic Nature, the energy fields they generate will be able to counteract those of dark types, and also vica-versa. in a fight between the two, it'll be a complete powder keg.)


Generally Super Effective:

-Fire (Fire always Generates a considerable amount of light, but it is going to need to be a high amount in order to overcome the aphotic field Dark Types Generate. IE, gonna need a lot of it.)

-Electric (Same exact reasoning as Fire)

Generally Not Effective:

-Fighting (You can't easily hit what you can not first see/ locate with your eyes, now can you? but their will be some cases, like with a Lucario's aura sphere, in which this will be a very different story.)

Always Not Effective:





When Dark Attacks:

Always Super Effective:

-Fairy (For reason stated above, they'll collide and both be highly destructive to the other.)




Generally Super Effective:


Generally Not Effective:

-Fire (Reason stated above)

-Electric (Reason stated above)

Always Not Effective:


Allright, there's the updated list for Dark, now I'm going to have to call this Final at this point, this type has beaten to death.

Back to Dragons. Does anyone have a Type Match up chart they were thinking of, or should I myself draft up a sample one like I did with dark?

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What Murdoc posted earlier is a good place to start:

  On 11/29/2014 at 11:58 PM, King Murdoc said:

I actually had a few thoughts on Dragons. Being reptiles, most of the type chart makes sense already. Reptiles are found in every biome and climate, from the hottest desert to the rainforest to the ocean. The only places you don't really run into them are areas where it is inhospitably cold. As for why Electric types don't hit them effectively, I don't know. Perhaps their natural ability to absorb energy extends to electricity? Fairy being immune is just nonsensical, but I could see a resistance being justified somehow. On the offensive side, the energy a Fairy-type emits could just be incompatible with their biological systems, causing a sort of "energy poisoning."

I agree with this. Electric could be neutral unless we're going with them having a natural resistance against nature and the elements.

Also: RIP Spark Alpha. The mud rain killed everyone it seems.

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No it didn't, just haven't gotten around to updating. Sorry about that.

But it's gotten the commanding officer of the other squad so frustrated that he's just going to stand down now... because he realizes he's against the crazy people who kill "Giant Ice Chickens".

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Surge, if you take that Video to be true, everything would be Deadly to humans, and not at all cooperative with them. Ergo, Gamefreak used a bit of exaggeration in the Pokedex Entries, so we shouldn't really trust them all that much.

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  On 12/9/2014 at 7:06 PM, K_H said:

Surge, if you take that Video to be true, everything would be Deadly to humans, and not at all cooperative with them. Ergo, Gamefreak used a bit of exaggeration in the Pokedex Entries, so we shouldn't really trust them all that much.

That,,, actually is somewhat of a good point.

And surge isn't here anymore. He got called back to Fort Bexly.

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Squad profile- basic description

Hot Wasabi

CO: Lee Chang (E-5) age 30

Members: 10

Time since commissioned: several years


One of the oldest squads in the Genomic Weapon Corps, they were among the earliest test batch the majority of it's current members having been enlisted in the US army and then reassigned to the program. Despite their motley and unassuming looks, they are incredibly fierce in battle. Their commander, Lee Chang, is by all appearances just a medic, but he holds under his ownership two incredibly powerful specimens of the Species Blastoise and Torterra, both of which have been identified as Alpha Males of their kind. Though they are slow to get into rhythm in a fight, once their CO has had enough, the Alpha's come out and all hell is unleashed upon their enemies. They seem to hold an alliance with a "Commander Geo" whoever this officer might be...

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  On 12/10/2014 at 5:06 AM, King Murdoc said:

I just wanna point out that Nathan didn't kill the Staraptor, Crusader did. That's not the tactic that would have been chosen, but Crusader's quite proud of himself and does stupid things for his pride.

Yeah, like that's gonna matter to Rodriguez if he finds out that Nathan is the thing's handler. He's going to be coming for one of you tonight though, rest assured...

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I know we're on types and reworking the matchup tables right now and all, but just real quick, something that's been really bothering me.

Does anyone want to toss out the idea of "All pokemon Species produce Eggs?" Because honestly, it just seems fucking ridiculous to me that a clearly mammalian creature like a Flareon or a Tuaros or Pikachu, etc. would lay an egg instead of producing Offspring via Live Birth like Biology actually works.

Since we're trying to go for realism here... who's in favor of doing away with that notion and going back to allowing Live Births for certain species it would make more sense for? (Yes, I know this conflicts directly with what Ray said back in Chapter one about the matter, but I can always just go back and edit...)

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Strat, I completely agree with you on that matter. It would definitely apply to most of the GAOs in the "Field" and "Human-like" Egg Groups. Also, I think that Golett and Golurk should also not reproduce by using Eggs, but by making an actual new version in much the same way that the legends concerning the Golem-making process mention.

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Evolution as it exists right now also doesn't make sense. For a species like, say, Charmeleon, that undergoes a significant metamorphosis during evolution, it would make sense for it to be a sudden change, but species with less drastic changes (e.g. Treecko, Aron, Tyrunt lines) would probably just grow similarly to real animals.

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You guys are still in the city, and no, there's no one else down there because Surge and you all are crazy and think outside the box and everyone at Bexly knows that. Pretty much just no one else thought of taking the sewers over as a base of operations.

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Stratos, weren't we working on Revamping the Types?

Here's my reasoning behind Dragon being GSE against Dragon: Dragons are usually depicted as travelling alone, which leads one to think that they're Territorial. Thusly, a Dragon would evolve to do plenty of damage against another Dragon if it were to successfully hold its Territorial Claims on an Area.

(BTW, You forgot to put Water in the Typing List. just FYI. ;) )

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I'm not working on the Type-specific Charts, but i am working on an Overall Type Matchup Chart on Google Drive, located here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yXF5Zy6BQvP1Al2KY_xi4mwNFev-8V1c4NU9kjY257g/edit?usp=sharing

We'll fill in the Boxes with whatever Effectiveness applies as we get to the Types. I've filled in only those that i'm 100% sure about being logical, as well as the ones we agreed on. The Attacking Type is on the Vertical Axis, while the Defending Type is on the Horizontal Axis.

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