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New OU team for Dinguses RMT special


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This team was built around synergy and using Mega Gardevoir. It has multiple switch ins an I am quite proud of this team, it has quickly became my main team, I've had many klutch wins and destroyed many people who were caught off guard. So here it is my squad of Dinguses.


Greninja AKA Sheik

Nature- Timid

EV- 252 speed, 252 sp attack, 4 HP

Ability- Protean


U-turn, surf, ice beam, grass knot

Item: Life Orb

I view greninja as the swiz army knife of pokemon. Amazing speed, good special attack, it is like it was made to abuse life orb. U-turn gains momentum, and even as a timid, it still hurts a lot. Everything else is coverage, ice beam hits dragons, grass knot kills rotoms, surf is a more reliable attack over hydro pump and they all get STAB to boot.

Ultimate Check

Mamoswine AKA Manny

Nature- Adamant

Evs- 252 attack 252 speed

Ability- Thick Fat


Icicle Crash, Ice Shard, Rock Slide, Earthquake

Item" Focus Sash

Mamoswine brings excellent offense to the battle field. He has the priority with Ice Shard, and he can take out monsters like Talon Flame, both Mega Zards, thanks to his focus sash. Nothing that switches into an earthquake will like it due to its nice dual STAB. Mamoswine is always a pokemon that you see if someone means business, or he is a try hard.


Milotic AKA Wallace

Nature- Calm

Evs- 252 HP 252 Spec Def

Ability- Marvel Scale


Dragon Tail, Scald, Toxic, Recover

Item: Leftovers

Miotic is one of those "bulky water types", but with a twist. He gets access to recover and dragon tail, making him excellent for stopping sweeps in there tracks. On top of that, he has excellent switch in potential due to marvel scale, he can absorb a status ailment, and become a true wall.

The Secret of Manda

Mandibuzz AKA The Secret

Nature- Impish

Evs-252 HP 252 Defense

Ability- Overcoat


Roost, Defog, Foul Play, Knock Off

Item- Rocky Helmet

Say hello to my secret weapon. With great bulk, physical hitters will have a hard time to take it out. Rocky helmet will slowly take them out and I can roost off damage. Mandibuzz checks Aegis Slash, and Mega Kangaskahn, along with other physical hitters. Defog is so good this gen as it gets rid of everything on the field that can stop my Mamoswine. Although it does get rid of my hazards, but I don't run those anymore.

The Cleaner

Darmanitan AKA Janitor

Nature- Adamant

Evs: 252 Attack, 252 speed

Ability- Sheer Force


Flair Blitz, Super Power, Earthquake, Rock Slide

Item- Choice Scarf

This thing is powerful, he cleans up teams nothing more. Once any walls are gone, it becomes so hard to revenge kill him, his attacks due massive damage. Even without the sun he will still be able to finish a team that has been weaken though the battle, and he isn't the most of your worries

The Community

Gardevoir AKA Gossip

Nature- Timid

Evs: 252 sp attack 252 speed

Ability: Synchronize


Calm Mind, Psyshock, Moon Blast, Hyper Beam

Item- Gardevoirite

Gardevoir is my favorite pokemon, although I would have Mamoswine represent me. This set is one I created to be end a battle and a spectacular way. Hyperbeam plus Pixleate does massive damage to even the tankest of special walls, I'll leave some calcs

Hyperbeam Vs. Max Spec def Blissy 48%

Hyperbeam Vs Max Spec De HPf Mega T-Tar plus sand 79.2-94 %, a guaranteed OKO without sand

Hyper Beam Vs Florges Max Spec Def, HP 56.1-66.1%

As you can see the bulkiest special walls are still hit hard, and in the end, when it comes down to the wire, you can turn the game in you favor. Moon Blast is a good stab move to use to weaken pokes before you fire your laser. Psyshock will hit special walls, so you you don't have to really on the sheer power of hyper beam.Calm Mind is there if you plan on staying in and sweeping a team, or give you that extra fire power to end a game.

Well that's it, this team is my favorite team, full of annoyances, walls and offense. It synergy well, but I love feed back so please leave your input on what you think, well toats out of here, so later.

Edited by Fiendlord Maus
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