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Normal Leader Noel


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I suggest you first train all your Pokemans up to level 52, and give Noivern one or two Common Candies so it doesn't overlevel during the fight.

Then,start the battle use one of your mons to disable cinccino (Noels opening mon) using paralysis, sleep, burn or confusion. If none of your mons can do that, just defeat Cinccino and disable the next one using a weak mon which can (by giving it a Focus Sash, Cinccino's multi-hit attacks ignore it).

Then, have one of your mons use a boosting move (swords dance, dragons dance, calm mind) while healing any of its damages with some potions, then just sweep his team.

Save beforehand and if you lose, just soft reset to the point before. If you fail a lot of times, you should probably get a Fighting or Rock type mon and level it to 50, then use it in the battle.

Also, i recommend getting a total of 8/9 main pokes, and swap them around (that way, they won't overlevel like Noivern did and it also provides better type coverage). Good luck.

PS; Where did you leave your starter?

Edited by Nova
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I can't remember if you can get Crobat at this stage, but that thing destroyed Noel. Acrobatics was able to deal a massive blow to all of Noel's pokemon.

You can... Remember, Wasteland ^_^

So, i'm going to recommend two things:

1 - Crobat... Tempest already said it, but i'll repeat: Acrobatics WILL destroy half of his team at least... Cinccino's Rock Blast can't OHKO Crobat, and the King's Rock doesn't matter (Either because of Inner Focus, or simply because Crobat is faster...)...

2 - AGGRON: Steel... Rock... Resists all his STAB moves (4x times), and that Clefable is going to regret seeing this thing... Aggron is a monster, and it's close to perfect against Noel (I don't remember if he has fighting coverage...)

That's it... I just abused Infernape withotu Iron Fist (It wasn't working in episode 10) and Crobat to win... So good luck ^_^

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This was by far the hardest battle for me. I got stuck, and I went back to catch the Scraggy I had forgot about because I was so frustrated. Leveled it from level 15 to about 45 after some hardcore training. It'll learn Hi Jump Kick, with 130 base power and 90-95 accuracy. Scrafty can take a hit from that Cincinno, and if you level him up to about 50, you can OHKO that demon-spawn right on the first turn of the battle. If you don't know where the Scraggy is, it's in the Obsidia Slums somewhere. I'll leave the rest up to you :)

Good luck with Noel

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I suggest you first train all your Pokemans up to level 52, and give Noivern one or two Common Candies so it doesn't overlevel during the fight.

Then,start the battle use one of your mons to disable cinccino (Noels opening mon) using paralysis, sleep, burn or confusion. If none of your mons can do that, just defeat Cinccino and disable the next one using a weak mon which can (by giving it a Focus Sash, Cinccino's multi-hit attacks ignore it).

Then, have one of your mons use a boosting move (swords dance, dragons dance, calm mind) while healing any of its damages with some potions, then just sweep his team.

Save beforehand and if you lose, just soft reset to the point before. If you fail a lot of times, you should probably get a Fighting or Rock type mon and level it to 50, then use it in the battle.

Also, i recommend getting a total of 8/9 main pokes, and swap them around (that way, they won't overlevel like Noivern did and it also provides better type coverage). Good luck.

PS; Where did you leave your starter?

my starter was fennekin and delphox level 46 isnt that good, i kninda regret picking fennekin so until i can find a use for it im not using it until i can figure out a way to make it usefull

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On the contrary, Delphox would do reasonably well against Porygon-Z at least, due to its very nice Special Defense + Mystical Fire. Sadly it is rather outclassed by most of the other starters, even here... poor thing. I will do that Psychic mono-type and I will make you useful, I promise...

Anyway, as for Noel, pretty much any Steel-type takes care of Cinccino (watch for Hidden Power Fighting, but even that shouldn't be too much to handle). Aggron has been suggested and Steelix is available by that point, too. Bulkier Fighting-types are an option as well... I've only personally used Emboar against him, and that could take the five hits + one-shot with Hammer Arm. Something like Scrafty or Hariyama would probably work, too?

More importantly, if you're using a Steel-type, watch out for Staraptor. That will wreck you. Close Combat isn't nice. Fighting-types need to be wary of Porygon-Z and Clefable, but Steel-types will pretty much demolish the latter.

...This is assuming his team hasn't changed post Episode 10, of course, because I haven't fought him in my current file yet so I don't know.

Edited by Lost Lore
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I used a Steadfast Gallade just for that battle. Bred it, found the Shiny Stone in the wasteland, used two Intimidaters to lower Cinccino's attack to -6, set up 3 Sword Dances, and took it from there. I out-sped his entire team after 2 boosts, and nothing is gonna survive a +6 Close Combat (Clefable will survive a +6 Psycho Cut lolwut).

You might be able to use Steadfast Machamp, but his movepool is booty.

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You could also catch the level 5 tepig to get a better move for fighting or get semistoad teach it drain punch and sludge wave. once you get past machinco it becomes easier have a ghost type for swallow though facade will screw you over if that is not handle

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My Cofagrigus was extremely useful for this fight. Will o'wisp can cripple cinccino and staraptor and if you can bait the swellow into using brave bird (send out a fighting type, then immediately switch) it loses guts and becomes completely useless.

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u can use luxray for the birds.. aggron is a monster for clefable and cinccino.. even girafarig is pretty easy if you have an arcanine with crunch.. if you have been playing from before ep11 and have lucario then its brilliant at killing noel.. i also had a nidoking with sludge wave and double kick.. ruined clefable..

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