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TFL Reborn (A Dark mono-type)

Lost Lore

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(*TFL = The Fleeting Light. Way to go Espy, trying to make things sound more serious than they actually are...)

Why am I making this topic? Because I want to.

As of late, I've been doing Dark mono-type runs in some of the main series games. I've completed ones in Crystal and Emerald, and I'm working on one in Platinum (I don't feel like grinding for the Elite Four right now, else that'd be done too...) so I figured that I'd go ahead and do one in Reborn, too, now that I've caught up on my main file.

...But you see, this isn't your average mono-type. With a special name comes special rules. Not that they're anything too complex, of course. I'm only a masochist 30% of the time, after all...


-As this is a mono-type, only Dark-types may be used. Secondary types are fine. Other Pokemon may only be used if it's for egg moves/a requirement to catching a certain Dark-type (eg. Headbutt for Inkay).

-All Dark-types within a region's regional dex must be registered as caught, regardless of whether I plan on using them or not. As Reborn's regional 'dex is the national one... that means all of them.

And one more Reborn-only rule:

-One certain Garchomp and one similarly certain Arceus must be defeated. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Current number of badges: 6

*Garchomp has been defeated. Don't ask how unless you want a wall of text... oh wait, this is already a wall of text.

TFL 'dex completion:

30/44 Seen | 29/44 Caught

The Active Squad:


Indra the Houndoom (Male, Lv. 46) @Heat Rock

Modest nature.

Unnerve (I will change this once I get far enough, I swear... Houndoom's abilities are lousy.)

-Dark Pulse

-Sunny Day



~Houndoom is a nice Pokemon to have, namely because it lacks two of Dark's more notorious weaknesses (Bug and Fairy) and even has an advantage over the former. This one has Will-o-Wisp to cover its shaky physical Defense, Sunny Day to help bolster Flamethrower's power and deter Water-types (and Serra) and Dark Pulse for a nice special STAB. I didn't figure he'd ever have physical moves, so I figured Modest would work as his nature.


Duskwing the Honchkrow (Male, Lv. 47) @Sky Plate

Adamant nature.


-Sucker Punch

-Night Slash

-Brave Bird


~If it's sheer power I'm looking for, then this guy has it. As a Murkrow, Prankster Roosts helped keep him alive and Brave Bird did ridiculous amounts of damage. It still does, actually. Roost is also there to help with recoil, and Sucker Punch is there for priority... since he kinda needs it. Night Slash is just kind of... there. If I don't feel like using Sucker Punch, or something.


Corey the Drapion (Male, Lv. 47) @Black Sludge

Careful nature.

Battle Armor

-Poison Jab

-Hone Claws

-Night Slash

-Fire Fang

~Poison/Dark is a nice combo, as it does away with all of Dark's weaknesses and all but one of Poison's. Careful wouldn't have been my first choice of nature, as a side note, but it patches up his Special Defense relatively well, so it works for me. Hone Claws is there to help get his Attack a healthy boost, and I've been rotating between the Fangs, depending on which one fits my needs at the time.


Zig-Zag the Scrafty (Male, Lv. 47) @Black Belt

Adamant nature.



-Dragon Dance


-Hi Jump Kick

~Dragon Dance is really good on everything that gets it, and Scrafty here is no exception. If he gets off a boost or two from it, he'll outpace everything and hit really hard, usually with Crunch. Hi Jump Kick is stupidly strong, but it has this really bad habit of missing and causing him to faceplant really quickly because of it...

Oh, and Intimidate over Moxie for the sake of team support. I do tend to switch out a lot to keep my team evenly leveled, anyway, so...


Azurine the Greninja (Male, Lv. 48) @Splash Plate

Hasty nature.


-Water Pulse

-Role Play

-Shadow Sneak


~I hadn't gotten a chance to use Protean prior to now... and it really is as good as it looks on paper. Splash Plate is there to help Water Pulse make up for its shortcomings, Shadow Sneak is there to mess with Bug and Fighting-types, namely (Kiki's Medicham is one of my more memorable victims to that) and Round... I've barely been using Round.

