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Weird Dreams


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Have you guys ever had any truly off-putting dreams? I mean I'd wager that most if not all of us have had horrible nightmares, but I'm talking just strange, nonsensical dreams.

For example: Last night I had a dream that I went to a convention in my armor, and this guy in a Team Fortress 2 Spy costume chucked a kickball at me. I get so mad that I pick him up and I throw him HARD against the ground after using Ryu's Metsu Hadoken on him and missing. Then my alarm clock rang and I was really mad when I woke up. Pent up rage much? Haha.

How about you guys?

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The weirdest dreams that I have ever had would be the ones that make me spend a life time in the "dream world"

I had about 30 of these dreams before that feel like it's real and lasts more than 40 years but in reality it is 7-10 hours. I would go into detail about them but that you take forever.

Another one of my weird dreams is the first dream I ever had or remember when I was 1 or something like that. I woke up, went down stairs and in the hall way I was ambushed by ninjas, so I kicked their butts then went out side to an ice cream truck.

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  On 4/3/2014 at 2:05 PM, Mikzal said:

I love the dreams that comes back after you wake up in the middle of your dream.

Ya those are pretty sweet it sucks when you wake up for w.e reason and get pulled out of a good dream xD

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Recently I was having a lucid dream where I was at my house out in the backyard and suddenly there are two girls back there, yelling incomprehensibly at me but trying to run me off like I was the one trespassing. So I walk backwards and phase through the huge viewing windows we have, thinking that would surprise them. NOPE. Instead of being phased, they stand at the window, glaring and yelling. I'm laughing at them when suddenly I'm basically tackled from behind by something huge and lifted up into the air like some big wrestler is picking me up. I can't move my arms cuz they're pinned next to my waist by whatever is holding me and to top it off, whatever it is starts biting me on my left side. It's only dream pain but it's still annoying as f*** so I ignore it and just unleash a kamehameha downward. It doesn't let go, but I get lowered towards the ground like I just melted the bottom half of it. And then I wake up pissed at these people for being at MY house uninvited and attacking ME. The gall of some people.

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I had a dream, when I was younger, where I ran into my back yard because I heard a train. I got back there and saw someone jump of of the train and chase me into the house. Then, when I got into the house I heard police sirens and this robber/bandit threw a bag with a dollar sign on it and pushed me on my bed then shot me point blank in the face. I woke up with blood all over my pillow and face, AND there was a dollar under my pillow. (I had just gotten my tooth pulled not 3 hours before I went to sleep).

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Well I can't really remember (or even describe) what happened in my weirdest dream but weird shit happened and the weirder part was I couldn't believe it so I pinch myself (in my dream) to see if I was dreaming and noticed I wasn't feeling any pain and realized I was dreaming. After that I was like "I could do anything I want since this is a dream" and did stupid stuff like jumping off a cliff and soon after that I woke up.

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one time a few years ago i had a dream that i was bitten by a snake on my arm, i woke up a bit later, whole bed soaked in sweat, dried blood and what almost looked like a couple of healed wounds on my arm where i had been bitten in the dream. It looked to me like a snake had bitten me for real, or at least how i figured it would look. I felt fine, no pain or anything anywhere, but it was freaky as hell.

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I only have one dream soooo, yeah. It's the same dream over and over again but there are slight changes once in a while, like it getting longer or a small action changes. I'm not going to go into detail about it but honestly I think it has to do with my mental/emotional state

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I wish I had some nice dreams. I either can't remember my dreams or their just random, like looking out of a window, or walking down hallway or talking with a friend. I've tried lucid dreaming but to no avail. I really wish I could...

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  On 4/4/2014 at 12:05 AM, RubyHeart said:

I only have one dream soooo, yeah. It's the same dream over and over again but there are slight changes once in a while, like it getting longer or a small action changes. I'm not going to go into detail about it but honestly I think it has to do with my mental/emotional state

Is it about burning things?

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My dreams are always weird. It's rare if I ever actually have one that makes sense... and by "making sense" I mean "not randomly jumping from one thing to another completely unrelated one". Heck, even my nightmares are weird...

Although it is kinda neat when you continue a dream you woke up from previously... especially if it was a really good one.

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I dream of my own future after 2-3 months, and forget it when I wake up.

Only to remember it when it really happens.

