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Achievement Hunters


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This seems amusing, so I'll make a post to collect my achievements. I'll edit them and such.

Achievement list:


  • Make a (legit) Regular League Trainer Card (card here)
  • haven't battled on the server yet lel
Reborn Game
  • I dunno if I can earn any of these :x
  • Postcount 100 (139 when this was first posted, all previous are void)
Misc Edited by Blind Guardian
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I am confused about the "Complete all 4 different story line!" Achievement....

What do you mean 4 different story line? I don't see any difference in the story line when I switch characters.....

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I am confused about the "Complete all 4 different story line!" Achievement....

What do you mean 4 different story line? I don't see any difference in the story line when I switch characters.....

Think about who you decide to battle.

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It has to do with the thing when you battle the Doctor or Sirius.

So proof of this would just to show pictures of winning the battle? Guess I should completely my alt run then..

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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Quote nyu talking on the server the same day - 30

(20:43:29) nyu2: hi
(20:43:33) +TheScarletSword: !
(20:43:42) Jacze: !
(20:43:52) ¼: WTF
(20:44:03) Alice: jelly, calm your pants
(20:44:08) Winter: NYU
(20:44:09) Winter: :o
(20:44:09) +TheScarletSword: What the hell happened?
(20:44:13) ¼: IM NOT WEARING PANTS
(20:44:21) Alice: get some pants
(20:44:23) Alice: and calm them
(20:45:09) Cakeodemon: hi nyu
(20:45:10) ¼: nyu where have you been we've had to ration off food and water and start taking showeres with each other's piss
(20:45:11) ¼: :/
(20:45:23) Equilim: wow....
(20:45:27) Kirigiri: can someone ban Jelly?
(20:45:30) Kirigiri: <<
(20:45:31) Equilim: showers with each others piss....
(20:46:09) ¼: our savior has returned
(20:46:17) Shadow Tack: bird jesus?
(20:46:17) ¼: all hail nyu
(20:46:18) ¼: all hail nyu
(20:46:19) ¼: all hail nyu
(20:46:41) Alice: Jelly started another cult around Nyu
(20:46:47) Shadow Tack: gg
(20:47:21) +Inumuta: Another?
(20:47:41) ¼: shhhhhh
(20:48:08) Renzo: Jokes on you guys
(20:48:19) Renzo: I have an endless supply of fresh water
(20:48:29) ¼: whatever you say bear grylls
(20:48:33) nyu2: Okay~ story time. Old server was always hosted at my parent's house. Apparently one day they decided to upgrade all the network equipment and stuff and didn't tell me (which explains the first week of downtime). Once they did let me know, I spent the next weekend working with them to get things set up again, but they've partially stopped caring because their internet is working and partially because they don't know what I'm trying to get them to do. That mixed with me needing to move to a new apartment + being super busy at work means I've had no time to give love to the server
(20:48:55) Renzo: That's the most I've ever seen nyu say at one time
(20:48:59) Equilim: omg stonde edge
(20:49:01) Equilim: wtf
(20:49:02) ¼: down with nyu's parents
(20:49:04) ¼: down with nyu's parents
(20:49:04) ¼: down with nyu's parents
(20:49:07) +Inumuta: Understood.
(20:49:10) Shadow Tack: um
(20:49:15) D. Skitty: @ Equilim. Someone said my name?
(20:49:22) Equilim: get out SKITS
(20:49:27) D. Skitty: :^)
(20:49:29) D. Skitty: Hai
(20:49:34) Equilim: i hate you
(20:49:38) Equilim: and alice
(20:49:39) D. Skitty: :c
(20:49:42) Equilim: and you more
(20:49:45) D. Skitty: ok. :'(
(20:49:49) Renzo: It's okay
(20:49:53) Alice: You know you really love us though <3
(20:49:54) +Inumuta: S'alright nyu, life happens, and Scarlet here's been doing a magnifico job as backup.
(20:49:56) Renzo: Everyone else still loves you
(20:49:56) nyu2: Sooo I'll probably get some new hardware and start hosting the server from new apartment... but that might be a while 'cause I need to figure out something low-power enough for me to keep it on all the time
(20:50:03) Renzo: Just kidding
(20:50:08) D. Skitty: cri
(20:50:13) +/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I've actually been looking into trying to run the server from our VPS
(20:50:13) Equilim: i hate the BOTH of you with so much hatred
(20:50:15) Kirigiri: i second this hatred!
(20:50:18) D. Skitty: :c
(20:50:21) Haydunn: hey
(20:50:24) +TheScarletSword: Any rough estimates?
(20:50:31) Haydunn: sup biatches
(20:50:31) nyu2: /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: That's probably the right way to do this
(20:50:32) D. Skitty: I'll just go then. Since no love. cri
(20:50:32) Renzo: Someone is saaaaaaaalty
(20:50:33) ¼: 6 months
(20:50:37) Equilim: GO
(20:50:38) Equilim: leave
(20:50:39) Renzo: I'll love you
(20:50:42) Renzo: For a price
(20:50:43) +/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: I haven't gotten it to work yet because of some display connection error, but if it does, then there'll be no rush
(20:50:52) nyu2: Run it headless
(20:50:55) nyu2: /Server -H
(20:50:58) +Yuki: nyu didn
(20:51:01) +Yuki: 't die! yay
(20:51:04) +/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Hm? Okay, let me try that
(20:51:12) ¼: inb4 break
(20:51:16) Haydunn: Anyone wanna battle im recording
(20:51:29) nyu2: By default it tries to bring up a server window which needs a display thingy which you probably don't have... -H will prevent it from trying to do that
(20:51:30) Kyra: Nyu is dead tho, this is just his ghost
(20:51:36) +Yuki: oh :|
(20:51:50) Renzo: Because Haydunn would come here of all places to battle
(20:51:54) Jacze: anyway
(20:52:01) Jacze: I'm gonna go sleep now
(20:52:16) ¼: nainai
(20:52:18) +/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Oh, I see. Thanks! Now it's still possible to configure everything without that display, right?
(20:52:31) ~~~ Jacze whited out. ~~~
(20:52:41) Renzo: That death is racist
(20:52:50) nyu2: Yep yep
(20:52:52) Renzo: Why couldn't he have blacked out?
(20:52:54) Renzo: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
(20:52:56) Alice: You're racist
(20:53:04) Renzo: Your mom is racist

Edited by blasterman4
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Hey. Welcome. So basically, you just need to get a screenshot of the various tasks and post them here. Each achievement gets your points, and after you get 100 points, I give out a the forums currency as money.

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Oh snap, this is still going on, thought it was stopped cause of League going down. Anyways, I got some.

Defeat the 3 third block leaders - 20 (I would say I also beat the fourth block leaders but my card hasn't updated since I beat Serra)

Catch 300 Pokemon in the pokedex in Reborn Game - 30

Post a total of 250 different comments - 40

Post a total of 500 different comments - 50

Edited by ~Derpy Simon
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