Oh, and Role Play was there for Sigmund- I just haven't found something to swap it with. Stealing Lightningrod is fun~


Sepia the Malamar (Male, Lv. 47) @Mind Plate

Adamant nature.


-Psycho Cut

-Light Screen

-Night Slash


~I'm going to open with the fact that I love Contrary. Contrary is one of my favourite abilities in the game.

Anyway, Malamar isn't very fast, but he hits ridiculously hard. Light Screen is there to help null Special Attacks against him + the rest of the team if they need it, and Psycho Cut and Night Slash are his STABs. I haven't actually used Superpower much, but from what use I've gotten out of it, it's been stellar.

And I have a lot of reserves (and I do mean a lot) and several of them have seen use earlier in the game, but I don't feel like listing them all right now. So have some noteworthy ones:


Grunge the Mightyena (Male, Lv. 43) @Cleanse Tag

~While it ends up suffering from being relatively mediocre in the later-game, getting Crunch from the move relearner really early made this guy pretty formidable. Intimidate is always nice to have, too. Right now the only thing he does is keep wild Pokemon away when I'm hatching eggs, so I don't burn money on repels... but he will possibly have one more use in the future.


Trickster the Liepard (Male, Lv. 42) @Brightpowder

~"Liepard? A noteworthy reserve? Really?" you say.

Prankster Liepard is quite possibly the most annoying thing I have ever had the pleasure of using. Priority Sand-Attacks + Brightpowder mean that if you don't take it down quickly, you won't be able to hit it, and then suddenly you're taken down. Yes, that is a lame strategy, but it is the lame strategy that took down Garchomp, so I wouldn't go there, if I were you.

I'm looking at using him a bit more seriously in at least one future battle, but we'll have to see...


Blair the Skuntank (Male, Lv. 41) @Leftovers

~I haven't been using Skuntank lately, but evolving mine before taking on Shelly suddenly turned him into a surprise powerhouse for that battle... I predict pulling him back out for the Fairy Gym, since he is one of two Poison/Dark type lines, but he may not see much use beyond that.


Hunter the Zoroark (Male, Lv. 41)

~Initially, I was a bit leery of using Zoroark, as its movepool outside of breeding is rather barren of moves to take advantage of its good Special Attack... however, Night Daze from the move relearner made me reconsider for a while. Fast, has really nice Special Attack + Fake Tears, Extrasensory to troll Fighting-types and U-Turn to make a hasty retreat. Not much more to say...


Void the Spiritomb (Male, Lv. 44, Shiny)

~Spiritomb is pretty cool. Slow, but it can take hits very well and it was very useful when I finally ended out sending it out against Aya. I see myself using it again in the future, but for now, I don't think it's quite what I need... This one notably has Calm Mind to boost its special stats and Psychic for my ever-growing collection of things to screw Fighting-types over.

And here is an image of all of my reserves, but you don't get a detailed description for them, sorry.


...There. The longest post I've ever typed and the longest one I likely will ever type.

Edited by Lost Lore
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I approve this monotype... Not only because it was the monotype i wanted to start, but it's a monotype that (Hopefully) is going to have a Weavile on it... Even if it's in a PC Box...

Also: Mightyena is NOT worthy it... to keep in the box, it should be on the same level that your main team is... Why?

Mightyena gets a key move, called "Thief"... It allows you to steal some good items for gym leaders (Rocky helmet? Mine... Focus Sash? Give me that shit...) So, i REALLY suggest you keep it on level with your team... Intimidate > Moxie so Mightyena has a better chance against physical attackers... Unless it's Bisharp...

Also, remember that you can get Eevee, so Umbreon is a must... I liek Umbreon... a lot actually, so you can get one and keep it around... if you need it...

When you reach level 55+, go back to the Beryl Ward, into Beryl Cave... Nuzleaf...

I guess that's i... Wait... DDance on Scrafty? You can breed that? *Looks on Bulbapedia* Altaria...

Gotta go breed an Scraggy!

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I actually already have Umbreon (with Curse and Wish, too) and Shiftry- like I said, I have a lot of reserves, but I was only listing the ones that I'd used actively at some point. I haven't used Umbreon beyond training it to level 45, and only used Shiftry for Serra's Cloyster (That went well... I didn't expect Focus Sash = GG, Shiftry).