Happened in 7th 9th up to 12th grade now.

worth thing is I dreamt of the death of someone that was important to me that way. and she died.

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Dreaming of the future is a pain..it really is.

Having to wait for something good or bad to happen, even if you forget, is really hard. You can still never prepare yourself for the bad things yet to come and trying to change something will only make it harder on yourself or make it happen.

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Oh, this is a cool thread. I've had plenty of strange dreams before but they have a tendency to fade before I try to write them down. I do remember one in particular I wrote down once while on vacation.. Lemme see if I can find it and I'll edit it in when I do.

Edit: Found it! INC WALL OF TEXT

Taken straight from a "dream journal" of sorts:

The dream begins with some kind of narration as we look over images of animals and humans and animalistic humans in warriors gear from a fantasy setting, like something out of dungeons and dragons. The images come from a sort of picture book, and under each image is something like a class name. One example had the word chief with a cat-human creature in the image, holding some sort of katana. The cat creature had what appeared to be a Chinese inspired mustache and beard. The narration spoke of some age old war and how something about it would be settled today. There was then a flash of light and we moved on to the next section of the 'movie'.

I am now seeing through the eyes of an older war veteran sounding man with a thick Russian accent. There is a beautiful woman wearing a fancy party dress, one that's short (about knee length or a bit less), and fancy heels on my right arm. We appear to be in a fancy living room of some kind, the floor is a fancy white carpet and there are a few red velvet sofas within that people are already resting on, presumably people I know somehow and this house belongs to me. There is light music playing in the background, like that of the scene in the jet li video game at the club - there is distinct piano sounds, it has a bit of blues in it but there doesn't appear to be any other instruments. As for the people on the couches, on my left my apparent friend is lying down on his back with his head on an arm rest on the right side. There is a giddy nude man (gay?) on top of him and another, more scantily clad beautiful woman with what looks to be a gun, which is in my friend's mouth. The nude man is exclaiming that the woman (I suspect as some kind of paid entertainment as he referred to her as part of a group) is great, much better than him at being some form of entertainment. "oh man you guys are great" This was followed by the sound of a champagne bottle popping off the top and the giddy nude man jumps up and down, saying something to the effect of "oh man a fake gun that's great" he then laughs in a way that reminds me of a hyena, a giddy laugh with a lot of hoos and hahs.

My sight then pans over to the right where another friend of mine is lying down on another couch in a similar fashion to the first. There may or may not have been a second man on this couch (fully clothed and relaxed, mind you) seated on the far left side of the couch. This couch is covered with more of the beautiful women wearing similar attire to the one on my arm in various colors. It is worth noting that I appear to recognize the non-giddy men more so than the women, so I suspect the women to be either hired or party guests of some sort. The two men are surrounded by women; there are at least half a dozen on the man on the right side and only a couple on the left. The man on the left is silent but the one on the right appears to be sweet talking or using pick up artist techniques and all of the girls on the right are responding to it, giggling slightly and being infatuated with him. Even the people on the left side are looking in his direction, though they don't appear to be doing much more then smiling.

