Sutoratosu Posted December 30, 2014 Author Share Posted December 30, 2014 Alright, so my interest in this has returned and I have resumed work in the background for developing the word and the story and what not, and we'll be getting an update soon with several cut aways in it; both on the base... and out in other places in the world, Talks about mechanics and such will resume momentarily... I have one question though, directed to Supernovae: Please tell me, what the hell is "Matter Energy Transference" exactly? I mean, aside from the obvious which the name suggests... what's an actual example of it? Apparently it has something to do with pokemon, but... I'm not entirely sure :/ Also... Let's continue talking about whether or not to have 'Evolution' be an actual default way that certain pokemon grow to adulthood/ Live Births versus Egg hatching for certain mamilian species, just to make sure no one has any objections to either... Also, there are going to be some changes around here regarding how I have the OP set up and organized, along with character profiles... but more on that will discussed later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supernovae Posted December 31, 2014 Share Posted December 31, 2014 So, if you're going by the creepy pasta post, what I think they mean by matter-energy transference machine, is a machine that can change matter into energy and energy into matter. This is an idea that came about with the founding of 'modern' physics (which is about 100 years old now.) The idea is that matter and energy are actually loosely related and that the universe has ways of converting one to the other. One such example you may be familiar with is nuclear fusion. The simplest and most important case of fusion is hydrogen fusion. In hydrogen fusion two hydrogen atoms, single proton atoms, collide and create a new helium atom, an atom with two protons. However if you look at your periodic table of elements you may notice that two hydrogen atoms have a greater atomic mass than one helium atom. Well, that extra mass is converted to what we call a photon (a massless, pure energy particle, responsible for light). The energy of a photon is easily calculated by one of the most famous equations in physics E=Mc^2. Basically you take that extra mass you had and multiply it by the speed of light squared and that's how much energy you have. And this is the process that fuels stars like our Sun across the universe with that slight drop in mass from hydrogen to helium we can create huge amounts of energy Another example that human beings can actually accomplish in a lab is pair production. Pair production goes the opposite way, where we can actually create matter from pure energy. I'm not sure of how the process actually works, but pair production is basically when you take a photon and 'break it apart' into two particles an electron and a positron (the anti-matter version of the electron, it's essentially an electron with negative mass and positive charge.) This means that there are ways to take raw energy and convert it into matter. What a lot of science fiction writers do is take these processes a step further and have us creating all sorts of things, like space-ships and food, directly from energy and then turning our waste right back into energy. While, there's nothing that says any of this is impossible at this point converting energy directly into anything other than elementary particles has no basis to it. However, that's why it's sci-fi right? So, while I wouldn't expect to see anything like this in reality I think it's all good and fine for our sci-fi story. But, how exactly does a matter-energy converter create pokemon? The only thing that comes to mind is that it would have to run on fusion (which has the highest energy yield known to physics). Since fusion is a highly violent process it wouldn't be absurd to think that accidents would happen, particularly in the early stages of its development. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted December 31, 2014 Author Share Posted December 31, 2014 Ah, I see... Here's what I have for how Pokemon and the pandemic and everything started: Reveal hidden contents February 11, 2030: First machine is tested successfully after over a hundred failed tests. Controversy over the destructive nature of the technology ignites. remember this from the time line in the OP? December 21, 2032: at 11:23 AM, Japanese time, A catastrophic incident with an energy-matter machine destroys the city of Hiroshima, in devastation not seen since the atomic bombs were dropped nearly 90 years prior. The Japanese National Research Complex, which lay beneath the city's deepest subterranean levels, is immediately evacuated after the blast, and all work being conducted there abandoned in order to be continued at other facilities with appropriate Research Back up logs... A strange energy signature is confirmed to be resonating for miles around the site of the blast. The Japanese National Research Complex. Run by the JNRD, or Japanese National Research Department. it extended for miles and miles beneath the city of Hiroshima, with several emergency exits leading into the wilderness around the city. It had several above ground facilities however, such as that which the MtE research was being conducted under supervision of Dr. Sato and his team. It is also within the JNRC in which several experimental Biological Weapons were being researched by NATO in the hopes of developing vaccines and neutralizing agents for their effects in the case of them ever being used against member states. One of the most prominent and best kept secrets of this program... was the existence of the weaponized Virus code named as The Dilapidation, which was genetically scripted to infiltrate cells and begin destroying the chemical bonds which held the Genetic Material within together, resulting in the infected's body literally being torn apart from the inside out. Research on this Virus had been ongoing for years in highly controlled environments within the laboratory, eventually with a counter acting Enzyme being engineered that was capable of not only halting the virus, but repairing the damage done. It was still very much in the early phases of development, however, and if an attack were to occur, the death toll wouldn't be lessened by it at all with how much work was still required on it. And on December 21, 2032, another trial run was being conducted using a specimen of human heart cells along side the Virus and it's neutralizing