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Episode 11 Team


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So far I have decided to go with Infernape and Azumarill. I have plans on using Ninetails and Ampharos too.

But I'm not sure about the last two (four if someone comes with a good idea). Crobat, Noivern, Staraptor, Gardevoir, Porygon 2/Z (episode 12 hopefully), Pidgeot, Flygon, Gengar, Diggersby, Leavanny, Scolipede, Magnezone, Magmar, Arcanine?

Edited by Mikzal
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No one answered this... Booo...

Hmm... okay... Since Infernape and Azumarill are a given. then let's see:

Ninetales is good/reasonable, and it's good with Infernape (Dat Drought)... However, since you have Azumarill, then maybe you should think first... If Infernape is the only one that's going to benefit from it, then maybe you shouldn't use it... Also, another Fire type, so i don't know... It has a Drought, but still...

Ampharos is nice... I like Ampharos and that hair is glorious (Mega)... However, since Mega evolutions are not available (Booo...), i'd suggest this: Train one, but for the future... But now that i think about it, it might be one of the best electric types available right now (You got Magnezone, but Ampharos doesn't care about Ninetales Drought, but Magnezone does...)

Let's go with the flow then: Magnezone is a very good pokemon... The bad part is: Magnezone is available a bit later than before now, but it's still good... Although, IMO, Magnezone is not as good as it used to be (6th gen nerfs),,, But still, Magnezone is very good... It also gets that STAB Gyro Ball to f all those fairies around Reborn... I'd suggest Ampharos though, if you want something that can survive an EQ... sometimes...

Magmar is not available anymore... Even if you have episode 10, i'd rather not talk about pokemons that are not available anymore... Same thing with Staraptor.

Crobat... Ahh Crobat... I'm pretty sure a good part of Reborn used that monster when he was available early... I swear, Crobat got me through some gyms and/or some pokemons at least... Crobat is more "late game" now, but if you don't care about that, then go for Crobat... It will help... I guarantee it...

Pidgeot is Bird Jesus best pokemon ever destroy everything... #BirdJesusLives

Gengar well... I don't need words for Gengar... You need Power? You don't care that it's frail? Then Gengar... Gengar gets no Sludge Bomb, but it gets Sludge Wave, so yes... Gengar is welcome in any team, and it's powerful enough... If you get Gengar, it's not going to disappoint unless you need something bulky...

Talking about Bulky (And Ghost), i'd say Cofagrigus... You just have to love that Mummy ability... It shuts down so many pokemons that it's not even funny... It gets Will-o-Wisp and Hex, which is an awesome combination IG... And if you don't want Hex, then whatever, you can use Shadow Ball anyway...

Flygon is a good option all around, but sadly, it doesn't get Earthquake (Boo...). Since Dwebble is not available anymore, you can't get a Flygon with EQ anymore... However, maybe you could use a mixed Flygon... Rock Slide/Earth Power/D Claw/Something could work... I don't about it though... I don't have a lot of experience with Flygon...

Diggersby = Huge Power = Power = Destruction = Consider it... Take a quick look in Diggersby's move pool and you'll see what i'm talking about...

I've never used Noivern, so i can't help you there... Same goes for Leavanny...

Arcanine has good stats all around, but since you have an Infernape, and might use Ninetales, then i woudn't suggest it... If you're not going to use Ninetales (Cuz Drought might be a problem), then maybe Arcanine can help... I don't like Arcanine that much though... Most of it'd moves has recoil/stats drop, so i don't know... Maybe you can test it and see...

Gardevoir is cool... Gardevoir gets no prize for defences, but whatever... Gardevoir gets one of the best move pools around Reborn right now, and it's useful as hell... So, i'd say Gardevoir is a good candidate for your team...

And if you're going to run Drought, then YOU NEED a Venusaur with Chlorophyll... You just need one... I'd recommend moves and stuff, but i'm tired... That you can figure by yourself ^_^

Good Luck...

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So far I have a Monferno and a Ralts. I also have a Pidgey but I'm not sure if I'll use it for the entire game.

When it comes to Leavanny: I have used it in Pokemon Black 2 and with good stats, X-Scissor and Leaf Blade early on it will be useful sometimes. Too bad it has 2 quad weaknesses.

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^ Venussaur for sure, with or without Ninetales... It'll sinergize well defensively with both Infernape and Azumarill and it's a total monster, especially on route one and the Tanzan Cove due to grassy field. If you do decide to run Ninetales than, many things will be going down.=) That will leave you with weakness to flying types, but these are covered by Ampharos and/or Magnezone.

From the others you've listed, the ones I know better are Gengar, Arcanine and Noivern. Gengar is a terror, Arcanine is very good due to Extreme Speed and great coverage moves and Noivern... At least mine feels like it could hit harder, but maybe that's just the lack of a positive nature. Anyway it's good at revenge killing stuff that alredy have been hit.

Good hunt!

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