The 'movie' now pans over to the Russian war general guy (the aforementioned scene was through the eyes of the Russian, this next part just appears to return to the Russian noting what I was doing as the above happened) the Russian is messing with some old wooden device, preparing for someone's arrival. From my tone of voice this appears to be someone I know, like an old friend whom I have some kind of little competition with. I tell the woman on my arm that I'm making this as I wait for someone and just as I finish, a doorbell rings and she asks "is that him" I tell her that it is an we begin to walk away from the couches in the room, towards some door. I pick up what I was working on before we moved, which appears to be some sort of mini round container with parts liquid and solid inside. The solid parts are little silver colored balls and I don't know anything about the liquid, I just seem to know that there's some in there. There is a second piece with nothing inside that when placed next to the first, turns the circle into a kind of D-shape. I motion for the woman to leave, and I presume she leaves off to the right as she just kind of disappears at this point. My Russian war vet self moves on into the next room, where my friend is waiting. He has the appearance of a war vet also. He has matted grey hair that makes me think it's unwashed. It's all wavy and slicked down in the back. He has 'crazy eyes' and a weird look in his smile, as if there were teeth missing due to rotting or he didn't take good care of them and now they're all fake. Between us is a sort of table with his side having a glass sphere that looks like a marble and mine with another odd wooden device that has a slot for the thing I made and a gun attached to it. The room we're in is like an 'entrance hall' kind of room, and it makes me think of an apartment room. He seems to acknowledge my being there and after a mutual unspoken countdown I place my d-shaped thing inside the slot and fire the gun, which manages to punch a small hole through the marble, but doesn't seem to faze/injure the other man, who has been grinning since I walked in. I seem to be confused and a bit shocked at this result for a second, after which I exclaim, "oohhh, the whole ROOM is a wicker basket" (I don't have the slightest IDEA what this is supposed to mean, now that I'm awake, although the next bit makes me think it's some sort of drug slang) The other man turns his grin into a sly smile, saying "yep (yes?) , this will only take a second." I get the sensation that I'm falling backwards and then everything turns yellow. When I open my eyes again I'm looking into that same sly smile as before, although now I feel like I'm under the influence of some kind of drug, albeit in a cartoonish or video game fashion. The edges of my vision is sometimes blurred and others wavy and I get the feeling that sometimes I can see clearly and normally and others this drug is like some kind of film over my eyes, allowing me to see things that I normally couldn't. I can't tell if I'm in the same room as before, yet I don't seem startled by this. It doesn't seem like much time has passed since I yellowed out, but there's no way for me to know (not that this appears to startle me either). I seem to recognize this room as well, not that I know where it is or if it's even a part of the place I was in previously. The only piece of furniture in this room I notice is a dresser, which I walk over towards. The old friend of mine is at my right side.

This next part freaked me out a little bit so bear with me here. (Not the Russian me, he seemed unfazed and intrigued at what comes next.) This part seems to separate him and me in that I get that I'm seeing through his eyes and he isn't me) there are many pictures on the dresser (more than look like could possibly fit on it), none of which the Russian me seems to recognize. There are plenty of pictures I don't recognize either, but then there are pictures of me and my sister and one of my younger cousins (some of which were in the room I was originally sleeping in, not sure if that makes any difference) the only other picture I seem to recall was that of an old woman. The old friend of mine then begins to tell me about the pictures. As I look over the pictures he begins to tell me about how 'they' changed the pictures and how 'they' do it in a specific way. He seems to be talking about some kinds of hellish demons, although he never says this clearly and I'm not sure how Russian me knows this but from the way old war vet friend is explaining it, I get the impression that this isn't the first time they've discussed this. Russian me seems very interested in all of this; he is silent as if deep in thought as he listens to old war friend. As for the pictures, they seem look normal at first, but as a result of the weird drug changing my vision with a slight yellowish hue, the pictures change too. First the picture of the old lady seems like just a harmless image, and then it changes. Her eyes bug out slightly and are looking in different directions, her nose flattens and her formerly nice smiling mouth now had an orcish looking tusk sticking out of either side of it. In the split second that it changed a loud girl's scream was heard. It seemed to emanate from the picture itself and seemed like the scream from one of the various screamer images/videos on the Internet. Russian me was unfazed by this change; he seemed to be further interested in it. Regular me on the other hand was scared shitless by it (to be fair, I don't know how to quantify how I was feeling things that Russian me wasn't. It wasn't like I was watching a movie though. More like I was inside of one or I was sort of experiencing one) old war friend mentioned something about how they did this and something about torture and suffering. Russian me seemed to understand this as this pictures changes was a quantified version of the hellish torture this old lady was receiving though neither of us knew why or how it happened/was happening. Russian me then looked at a picture of my younger cousin. When this picture changed, however, there was no scream. In a similar fashion to that of the other, the only affected part was that of the person inside the image. The person appeared to be burnt/charred with the exception of a few almost random parts of the body and the eyes, nose and mouth. Old war friend noted that they had done this and that they had some special reason for doing so. Russian me and I got the impression that the person in the image wasn't being tortured/in hell but there was also something off about it. Russian me leaned in to get a closer look at it, and we felt like there was something looking out at us through the eyes. Of course, Russian me was unfazed by this, but I was most definitely phased. Russian me looked over at the other images of me and my sister and younger cousin, all of which looked normal one split second and then changed in a similar fashion to the second picture (the one of my younger cousin). We got the same feeling from all of them - that many somethings were looking out back at us. Suddenly, the drug effects faded and old war vet friend began to remark about how quickly the effects wore off on me. Shortly afterward, the dream faded and I woke up.