Enzyme... a trial which began at 11:00 AM Japanese Time... and was never finished due to evacuation and much of the facility being destroyed. The Delapidation was left sitting there in the ruined remains of the laboratory, left free to be exposed to the energy given off by the disaster with the MtE machines. It was not long after wards that mutations in the Viral code began to take place, as well as within the Enzymes code. The Delapidation became adaptable, unpredictable, and it was this adapatability which allowed it to completely over power the enzyme which was developed to stop it... but instead of merely destroying it out right, it absorbed several mutated genetic keys from it... keys which changed the Virus's overall behaviour... and this was the birth of the "Morpher Virus" as one might expect, it wasn't long before animals began to roam the city that humans had abandoned, and with several cave ins and collapsed street levels throughout it's reaches, access into the Labs areas were rather easy... and as it turns out, one of the Mutations the Virus had undergone was one giving it a greater infectability rate in animals than within humans... cue the rest of the time line. the Morpher Virus had a far higher death rate than it did a mutation rate, however. 90% of all those infected succumbed to the disease, with only 10% actually surviving the changes it made to their bodies and brains. The Virus hit the brain before any other organs or body parts, rewriting the neural structure and central nervous system, changing the overall chemistry and enhancing mental capacity in certain areas such as long and short term memory and communication and motor skills. In short, the Virus left those it infected as far more intelligent than they were before being affected. The "Infected" who were seen around Hiroshima, were in fact animals whom were undergoing this drastic mental change, noted for their rather strange behaviour compared to the norm of their species... and their vastly heightened intellect. It was after the Virus had altered the brain and nervous system that it went to work on the body and other organs, moving from cell to cell and rewriting the genetic code, forcing whatever changes it made to be accepted by the body with an anti-rejection enzyme, much like that which was developed to stop the Dilapidation. It was at this stage in which most of the infected died from the stress imposed on their biology however. Those that were strong enough to survive the changes go on to have their cells gradually accept the changes and replicate them on their own without issue. By the end of the infection, the survivors are left with often times new organs within their bodies and entirely different behavioural patterns, not to mention drastically altered physical appearances and bone structures. Entirely new biological systems support their basic functioning, systems thought to be impossible before hand, creatures able to breath fire via Flame Sacs which were filled with Helium and other such gases upon inhalation and then ignited as the gases were forced back out of the mouth. Creatures with organs which stored water within their bodies in reservoirs, or that drew moisture out of the air and condensed it using their minds and other specialized organelles... the list could go on and on. there is one change that is common among them all however... They're all far deadlier than animals ever were before. And they're all far smarter as well. So yeah, basically my explanation is that a Weaponized Virus designed to tear apart genetic material was mutated by the energy (Which I guess would make sense for it to be Nuclear fusion or something...) and ultimately became Morpher Virus. The drastic genetic and chemical changes it made in the infected bodies and brains led to new biologic systems and organs being developed by the victims of it's effects. It is these new organs, new bone structures, and drastically altered brain cells and neural pathway struction which ultimately explains why GAOs are capable of doing what they are. for the most part, the virus not only changed the brains capacity, but in fact unlocked far more than was being used prior to infection, granting access to certain areas, and with it, sometimes far greater abilities bordering on what was once thought of as science fiction (Think of a similiar concept to the film "Lucy" basically. Especially for psychic types.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 1, 2015 Author Share Posted January 1, 2015 I've edited the OP a bit. As you will notice, Surge is currently the only major character profile up there; that's because I'm reworking the format to be more like a Personnel dossier since overtime I've come to realize that the short character sheet style I had before simply isn't adequate enough for this story. And yes, PCs will be using these styles as well soon, however I'm going to finish updating the other Major Character Profiles before I ask you all to resubmit an up to date and up to standard PC sheet. anyway, feel free to tell me what you think about Surge's backstory now. EDIT: I've also gone through and put up some new mechanics, specifically regarding moves and what an "Alpha" is. read them, trust me, you're gonna want to especially for the latter one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted January 1, 2015 Share Posted January 1, 2015 The Politoad has Drought as an ability according to the OP xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 1, 2015 Author Share Posted January 1, 2015 Whoops... Lols XD meant to be drizzle, I'l go fix it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted January 1, 2015 Share Posted January 1, 2015 Strat, my Guess for what's going on with the Newly-captured GAO is Pokérus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 1, 2015 Author Share Posted January 1, 2015 Hmm... Someone said a word. Yes, it is indeed infected with pokerus... but unfortunately, pokerus does not exactly cause 'funny, near rabid like behvaiour' in the infected, and as such is not actually what is "wrong" with it. Challenge is still on, folks, and a little hint: it's not limited to a virus or disease. can be anything...anything at all so long as it makes some type of sense... and another hint; what's wrong with it is the result of a certain move which I have altered the effects of to make more sense in accordance to it's name sake... there are two answers which I am willing to accept... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
