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thats the bigges tpile a bull ca ca i have ever fraking heard, if this game werent so good id never play it again because of that garbage

  On 3/31/2014 at 5:58 AM, Nova said:

Yeah, some gym leaders don't give you the badges. That's the mean side of Reborn. I suggest you stock up on Common Candies.

wonderfull now im having a hell of a time beating this poison chick aya because i cantget my pokemon any higher otherwise i have\ to use a common candy andsincethats not really

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  On 3/31/2014 at 6:58 AM, Gaunt said:

1) If you don't like this game why are you still playing it?

2) I think you should be more informative and less offensive in your posts

its not that dont like it, i like it alot, its everything i wanted out of a pokemon game, but this gym leaderi in particular with the constantsludge wave spamming hyper potion spamming, the fact that i cant get hyper potions to heal upmy pokemon more efficiently is getting under my skin and second were all adults here im not being mean to anyone im just expressing dismay and agitation at a ridiculously hard part of the game

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Well i lost to Aya many (many) times, i got past her only thanks to Gyarados (with Dragon Dance) and Gardevoir (with Psychic and Calm Mind) wich wasn't a Fairy at the time, maybe try some new Pokemon (steel for example is a good type against poison).

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Same as problem for me too but hey i'm still not giving up to find some solution for that problem , so i guess being trainer needs hardwork to make that solution complete :) .. so instead of laying your heads down , keep on doing it , till u success! Be like me ^_^ and have fun ..

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If you think not receiving a badge and beating Aya is hard... You're in for a ride in the future...

Get a Gyarados and a Good ground type... That should be enough, cuz it was for me ^^

And remember, if all fails: Go get a Forretress or something... dat steel...

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Why is Gyarados people solution people put forward to any battle people are having trouble with... :blink:

Anyway there's two really useful pokemon you can catch in the Byxbysion Wasteland (which is the wasteland the Gyms located in) that are extremely useful against Aya.

Spiritomb and Forretress

Spiritomb resist poison and can take most neutral hits rather well. Spiritomb gets Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater and Shadow Ball. Its move set allows it to put the enemies asleep then boost its special attack to +6 with Nasty Plot then heal with Dream Eater (which is super effective against poison) and use powerful STAB Shadow Balls when the enemies are awake. Forretress being a Steel type is immune to poison type attacks and works well beside Spiritomb because Spiritomb is a Ghost type meaning you can go boom with your Foretress and take out 2 enemies without worrying about taking out your own pokemon.

Anyways you catch Forretress pre evo in the wasteland by headbutting trees and you catch Spirtomb in the cavern underneath the wasteland however to battle it you need a Odd Keystone from mining rocks.

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Yeah i think Gyarados is useful in a speedy way , because some of Aya's Poison Pokemon team have lowest speed than Gyarados , but then use it properly so it can't be killed i think use it in half battle or in a last battle so it pretty sure that u will win from that battle , oh yeah need to find that gyarados in somewhere to get some badge from Aya :3 , so thnx to all who said gyarados can defeat aya's team ..

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  On 3/31/2014 at 1:37 PM, GottaLoveShuckle said:

Why is Gyarados people solution people put forward to any battle people are having trouble with... :blink:

Anyway there's two really useful pokemon you can catch in the Byxbysion Wasteland (which is the wasteland the Gyms located in) that are extremely useful against Aya.

Spiritomb and Forretress

Spiritomb resist poison and can take most neutral hits rather well. Spiritomb gets Hypnosis, Nasty Plot, Dream Eater and Shadow Ball. Its move set allows it to put the enemies asleep then boost its special attack to +6 with Nasty Plot then heal with Dream Eater (which is super effective against poison) and use powerful STAB Shadow Balls when the enemies are awake. Forretress being a Steel type is immune to poison type attacks and works well beside Spiritomb because Spiritomb is a Ghost type meaning you can go boom with your Foretress and take out 2 enemies without worrying about taking out your own pokemon.

Anyways you catch Forretress pre evo in the wasteland by headbutting trees and you catch Spirtomb in the cavern underneath the wasteland however to battle it you need a Odd Keystone from mining rocks.

ok where is this cavern under the wastes, i wants me a spiritomb badly, do you unlock it by switching all the pillars to red? I've been trying to find a comprehensive walk-through of the byxbysian wastelands but i cant find a good one, nicakaboos (youtuber) is'nt that good

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Malamar is surprisingly useful, too. Since several of Aya's Poison-types have higher Special Defense than physical, Psycho Cut kinda wrecks her. Plus it gets Light Screen to cut down on the damage from Sludge Wave. You can find Inkay via headbutting trees in the Wasteland.

Any Psychic-type sans Gardevoir (because Fairy-type) will do really well against her, though. Especially if it has Calm Mind.

  On 3/31/2014 at 6:17 PM, FatalConscripts said:

ok where is this cavern under the wastes, i wants me a spiritomb badly, do you unlock it by switching all the pillars to red? I've been trying to find a comprehensive walk-through of the byxbysian wastelands but i cant find a good one, nicakaboos (youtuber) is'nt that good

And yes, that is where you find Spiritomb... when you unlock that door via turning all those pillars to red, you gotta duck behind another one of those pillars to find a hidden cavern... and follow the path from there. Although the entrance is kinda hard to find if you don't know where to look for it.

Edited by Lost Lore
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oh well, i think i know why people usually say "gyarados" when problem comes. moxie and dragon dance. even its movepool is VERY POOR. it's atk can reach god level just about 2 kills. that's why i left my gyarados in PC since the 4th gym. and my 'kenbooster suicider since 6th gym. it ruins the beauty of combat.

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