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New Noob in Reborn


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Hello Everybody, gonna keep the intro short cause im not the one for long intros.

My name is ChickenwingLN, i've been here for sometime (just not as a user) to solve some of my in-game problems and find out where rare pokemons and items are. But i've decided to stop being a complete coward and register myself to share my probably 0% knowledge (cause i'm a newbie :D) of this game to you all.My hobbies are football(soccer) being a pretty good goalie, reading and drawing mangas,watching tv, cracking the worst jokes, gaming ofcourse and being a crap pokemon player. I probably gonna need some tipps from the pros and I think we will all have a great time. Don't forget I ain't no Nugget.

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Don't forget I ain't no Nugget.

You can leave right now...

Anyway, Welcome to Reborn...

Go to the server, that's what i recommend anyways... No need to battle in PO, you can just chat if you want...

And feel free to PM me if you have questions or whatever...

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  • Veterans

......Welcome to hell your new Home feel free to pm and or annoy everyone to hell pls do not click on the episode 12 download link give to you by Ame it is an Elaborate April fools prank

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Welcome to Reborn nugg- I mean ChickenWingLN! Hope you enjoy what the community and game has to offer! :lol::lol:

btw why is Riven and a guy going fishing in the emoticon box? ::riven:: :#fish:

Fishing guy is there for when I want to be mean without saying it.

AAAAaaaanyway, welcome, I guess. Enjoy your uh.. stay.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everybody, gonna keep the intro short cause im not the one for long intros.

My name is ChickenwingLN, i've been here for sometime (just not as a user) to solve some of my in-game problems and find out where rare pokemons and items are. But i've decided to stop being a complete coward and register myself to share my probably 0% knowledge (cause i'm a newbie :D) of this game to you all.My hobbies are football(soccer) being a pretty good goalie, reading and drawing mangas,watching tv, cracking the worst jokes, gaming ofcourse and being a crap pokemon player. I probably gonna need some tipps from the pros and I think we will all have a great time. Don't forget I ain't no Nugget.

Nice to meet you, too! I'm Zach and I'm also new here. =)

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