Remember that "one more use" I mentioned in the future for Mightyena? That's the one I was referring to. Although the only item I can remember seeing that I wanted to snatch was Assault Vest... assuming that's not an incorrect assumption on my part. (I don't think it is, but I guess I won't know until I get there, now will I?)

I actually got Dragon Dance from Gyarados... Yes, Scraggy can make babies with the giant sea dragon. I shouldn't question these things, at this point.

...And what sane person would permanently relegate Weavile to the box? Awesome, incredibly useful, Pokemon. Its status as the fastest Dark-type (...tied, but Darkrai doesn't count) and resident Dark-type Dragon Slayer doesn't hurt it.

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Whoops, didn't notice the "one more use" in Mightyena... Sorry...

But there's no Assault Vest yet, you got stuff mixed up... No worries, there's a lot of good stuff to steal from trainers anyway, so yeah...

From what i see, you missed no dark type (That is available up to this point), so yeah... That's a really nice run ^_^

Just a side note: Do you have Sharpedo? Frail, but that Speed Boost is useful if you get it going...

Other than that, good luck... i want to see how this turns out :P

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...I need to like, take a screen cap of all of my reserves and stick it in the first post. *pokes F8 and goes to find an image hosting site...*

Okay but yes, I have Sharpedo. I think one Water/Dark type is enough, so neither he nor Crawdaunt have been getting much use. Although I at least used Crawdaunt against Cal because weather makes that battle rather laughable, and I am not a nice person to ingame trainers.

The only other Dark-type that is actually obtainable ingame atm is Sableye, and I am not anywhere near far enough to get that. Everything else obtainable, I have.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel that I'll inevitably want to make an update while I'm avoiding the need to grind to take on Luna sitting around, so... here we are.

Current number of badges: 8

*Garchomp has been defeated.

*Judgment has rained down upon the false god. (Translation: Arceus has been defeated, too.)

TFL 'dex completion:

32/44 Seen | 29/44 Caught

The Active Squad:

~Hasn't changed all that much... some new moves here and there, but I think I'll be sticking with this one generally, at least for now.


Indra the Houndoom (Male, Lv. 60) @Charcoal

Modest nature.

Flash Fire

-Dark Pulse

-Sunny Day




Duskwing the Honchkrow (Male, Lv. 61) @Dread Plate

Adamant nature.


-Sucker Punch

-Night Slash

-Brave Bird



Corey the Drapion (Male, Lv. 61) @Black Sludge

Careful nature.

Battle Armor

-Poison Jab

-Hone Claws


-Ice Fang


Zig-Zag the Scrafty (Male, Lv. 60) @Black Belt

Adamant nature.



-Dragon Dance


-Hi Jump Kick


Azurine the Greninja (Male, Lv. 62) @Splash Plate

Hasty nature. (debating on whether I want to trade for Timid, since his Defense is fragile enough... or Modest, maybe)


-Water Pulse


-Shadow Sneak

-Hydro Pump


Sepia the Malamar (Male, Lv. 60) @Mind Plate

Adamant nature.


-Psycho Cut

-Light Screen

-Night Slash


Noteworthy reserves, as of recent events:


Chrysolia the Umbreon (Male, Lv. 52) @Leftovers

Sassy nature.


-Quick Attack



-Feint Attack

~Umbreon is notorious for having craploads of bulk. This guy helped me stall out Arceus' PP for a bit, and took Judgments rather effectively.


Hunter the Zoroark (Male, Lv. 58) @Dread Plate

Naughty nature.


-Night Daze

-Nasty Plot



~This guy took Scrafty's place during the bout with Radomus. He successfully took out Exeggutor and Malamar and didn't do much of anything else, really... but that was about all I needed him to do.

...We won't ever speak of how the bout with Radomus went ever again. I kinda feel bad for him on account of it...

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Two things ^^

1 - Yeah, change Greninja's nature to Timid. Even with Timid nature, people run Greninja with U-Turn. So yeah, you should change it. And i'm pretty sure that Shadow Sneak is not going to last long anyway.

2 - What happened with Radomus?

