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6SS1G- 1st Gen Shinies


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Hearing that it was your first time recoloring something, I got a bit worried as to what was behind that link. I'm happy to say that Rapidash pleasantly surprised me! :) Good job! ^^

Parasec looks good,

Rapidash too.

Thanks, it means a lot.

Also just made Moltres


Edited by Bazaro
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Divide into two...?

You mean how they're side-by-side? I just paste them both into the same picture.

And if you mean to make the front and back sprites separate, then... I suppose I'll just have to Copy/Paste them into separate pictures.

Sorry if this caused any confusion...

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>reply to 12 quotes posts

dear god you guys work fast

ok lets go

Does this mean we're using my Magmortar from the old thread?

The concept at least. Sprite could use some tweaking-- we'll deal with that in 4thgen land

Saturation lightened, outlines darkend:


What about the 50 shades of Snorlax ?


you did NOT just make that joke


Magmar's purple looks much better but I actually do want to follow up on the other suggestion-- if only experimentally. What happens if you lighten the black parts as a whole, leaving the outline dark, so that we can hopefully see more definition in the sprite?

Snorlax is getting there. Oh, I just realized this is like the snowman snorlax from the anime isn't it? Hm, I like this a bit better now...


Let's roll with this

This was my take on this infernal raichu:



Male's on top, female's bottom. The pikachu is giving me all the trouble, so I may upload that later.

Quoted only these since these seem to be the closest so far

For reference, Raichu's colouring is filling a previous request to have it based off of this drawing/concept


Skip the red electricity naturally.

With the four quoted here:

There are stray pixels around the stripe on the back sprite's back-- they're currently lighter, but they're intended to blend into the rd. Choose shades for those pixels in between the black and the current red

I like the colouring on the female's stomach (however stomach seems a little light in the female back sprite), but not so much the male's. Let's try a dark grey for the males instead, which will more closely match the source art

Requested shiny Vulpix backsprite:


Requested shiny Growlithe backsprite:


Requested shiny Arcanine backsprite:


Requested shiny Ghastly backsprite:


Requested shiny Haunter backsprite:


Requested shiny Gengar backsprite:


Requested shiny Electabuzz backsprite:


This were all remaining on the backsprite list.

Nitpick ame go

Vulpix, Gastly and Haunter all look good. Gengar is a nightmare to deal with but the start you've got here is great so I'll finish that one up myself.

With Growlithe and Electabuzz's tail-- let's use a darker 'black' for these stripes because they seem too close to the Pokemons' new colouring

Arcanine- I think here we need to take the darkest shade of its cyan fur down a bit to contrast the lighter parts. Also, there are parts of the outline in the original sprite that are lighter, which here seem to have been drawn over with a solid black where they should be like a 30-40% grey I think


Zapzapzap!!! Hope you guys like it! :)

Ah, this is... the BW front sprite. We actually have the HGSS front sprites for Gen 1-4, so we need to keep those consistent. To be safe, it's best to grab the existing files in /graphics/battlers/

Anyway! This is pretty snazzy. You're obviously fairly comfortable taking some risks with spriting, so I'm going to challenge you to do one better:

We aren't limited to the typical 16 colors (though I don't want to go too crazy), which allows us to do some relatively smooth blending stuff. As an example, look at our shiny Talonflame


Now, I will grant that this might be difficult in some programs, but I could certainly make a video tutorial on how to very efficiently go about in Graphics Gale-- anyway, with the fading wings thing, I had imagined something smooth like this from black to yellow or white or whatever looks best. Your sprite isn't bad, but doing it in this style will look even better, I think.

I think if I have time tomorrow I'll make a video on how to go about that.

Also for your future convenience, no need to include both 1x and 2x resolutions. 2x is easier for me, but 1x is perfectly fine if you'd like.

Crystal Diglett:



Hard for me to refute this idea after the image you practically bribed me with before.


So, after an evening of pain hard work, I got the rhydon/horn sprites done.



Males on the left, females on the right.

These are really cool. I have two very small requests, both relating to the back sprites.

For Rhydon, let's make the eye colour darker since it blends too much into the white right now.

For Rhyhorn, the underside of it's tail where it fades into its butt looks a little awkward. I'm not convinced that this will be an effective solution, but perhaps try drawing that darker shade of grey underneath the tail peace so that it at least looks like a shadow is being cast from that back-most part?

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeversed .. :


Clawitzer - Kingler


Kangaskhan- Solid start, I think the only issue si that it still has some brown outlines. Just make those match the rest of the skin and we should be good.

Kingler- Again, solid beginning, but like with Zapdos, I'm going to push this a little further. Firstly, the inside of Kingler's claw in the front should also take a dark blue-grey tone rather than the dark red-grey it has currently. More importantly, there are some other ways to solidify the allusion to clawitzer-- lets try making the bottom part of each of its claw things yellow, and the legs/little arm parts black. OR keep the legs/arms the colour they are but make the bottom of its mouthhead thing black (but still ligthenough to see the details, mind)

Clefable-- matches the request just fine, but has made me realise that once again I don't have a clue what to do with Clefable because that doesn't look too much more exciting. Anyone have any better ideas?

Parasect- So parasect is another case where I'm guilty of referencing something without providing the source image, which I should just learn to do in the first place

The given sprite isn't bad, but I want to see if we can do better based on this:


This is a rendition of Magnesect, a child of the Pokemon fusion product that I ran across one day and found especially striking. Now, for the sake of not changing the image too much, let's keep the form the same but see what you can do just changing the colours of various parts of the thing (leaving the spots red instead of screws is fine)

Rapidash- is intense, but it doesn't really match the style of the rainbow mane we had for Ponya. Either way is probably fine, but the two should agree with each other. Also, we should... skip the cutie mark, as well done as it is.

Goals for Zapdos are above

Moltres- I like the fire, but this is another instance where the BW front sprite has been used in place of the HGSS one. When in doubt, take the files from /graphics/battlers/. I think if we get a front in the proper style, this should be good.

Aerodactyl looks good, I also want to see a version where the red is its body colour though, to compare. Black for wings is still good.


That all said in done, putting in and marking off the Diglett Family, Vulpix, Gastly, Haunter, and I'll finish up Gengar myself. Thanks!

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The tail looks dodgy to me. I'm not sure that's the right shade of blue, but otherwise it's good?

On a different note, Raichu edits and Pikachu uploads!



As always, males on the left, females on the right.

What are you doing?

Don't touch that!

This is a bad idea...

I'm seriously warning you...

Alright fine, do as you want.

I didn't say it would be easy....


Good luck though, your cute pikachu evolves into an infernal raichu

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Did you took my request of the demonic Raichu Ame? If you did, thanks! And if you didn't, thanks!

I'm not going to comment on sprites because i don't have any experience with recolouring and stuff, so yeah. You guys are all doing an excellent job though.

I'm loving that Voltorb/Electrode

As for Clefairy/Clefable, what about:


Paint Clefairy/Clefable with Gastly's colors... I don't have a better idea, honestly.

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