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Your Achilles Heel?

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We tend to gravitate towards certain Pokemon and/or certain types. Because of our preferences, I think we all have at least one type, type combo, or specific Pokemon that gives us a tough time for one reason or another. Whether in Reborn or in the main games, we all have our weaknesses. Don't deny it, peons.

For me, my Achilles heel is usually Water-, Electric-, and Flying-types. The Pokemon I usually have are either only neutral against those types, or are weak against them. Electric in particular is such a problem for me that its gym in DPP was the only gym of that game where I needed to stop and grind something specifically to counter it. Even in Reborn, I opted to go after Sirius instead of Dr. Sigmund Connal simply because my team at the time wasn't equipped to handle Electric-types. Although I might get a Pokemon or two to counter those types, most of the time I find myself just brute forcing them. In Reborn, that doesn't always end well.

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Mine would probably just be Chancy and really bulky pokemon that can faze you.

I don't know how many times I've battled a mega venasuar with a conkelderp and ice punch but only did less than 20%

Plus if I were to try and set up with another pokemon they just switch out to another bulky pokemon that can still one hit the thing I am setting up with

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I opted to go after Sirius instead of Dr. Sigmund Connal

I know EXACTLY how that feels...

I'd say Electric types in Reborn, and Fighting/Steel types from Gen 2 and beyond... why?

On Reborn is obvious... Not only i use Gyarados too much, but a lot of pokemons that i use, are all weak to electric... The thing is, i use pokemons that i like, so i try to see past this... But it's hard... I remember i almost got swept by a random trainer cuz nothing on my team could take a Discharge... Ugh, that was one of the worst experiences in pokemon ever...

And fighting/steel well... I love Sneasel... and Weavile... However, as much as i like both of them, they can't take a steel move, unless is something very weak... And fighting types... Oh god, ugh... The problem is: Sometimes (Most of the time), i'm stupid enough to leave Weavile in against things that can destroy it (IG)... why? Cuz i'm idiot, that's why...

Priority Mach Punch and Bullet Punch... I'm done...

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In Reborn I probably have the most problems with steel, since I use a lot of poison types. As far as my competative team goes, I don't have any answers for fire types (yet) and fairies should be able to hinder me in theory, but they rarely do.

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I agree with Electric types in Reborn, before I knew I could go after SIrius, Connal destroyed my team so many times...

In other games it's usually Ground and Fighting or Ground and Flying types. Haven't played X/Y but I'm pretty sure Fairy is now a problem as well since I always have a Dragon, Dark and Fighting type xD

In competitive monotype I struggled against Bugs and Fairies.

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On main games generally grass and electric, since I almost always get the water starter or make a water monotype team.

On Reborn rather than a type I have a trouble with wild mons with status moves or damaging abilities, mostly because it really destroys my savings when I have to use healing items all the time.

On PO, Fayrie Types and Unaware... Clefable most of all. I love Swords Dance Garchomp and that thing just wrecks it.

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Typewise I gravitate to Dark, Ice, and Ghost a lot. But oddly enough my only real achilles heel, the only thing that can consistently take down my entire team if I don't bring a counter for it, is Talonflame. Anything else I have a chance at if I play right, but Talon just murders me

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Mine is the fairy type i ussualy gravitate towards pokemon of the dark, figthing, fire or dragon type them ussualy having a secondariy typing that have good coverage and since fairy is super efective against 3 of those 4 and i ussualy have a crobat gardevoir is my worst enemy

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i usualy have a well balanced team in the games unless i have to i tend not to have a water type which made shade a pain n the ass for me, my love of dragons and fire types will be my downfall somday

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In all honesty my issue was that I usually just went with 6 pokemon that appealed to me at the time. After a while though I actually started to train every single pokemon I got in intervals of 10 and I would catch everything I could. So what my issue was the copious amounts of time it took to train everything that I caught. It wasn't so much of a time constraint as a oh shit I'm completely overrun with pokemon to still train.

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My teams tend to be






Random special attacker which tends to electric or water

So water, grass, psychic, or fairy would give me problems

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I usually end up with Steel types, which is fine, as Steel is probably my favorite type. While it nets me Aggron, Empoleon and Escavalier, what ends up happening is my entire team ends up Steel typed. I also tend to go after personal choices despite the pokemon themselves being weak(Ariados, Beedril, Bellosom.)

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Normal Types. Oh God the horror...

They only have the one weakness, fighting, and for some reasons I never have a fighting type. That is until I accept defeat that I can't beat this certain normal type user and just say "screw this I'm getting a fighting Pokemon". I've done this so many times, including in Reborn. In fact...

Oh God..... HIM

I'm sure all of you caught up to episode 10 know who I'm talking about...

Lemme grab a lvl 15 Scraggy and grind on wild Pokemon for days until I have to cry myself to sleep and accept my fate. By far the hardest battle in the game.

Tip to all of you people just starting reborn. ALWAYS have a FIGHTING TYPE. And bring Strawberry ice cream D:

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I would say my achilles heel would be grass and bugs types because of I usely have a dark type that is the ace on any team from reborn to any other pokemon because of the lack of grass and bug type moves people would have but with the increase of bugs that exactly good have increase that may have to change lol

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Trick Room teams. I try and make my team be able to OHKO most things, first. Anything that can survive a hit and set up trick room will rip my team apart,.

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In game it's generally electric types for some reason. Competitive it's not so much a type. Just mega venusaur. I've never got an answer for that abomination and it just sits there slowly killing my team.

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