Note to self: no more pizza before bed. ..

Edited by Blind Guardian
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  • 2 weeks later...

i have one or two recurring dreams, but mainly one nightmare that comes back in various forms.

i'll wake up, laying in a dirty, burned and charred field. skeletons of old houses will be in the distance, but it seems i'm in a clearing. there's a wall of solid brick nearby, as if it's literally one giant brick instead of a brickwork patter. the brick has manacles and shit on it, it was obviously used as some sort of restraint device. the only way i can move is towards it, until i end up strapping myself into it because it's the only movements i can make. and then the deaths come. one by one, people will kind of pop up and die a terrible, terrible death- stung to death by bees, choking on the air, or even spontaneous combustion. they're all terrible in their own rights, and play off of a fear of the person who's dying. they're typically people i'd consider irreplacable or good friends- amethyst has been a part of one once. she was swarmed by spiders.

eventually a man will kind of... fizzle into existance. he'll say a few inaudible words, and the people stop coming. he's wearing a hood, and a robe, and i can't see his face- until he slides off the hood. it's the face of my mother's ex, who was a really big part of my earlier years, and not in a good way. and even though i know it'll be him every time, the shock value is still the same. he'll commend me on not breaking down, and then he'll begin tortures again. cattle prods are generally a recurring theme. and it just kind of goes on until i wake up- i've been having this particular dream since i was like 8 and moved out of my mother's house (which was with her ex) and with my father.

there's always the couple of nights where i don't even make it to the giant brick-restraint, or there's nights where it seems it lasts an eternity.

silver out this was trippy as balls to write down

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weirdest dream i ever had, by definition of just random and weird was one a few months ago. I'm not sure how it started but for some reason i was in my family car leaning against the door while we were driving and suddenly the door opened, i have no seatbelt and fall face first to my death on the concrete road. next second find myself in my room thinking i've woken up, check my watch just in case and find i'm still dreaming and everything im touching seems to be changing colours randomly. i can't leave my room because i don't seem to be actually grip anything so i spend an unknown amount of time just warping the colours of things around my room. when i focus on something small while it changes colour though i found myself in a different place to where i was before. eventually end up outside in a spot i go rock climbing every now and then but the top of the cliff, the surroundings and sky is all in sunset colours like pink or orange and etc... when i get sick of my dreams i tend to get suicidal (a very bad habit) so i jumped down the cliff and just woke up right about the point i was about to hit the ground. Usually my dreams may lack logic but always have a degree of realism to them but this was what i'd imagine an acid trip would feel like.

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Erm, I had a dream recently that I had a 6 year old daughter... Being 20 (and single) it was kind of disconcerting. All I remember is that I ended up leaving her at daycare so that I could go to a mate's place and play age of empires.

Edited by Sheep93
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  • Support Squad

Ok, i think i'm kinda mundane, but i have those dreams where you appear naked in public. The weird thing is i never feel embarrassed. In fact, and i quote from a scribbling, "i wandered about saying hi to everyone i could find with no intention of finding some clothes" Da fuq? Who the hell does that?!!?

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  On 4/21/2014 at 12:05 PM, DobbyTheElf said:

Ok, i think i'm kinda mundane, but i have those dreams where you appear naked in public. The weird thing is i never feel embarrassed. In fact, and i quote from a scribbling, "i wandered about saying hi to everyone i could find with no intention of finding some clothes" Da fuq? Who the hell does that?!!?

I used to get dreams like that where all or some very important pieces of my clothing were missing. Then I slowly changed it to trigger lucid dreaming because I'd think to myself that it has to be a dream because I wouldn't really be missing these or I'd own my nudity and do what I want. So now I actually get a lot less of those dreams now because I've inadvertently overcome that fear. And in a an odd sort of way, the same thing has happened with my nightmares with sharks, raptors/T Rex, and ocean things.

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one of the coolest dreams i had so far is that i was playing the remake of Majora Mask on the Wii U and the most weird (and yet cool) is that im a mexican, talking to an american friend who works in the border, and i recieve a call of some unknow person, and i don´t even think it´s a person at all, but he warns me that "He will destroy an entire city whit a Nuke unless i tell the cops about it) i ignore the call and minutes later, a nuke pulverize a city behind the boarder.

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