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The Reborn Investigation Squad: Season 3~

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Come in. Take a seat. This *blows into pipe* this is the official headquarters of the Reborn Investigation Squad or RIS for short. What do we do? Why we investigate of course, isn't dat obvious? What do we investigate? Why I'm glad you asked......

We investigate all things Reborn. Specifically the Reborn League Leaders. Das right, the 18 Gym Leaders heralded as some of the strongest people in Reborn. You may be asking why we would do such a thing. Well Ima tell ya why....*blows into pipe*


There is more to them than just getting on PO challenging them, battling them and hoping you get your badge only to move on to the next leader and completely forget about them afterwards. That seems kind of rude dontcha' think?

Despite what we may realize these are actual people that we are battling through these illuminated screens.

The RIS seeks to enlighten this fact and get to know these people that take time out of their days and put up with hours upon hours of battling for our benefit. We want to find out everything about the leaders and more. Crazy as it may sound they do actually converse and answer some questions you might ask.

Be serious with me for a moment...Haven't you ever wondered at least ONCE about the leaders? Haven't you ever asked q?

Why do Tania and Aya really dislike each other or is it just tough love?

Does Tania really hate everyone or is she just putting up a steel wall I made a funny or does she just hate having to battle for 3 hours straight?

Is Aya related to more people than just Cain?

What do I really know about Adrienn?

How close are Arc and Adrienn in actuality?

And....the ultimate question.....the one that has kept people like me awake at night and caused me to jolt awake screaming whenever I did get to sleep:

Can Shade cook?

These are but a handful of the questions I'd like to answer and this is what this team is all about. I know I can't be the only one so please, if you have an ounce of curiosity in your system, you'll help us all in this endeavor. Together we can unravel all the secrets of the leaders and be able to sit back and say:

*Blows into pipe* It was...elementary my dear Watson....

Plus, who doesn't want to be friends with the leaders?

So.....JOIN US. Come to the Investigation Squad back channel in PO to learn more and discuss. Hope to see you there.

Edited by Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyo
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Are Laura and Bennett a stoner couple?

Is Shade human? What's his real name?

Can Terra drive a car without turning everything into Rainbow Road from Mario Kart?

Is Adrienn in love with Titania and/or Aya?

That's all I have.

Edited by Magikarpkiller
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Kyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo why?

I'll watch how this goes from a distance... Yeeesh...

I fixed it for you.

Anyways, It's Titania, not Tania. And she must be a really good actress to only act like she hates us that much.

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I fixed it for you.

Anyways, It's Titania, not Tania. And she must be a really good actress to only act like she hates us that much.

Tania is actually a nickname for Titania from what i've noticed whenever Amy talks about her

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Are Laura and Bennett a stoner couple?

Is Shade human? What's his real name?

Can Terra drive a car without turning everything into Rainbow Road from Mario Kart?

Is Adrienn in love with Titania and/or Aya?

That's all I have.

I'll say yes to the first and no to the third, the others are still mysteries.

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This is excellent, I thank you all for being so willing to participate. By the time this is over we'll know everything about the leaders even they're blood type.

Remember to keep tabs on what you find out so we'll be able to solve everything and remember the backchannel.

We'll have this mystery solved in no time,gang!

The Reborn Investigation Squad has been.....REBORN!!!


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Ill try i guess. Interesting indeed...

And of course Shade can cook. He has a Rotom And a Chandelure.

The real question is:

How do you like your eggs in the morning?

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Apparently I missed Luna because of my battle with Shade... Pretty sure that qualifies as a fail. Regardless, next time she is on you can count on me interviewing her! Unless I'm in a battle with another leader and miss her again

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Is Noel really just an evil little child?

Does Ciel constantly use Thesaurus.com?

How did Arclight get into the music buiness?

Can Amaria make it rain?

What was Laura's childhood like?

Can Samson do an arnold schwarzenegger impression?

Can Charlotte drop it like its hot?

Are the rumors true that Shade can twerk?

What is Bennett's relationship with his mother?