K_H Posted January 1, 2015 Share Posted January 1, 2015 My Guess is that the Move is either Attract or Charm! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 1, 2015 Author Share Posted January 1, 2015 Good try... but I am afraid you are still incorrect, my friend. Perhaps i will give nother hint once two more different people guess... EDIT: I also added in some music to the last update because... why not? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 Evolution makes sense for certain species that undergo drastic changes in their morphology, like most Bug-types and pseudo-legendaries, but simply growing like a normal organism makes sense for most of them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 (edited) I pressed post on accident while I was typing xD Attempt 2: The only move I can think of you changed is Beldum's Electroshock. You justified it by electro-magnetism or something like that. Thats the only guess I can come up with as I'm too lazy / dumb to figure something else out. Edited January 2, 2015 by Chimchain Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 Hint #3: Think about anger. think of it's synonyms. then thing of bug types or think of Neo (yes, from these forums, that Neo)... specifically what Neo is a master of... on a side note, about evolution, if we're going to change up how it's gonna work, someone or a group of someones is gonna have to think of some new mechanics for the relationship between childhood and adult forms for species who it would make more sense to simply grow into ((IE, in terms of how it works with leveling and everything like that since the current system is going to be rendered moot with this change)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 But in support of traditional (Pokemon game-like) evolution: Wouldn't it make sense that at a certain energy level the body could no longer contain that amount of energy, thus causing the Morpher virus / Morpher gene to react violently and resulting in an abrupt change in form to something larger and ostensibly more powerful? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 That's basically exactly how it was working before and everything... I don't know, i just started looking at them and over time thought it kinda rediculous that things like the Charmander Line or Bulbasuar line or squirtle line actually need evolution to reach adulthood... whether or not Evolution stays or goes though depends on how everyone feels about the matter; However, we WILL be instituting live births over eggs for mammalian species So yeah, I suggest if you haven't already, you give a thumbs up or thumbs down to Evolution staying like it is. but if you give it a thumbs down, come prepared with the mechanics to replace it, because I've honestly got nothing... and you have to admit that we would have to go and rework it;s relation ship with levels and everything... (So my vote is actually thumbs up to it staying the same... at least it is for now.) Current tally ((These are the people who I know have expressed their thoughts on the matter)) Keep it the way it is: 2 Stratos (Presumably) Jory Chagne it: 1 Murdoc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 I vote to keep it the way it is now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 Keep: 3 Change: 1 And FYI for everyone: Just because we decide to keep it the same for now DOES NOT mean that it will not be a discussion which will be revisited in the future, it might or might not be changed someday, what it would mean if we decide to keep it for now though is just that right now simply might not be the time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supernovae Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 Isn't there a way to incorporate both ideas into one? What if our pokemon, when they reach a certain age/maturity level, have their bodies shut down and sort of 'hibernate' to grow rapidly. We can determine a time period later (maybe a day, maybe a couple of hours, maybe a couple of days?) Our GAOs beforehand could start showing signs, such as eating heavily, before they're about to evolve to sort of give clues to us trainers. I think this idea gives us the best of both worlds, where we get to have that crazy evolution period where our GAO can undergo a large amount of change, but it'd still make at least some sense biologically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 Hell, let's just go with that then. All in favor of the compromise? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted January 2, 2015 Share Posted January 2, 2015 I'd be fine with that, I guess. Also, is the move that affected that GAO Fury Cutter? Or Rage Powder? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 Ermagahd! Flux said the magic word folks! You win, my friend. The two accepted words I would've taken were Swagger, or, as you guessed, Rage Powder. big round of applause for Flux, soldiers. Indeed, the move was Rage Powder. I altered it's mechanics so that instead of becoming a center of attention, it throws the target in a uncontrollable state of anger and causes it to lash out indiscriminately. It's like confusion, but instead of hurting itself, it will kill anything that moves! one of Your team members will be rewarded your random promotion to Alpha status momentarily. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 2, 2015 Author Share Posted January 2, 2015 Alright; Flux, the randomness has been decided. Your Ghastly is now officially "Alpha Status Confirmed" and has received a permanent 10% boost to all it's base stats. ((PS, this is what I used to decide it: EDIT: behold, chimchain! "Are you not entertained!?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted January 3, 2015 Share Posted January 3, 2015 Gimme! Btw what was the level cap again? I forgot... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 3, 2015 Author Share Posted January 3, 2015 It's 25 for wild GAOs, but since this one isn't wild and was instead owned by an abusive handler, it's at level 29. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted January 14, 2015 Author Share Posted January 14, 2015 Updates will be out sometime tommorow. Also, I've edited in two new sections to the OP The Trophy room, which will showcase all the dead legendaries you all have killed so far and the current date at the bottom of the post, which will as the name suggest, list the current date of the events in the story's time Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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