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Two things ^^

1 - Yeah, change Greninja's nature to Timid. Even with Timid nature, people run Greninja with U-Turn. So yeah, you should change it. And i'm pretty sure that Shadow Sneak is not going to last long anyway.

2 - What happened with Radomus?

1 - Okay, I'll be sure to do that. Shadow Sneak is really useful considering Ghost is weak to different things than Water/Dark is (wrecked Kiki's Medicham- that's still my favourite use I've gotten out of it) but it won't be there forever, I know.

2 - Ha... I think I one-shot five out of his six Pokemon? I was having difficulty not giggling maniacally through that entire battle. About as much as I expected from a Psychic Gym in a Dark mono-type, only that's a bit overboard...

It doesn't help that he's (tied for) my favourite Reborn Leader so I find it both amusing and feel terrible about it. OTL

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  • 2 months later...

I thik this topic should be locked Lost Aint around for the time being so Mod please lock

it hasnt been updated in 2 months

It's truly up to Lost if she wants the topic to be locked. I wouldn't recommend going around asking to lock topics either. It's rather rude.

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I thik this topic should be locked Lost Aint around for the time being so Mod please lock

it hasnt been updated in 2 months

...I'm not? I must be an illusion then... Hunter I told you to quit fucking with people

It hasn't been updated since I didn't do so after Luna (due to no team changes), so there were no updates to make besides that. But I figured I would update it after defeating Samson- I just haven't yet. Defeated Samson, I mean.

As it's still linked in my signature, though, I'd imagine I have the intention of updating it, wouldn't you? Or that I would have said to lock it myself, had I wanted it locked.

I really do need to get on the ball with updating it, though, so this should spur me to do so.

Edit: Tacos is trying to do my job for me. I appreciate that, actually~

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sorry but hey i understand you got bussines its me just trollin myself or it might be my little bro;)

i might do 1 of these but for the poison type anythign to help me

and hey lost i would imagine that you'd have stopped cuz of the fact your on your moms pc or did youu have your save on a flashdrive/usb?

Irony a person that makes me think of espeon sylveon and meowstic doing a mono type of the type thats their oposite

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I have both my saves (and Reborn, as it stands, although that hasn't left much room for anything else) on my flash drive, so I can take them with me. Ergo I can still make updates, if I really want to. Actually I really do, but I'll get to that momentarily.

I'm not the one to ask for help with mono-types, but I guess I can give one piece of advice: Cover your weaknesses. In the case of Poison, you'll want either of the Poison/Darks or the Gastly line for Psychic-types, and a Grass/Poison (there aren't any Water/Poisons available, so) for Ground.

I use a Dark/Psychic, a Dark/Flying and a Poison/Dark to cover my weaknesses to Fighting, Bug and Fairy, respectively, as an example.

That aside, have an update, since I'm here:

I've actually completed the Route 2 puzzle on the south side and gotten the Battle Pass- Fury. I'm just being lazy about grinding, which is stopping me from making any progress. That, the fact that I'm also doing a Psychic mono-type (which I never bothered to make a topic for, and don't intend to- no forum clogging from me), and computer problems are what's taking so long. Now that I've been reminded, though? That'll speed things along.

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  • Veterans

I have both my saves (and Reborn, as it stands, although that hasn't left much room for anything else) on my flash drive, so I can take them with me. Ergo I can still make updates, if I really want to. Actually I really do, but I'll get to that momentarily.

I'm not the one to ask for help with mono-types, but I guess I can give one piece of advice: Cover your weaknesses. In the case of Poison, you'll want either of the Poison/Darks or the Gastly line for Psychic-types, and a Grass/Poison (there aren't any Water/Poisons available, so) for Ground.

I use a Dark/Psychic, a Dark/Flying and a Poison/Dark to cover my weaknesses to Fighting, Bug and Fairy, respectively, as an example.

That aside, have an update, since I'm here:

I've actually completed the Route 2 puzzle on the south side and gotten the Battle Pass- Fury. I'm just being lazy about grinding, which is stopping me from making any progress. That, the fact that I'm also doing a Psychic mono-type (which I never bothered to make a topic for, and don't intend to- no forum clogging from me), and computer problems are what's taking so long. Now that I've been reminded, though? That'll speed things along.