What does Serra think about the movie frozen?

Is Terra in a relationship with MC Hammer?

And finally does Aya really now what a "hollaback girl" is?

Stay tuned!

Edited by Scrub with a Keyboard
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Gathering, analyzing, and processing information is my specialty. Well, even if i don't learn anything, i'd love to be a part of this.

A note: i don't think Titania really hates everybody, but, unlike a few leaders, she isn't just quiet or shy. She doesn't talk much because she isn't as silly and unrefined as the rambunctious, wonderful people that normally inhabit the main chat. She seems to enjoy battling but i have never really noticed any outward enthusiasm. I don't think she has any interest in being a regular part of the community and talking to people socially, but that doesn't necessarily mean she hates us.

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Well, these past few nights have been quite... interesting. Yesterday, Terra gave some... advice, and today, Shade spoke, and smiled. Heck, he even named some of his Pokemon after me and Secundum. Not sure if this is anything useful, but judging from my battle with him tonight, it implies on how I'm going to die.

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So now that it has been 2 weeks since the organization of the RIS, it is time for actual investigations to be organized. For the last two weeks, I have compiled a bit of information, and have decided to release official cases for further investigation. Do not expect a guaranteed schedule for this, considering the fact that official investigations require a main topic, and information from the source that makes it valid. As a result, I will attempt to make some form of formal report every month, but if not enough information is present, then a full report will not be made. Currently, there are two main points of interest that can be investigated further. These two cases are:

The Circus Trio:

As some of you may know, Terra, Ciel, and Samson all work at a circus. As of recently, I have been able to find out that they all work at the same circus. As a result, this lead to some questions regarding the interactions of these three. With yesterday’s return of Terra, I was able to find out a few things.

· Terra’s job in the circus involves dealing with Lions, Ciel does acrobatics, and Samson lifts weights of some sort.

· Samson apparently tends to stay away from the animals, which is something that Terra manages.

· Although Terra and Ciel are in a relationship, Terra appears to be on friendly terms with Samson, offering him to join their “acrobatics” routine. While the actual meaning of this can’t be determined due to this being Terra, it is obvious that they do interact with each other in some way.

With this, among other things, I have 3 points that I would like to be investigated on.

· What is Ciel’s relationship with Samson? I’m not referring to a romantic relation, but a friendly relation. Do these two talk to each other at all? Do the two of them do collab work in their performances?

· Is Samson’s reason for staying away from the animals due to Terra at all? If so, ask about why Terra keeps him away. If not, then why does he stay away from the animals?

· Have any other leaders visited their circus? This involves mostly how many leaders may know of it, whether they have been, and what they thought of it. While not exactly directly towards the trio, it would be an interesting thing to know about.

The next case involves Shade, and what we know, or don’t know to be more accurate, about him (or whatever Shade may be). Although not present, I have heard that Shade did smile yesterday, and named Pokémon after Trevo and Secudum. This poses some interesting questions.

· Why did Shade name Pokémon after these two?

· What does this mean for Trevo and Secudum?

· What made Shade want to smile?

Aside from this, basic information questions about Shade will be accepted as well. This includes, but is not limited to:

· Daily Life (If it can be called that)

· Relations with other leaders

· Hobbies

· Dreams

· Other information (such as whether he can or needs to cook)

This ends the first official RIS report. Aside from this, standard investigation policy applies. For formalized reports such as this, I will need three main and secondary investigators for each case. I myself will investigate further into the circus trio. Post below and say which investigation you wish to participate in. Even if the spots are full, you can still register, and be noted when new information arrives. Lastly, continue standard research on any of the other leaders. With enough information, new cases can be made, and the mystery of the leaders can be solved. If there are any other questions that you want asked, related to the cases or not, post them and they will be up for consideration.


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I will most likely be investigating Shade. For some reason last night, he seemed pretty happy, and I got to find out why. However, in order for us to find out more about him, either me or Secundum should probably investigate. That is why I will be investigating Shade. Plus, investigating him kinda fits me, you know?

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