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"Last Active" Use & Moderator/Staff Warning Notification Toggling


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I won't say that I don't poke around on both the site, people's profiles, and their recent activities. However, I find myself questioning the point of having the option to hide one's "Last Active" status. While it hides the activity upon first glance, it really is quite easy to get some sort of approximation of their latest activities.
For example, I was looking a user whose name I will keep anonymous, and they had their Last Active status hidden.

23hxhsl.png This can be found beneath the user's name on their profile page.

One look at their Reputation, Posts, Topics, or Reborn Economy investments, likely more accurate than their latest reputation, gives a general idea of their latest activity beyond just logging in. However, if the user simply logs in and logs out without any activity, there is no surefire way (to the public, at any rate) to know it.

So, what does this even mean/matter? Well, for one, Ace Members are required now to stay active at least every three months (if I am wrong, please correct me on this). If moderators/staff cannot see the latest someone was on (again, I do not know if they have the ability to see this), then they may lose Ace Membership due to not being viewed as online through their "Last Active" status. While some may attempt to be incognito through the nature of choice, it could lead to some unwanted conclusions. This, of course, all balancing on if a member chooses to hide their "Last Active" status. Should the ability to hide recent activity in all other aspects of the member's activity be open to the user? i.e. If I don't want people to see my latest Reborn Economy buyings and think I changed someone's name to Humpfrey by buying the Name Changer, should I have the freedom to hide that, like how someone can hide their "Last Active" status?

In other news(?), whilst exploring the site, I came back to the option in "My Notifications" that concerns the notifying of a member if they have been warned by a moderator of something unsatisfactory they have done. I can only assume it is different from a message, and applies to the user's "Warning Points" counter.This box is NOT checked upon joining the site and becoming a member, but I do not think there should be the option to uncheck this box, effectively cutting off the communication between member and moderator. Should a member do something against the rather clearly-stated rules, I believe the member should not have the ability to ignore it by disabling the notification. That opinion is why I have posted this and the above topics in the Grand Hall. I think this should be up for debate among the members of Reborn.

Edit: New members' settings do not have the "Notify me if I am warned by a moderator" box checked.

Thank you everybody (for bearing with the text walls),

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I'll be a little bit quick (Sorry, but i have to go...)

On the first thing: I'm pretty sure that G-Mod+ can check people online status regardless... If they can't though, they SHOULD... Even more with the new rules for activity, so yeah... If they can't see it, they should be able to see it... That's my opinion on that...

On the second thing, i agree with that... And i'm sure that box is not checked... Cuz mine wasn't until i checked today... Since a warning is something important (At least, i believe it is), "normal members" should always have that box checked... However, older members that are not Ace Members, can have the box unchecked... Cuz if you're an old member, you should know how things work around these parts... That's what i think...

That second point is kinda important IMO... +1 for seeing that...

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1) The staff that are in charge of the more important things can see it, so it doesn't really matter. If a user doesn't want people to know when they last logged on, then that's their business. (I personally find the whole profile creeping weird and sus)

2) More often than not, the mods will post something expressing their discontent with the user's actions, so again ignoring the notification doesn't make a difference. Especially because the next time they post, they'll see that their counter has gone up and see (Which they're probably aware of anyway) why it went up. For instance, I have 6 warning posts, and not once have I needed to see why I got warned. I was very aware of where I fucked up (Granted, newer users might not, but mods almost always issue a verbal warning as I stated earlier). The feature isn't exactly useful.

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Having simply one warning post should be a wake-up call. If you've done something deserving of six warning posts, Erick, then perhaps you'd prove a good example of why people need to read them. This forum isn't a society of children. With the system, it's quicker to point out a mistake than to hand-hold to person who made it and set them on the right route. But, your opinion stands, so I'll keep it in mind.

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Or, maybe the fact that I've been here for 3 fucking years, and was known to push the limits of the rules (At the time, doesn't really happen now) would explain it. Now maybe if I've been here for less than 4 months, yeah sure, that's an issue, but that's not the case (Been a year since I've got a warning anyway). Don't need to preach, I'm well aware that I was a fuck up.

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To my knowledge, staff can see past the last active block, but if not, it's something built into IPB that we can't easily change

Regarding the warnings thing, it looks like I can't force-enable that box, but, I did find a different option that requires users to acknowledge warnings before they can post again which sounds like a fantastic thing to me (much like we do on the server with mutes) so I've set that in place of the other thing

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