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Grass Leader Florinia


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Hello there.

I'm currently playing a second playthrough of Pokemon Reborn and wanted to try something different by choosing a variety of different Pokemon in the new playthrough. However, I am having trouble with Florinia.

The current team as of now consist of Frogadier, Noctowl, Noibat, Mr. Mime, Kirlia & Pachirisu all just a level or fewer under 25. Any suggestions on defeating Florinia and future leaders/trainers?

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Use a Trubbish with Toxic Spikes... She might have a pokemon to absorb it (A grass/poison)

Thanks Nova: Apparently in episode 11, she doesn't have a grass/poison anymoe, so Toxic Spikes for da win!)

If you want another tip, you can always buy that Magikarp that nowadays costs $5500! and get a Gyarados... Gyarados is not going to get OHKO'ed by Florinia's Cradily, and Gyarados learns Dragon Rage, the most OP move in the start of the game...

If you don't want that, well... I'm pretty sure a combination of Noibat and Noctowl, with a bit of support from Mr.Mime will be enough... If you want something for Cradily the OP powerhouse , you can go back to the slums and catch a Makuhita/Mankey... I'd suggest Makuhita since it's a bit more defensive...

Or, you could wait for more tips... ^_^

Good Luck!

Edited by Vinny953
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I'd go with Vinny's strategy. I just recently beat her with that strategy! but leveling/training a magikarp up to that point is a pain. If you don't want to train a magikarp then go train a Mankey/Makuhita you can get from the slums!

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On my playthrough Trubbish was a great help, due to both Toxic Spikes and Acid Spray. I basically kept spraying Cradilly to the point my Marshtomp's Water Gun could OHKO it. Worked pretty well for me.

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imo, that Noibat, Kirlia, and Pachirisu will be deadweight here. Their stats are way too low to be useful until they evolve, which won't happen until (especially in Noibat's case) clear past the level cap. My own Ralts/Kirlia was more a burden than anything else until it evolved, and for the time being I totally gave up on Noibat for the same reason.

Much of Florinia's team is part Poison-type, so the Mr. Mime might do most of the heavy lifting. For Cradily, I'd recommend a Fighting-type if you have the patience to find one (I don't use Bug-types so I can't verify Kricketune's usefulness with personal accounts). They might scrape by unevolved, but Cradily can hit hard so if things don't go well, you may have to grind them until they evolve. You can find a Mankey or a Makuhita in the Obsidia Slums.

It might be good to have a Fire-type under your belt. You can find a Pansear under Opal Bridge when it's raining (it used to be a Magby but oh well). If your Pokemon like you enough, you can also seek out the Vulpix in the salon, except it will run off and I don't know how to find it yet.

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It might be good to have a Fire-type under your belt. You can find a Pansear under Opal Bridge when it's raining (it used to be a Magby but oh well). If your Pokemon like you enough, you can also seek out the Vulpix in the salon, except it will run off and I don't know how to find it yet.

You chase the Vulpix down to the building in Obsidia that leads to the Railnet. But I would really... wait on that, because unless you can handle a level 45 Pokemon, you're not going to be getting Vulpix anytime soon.

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You chase the Vulpix down to the building in Obsidia that leads to the Railnet. But I would really... wait on that, because unless you can handle a level 45 Pokemon, you're not going to be getting Vulpix anytime soon.

That's the one place in Obsidia I didn't look. >.< Well, no worries, I recently beat Aya so I can handle a level 45 Pokemon.

Welp, OP, guess you're out of luck with the Vulpix. You can still try the Pansear to keep your arsenal more varied. For Fire-types, it might be your only option since, unless you picked a Fire-type started (and you didn't), nothing else is available to my knowledge.

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well you can also go to the slums to get the Fight/Dark pokemon, it learns fighting moves on the way so it's 2x on cradily.

If you're talking about Scraggy and/or Pancham, I'm afraid you can't get them that early anymore in Ep 11. Options for Fighting-types are limited early on, unfortunately.

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At first I wouldn't do a static team. I Think the best way is to train several Pkm for each leader. In your case Fire Type's. There are two in the early Game. Growlithe and Pansear.

Here's the link to their Locations: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=6802&hl=location

You don't have access to Growlithe just yet. To get Growlithe you require access to the Jasper Ward and find all 5 missing policemen.

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Get a makuhita it's your best friend on almost any gym and cradily

he learns knock off, fake out, and belly drum on leveling up and he evolves at 24 which is very good for a early game pokemon that will be a heavy hitter and he has acces to 3 of the best abilites in the game in guts, sheer force, and thick fat

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Makuhita and Kricketune (Fury Cutter) beat that gym for me on my first run. Second run I had help from Quilava and Mankey. My third run has been a little more difficult since I started with Turtwig, but it basically came down to spamming smokescreen and screech with a Stunky against Cradily and then sending in my starter to finish things off. If you don't mind training a Biberal up you can trade it for a Litleo in the North Peridot ward. It has Noble Roar and Work Up, so if you get the chance to setup you can do some pretty hefty damage.

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In my most recent playthrough i used Litleo, a Greninja, and a Swirlix. i did not have any other pokemon until i got my Snubbull later. Anyway, the Swirlix had Fake Tears, which would sharply lower the special defense of Florinia's team. It was especially helpful against Cradily, as i was able to get it down to -4 before being knocked out, and then my Litleo took it out with a Work Up and an Ember.

I still have that Litleo, now a Pyroar, on my team, and it has Echoed Voice which it often uses to sweep, i would recommend it to anybody.

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Toxic Spikes + Acid Spray has always been my go to. Not only that, but now that Sheer Force works Ice Punch totally waylays her team with Croconaw.

I've never had trouble with her, I always tend to wipe the floor with her. I usually have the most trouble with Julia, and Kiki after her. Shade was annoying, but not very problematic for me as well.

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