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What water type starter to pick?


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I recommend Piplup. It becomes a Water/Stel type which only has 3 weaknesses and has 88 base Defense and 101 base Sp.Def, so it's great tank material. It has a great Sp.Atk, but also a decent Attack and access to Swords Dance. It's move pool is kind of limited, though I've seen worse. It's served me VERY well.

I'm currently using Froakie/Frogadier/Greninja and must say it's decent, though Piplup/Prinplup/Empoleon is a better choice. Greninja is faster, but speed doesn't matter if you have great deffence and Empoleon has a better attack.

Good luck.

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I agree that Empoleon has some key resistances (Dat Steel...), but if you're a freak like me, pick any water starter, but not Piplup OR Mudkip... That's because you can get them later, so yeah...

Of course, it's goign to take A WHILE to get Mudkip, AND A LONG ASS TIME to get Piplup, but you can still get them...

I don't recommend it, but if you want Piplup, go for it... I prefer Froakie, but whatever...

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I agree that Empoleon has some key resistances (Dat Steel...), but if you're a freak like me, pick any water starter, but not Piplup OR Mudkip... That's because you can get them later, so yeah...

Of course, it's goign to take A WHILE to get Mudkip, AND A LONG ASS TIME to get Piplup, but you can still get them...

I don't recommend it, but if you want Piplup, go for it... I prefer Froakie, but whatever...

Vinny I think we are one and the same. I have 343/554 on my Pokedex. I'm trying to get every pokemon available lol.

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Water types! :D I suggest Mudkip or Piplup.

Mudkip because with Damp and the secondary ground type he gains, will be really helpful in the beginning. (If you get some other pokémon that cover the grass weakness, because you'll need it)

Piplup is pretty decent with the Steel typing it gets, but a lot depends on your other team members. (I usually end up with half my team weak to ground xD)

I chose Froakie, but I'm about to face Noël and I'm replacing him. Protean comes in handy, but personally I think Jolteon does the job better... Plus I have Gyarados (<3) and Gastrodon.

As for the others: Blastoise has a little more bulk, but doesn't get as much resistances as Empoleon, Feraligatr does the same job as Swampert and gets SD, Samurott is just.. meh

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Personally, I'd choose Froakie. Protean abuse is always great fun and you can change types depending on what move's about to hit you so that's always good fun too.

If not, I'd choose Mudkip, he may not get Waterfall without the HM but in my opinion he's better than a Scald-less Empoleon.

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Froakie. Sp. Attackers are difficult to train in Reborn. If you start with one and focus solely on Sp. Atk. EVs, then you're gonna have a good time. Because a majority of the Pokes in Reborn (that give good Exp) yield Atk. EVs. And Ninja Frog. Who wouldn't want it? Lastly, because Chespin is offered, it can be safe to assume that Froakie will not be and the only chance to get Froakie is at the beginning.

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Going to agree with everyone that's said Froakie- Protean is really as amazing as it sounds. Although I'm the sort who enjoys messing with her opponent's head, so...

Definitely keep in mind that Mudkip and Piplup are available later on (although significantly in Piplup's case) and take that into account, unless you'd rather have one at the start.

Also, I'd avoid Totodile. Over-all, it's one of my favourite starters, but its miserable lack of good Water moves (Water Gun until level 63 as a Feraligatr, yeah) really hold it back.

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