Welp I Have a Good Area to grind in mind but with your dark types Crustle might destroy you

if your lazy you could just use moneycode to get your team up to level 65-67 but i imagine you'd rather do the grinding

And Ama use the trading service to get a gastly from gutten tag's save

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H-How was Garchomp beaten??

It was a bit of a stall battle, and Garchomp was out of PP by the very end of it, but it's certainly not impossible:

I started by switching between Mightyena and Scrafty to get its Attack to -6 (Intimidate). Then I used Liepard to get its accuracy down to -6 as well (this required Cotton Candy, as I'm sure you can guess). Finally, I sent Drapion in, set up Hone Claws to get Attack (and accuracy) to +6, and then proceeded to demolish it with Ice Fang. Burned through all of his Full Restores very quick, and was KO'd after trying to Struggle (it missed).

All you really need to do to defeat it is have a strategy in mind, like with pretty much any major battle in Reborn.

Edit: And, incidentally, since I was quite proud of this achievement, as it was my first time beating it:


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Azery, this topic was buried anyways. We don't lock topics when they are done unless they are necroposted... and you necroposted it to ask for a lock... the irony is real, but I digress. You don't need to ask for topics that aren't yours to be locked, especially when you necropost to do so. Let the auth decide when a topic will be locked. In this case, Lost may update it later as well.

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  • Veterans

It was a bit of a stall battle, and Garchomp was out of PP by the very end of it, but it's certainly not impossible:

I started by switching between Mightyena and Scrafty to get its Attack to -6 (Intimidate). Then I used Liepard to get its accuracy down to -6 as well (this required Cotton Candy, as I'm sure you can guess). Finally, I sent Drapion in, set up Hone Claws to get Attack (and accuracy) to +6, and then proceeded to demolish it with Ice Fang. Burned through all of his Full Restores very quick, and was KO'd after trying to Struggle (it missed).

All you really need to do to defeat it is have a strategy in mind, like with pretty much any major battle in Reborn.

Edit: And, incidentally, since I was quite proud of this achievement, as it was my first time beating it:



No really it should be impossible or did you use Prankster sand attack + intimidate?

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No really it should be impossible or did you use Prankster sand attack + intimidate?

That's exactly what she did.... She even said that in the 2nd paragraph.

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That's exactly what she did.... She even said that in the 2nd paragraph.

Still requires Insane hax, use of Cotton Candy which i disaprove of and itmakes sure Ame is gonna have thoughs of making that Garchomp a pulse at some point(Please dont )

Heck ive gone through the game using super potions ONLY for Shade and paralyz heals for FloBot.

Whatevs i do wanna see the look on her face in the Face off Between Lost and Samson.

Trashing in sight

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I'll use whatever is available to me. That's why they're there, after all. There are some of us that want EXTREME CHALLENGE MODE and do things like that, but I'm happy with the difficulty as-is. Because I suck.

As for Samson, I'm going to be honest- I know what I want to use against him, and I'm a bit worried about him, but considering the fact that Kiki didn't give me nearly as much trouble as I thought, I don't think he's going to smash me into bits. I'll see about doing some grinding tonight after I'm done being an idiot up in Aventurine Woods. (Someone should've told me you need Flash for Aventurine Cave now... OTL)

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Still requires Insane hax, use of Cotton Candy which i disaprove of and itmakes sure Ame is gonna have thoughs of making that Garchomp a pulse at some point(Please dont )

Heck ive gone through the game using super potions ONLY for Shade and paralyz heals for FloBot.

Whatevs i do wanna see the look on her face in the Face off Between Lost and Samson.

Trashing in sight

Ame wouldn't make Garchomp a Pulse because he isn't hooked up to one. The logic behind that assumption is... well... nonexistent. People will play Reborn however they wanna play it so no reason to go trashing other's play-styles because they're different.

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Ame wouldn't make Garchomp a Pulse because he isn't hooked up to one. The logic behind that assumption is... well... nonexistent. People will play Reborn however they wanna play it so no reason to go trashing other's play-styles because they're different.

Not tryig to trash her play style i just think that using all these healing items are just broken makes it WAY too easy then again so does breeding So does that make my Glare leech seed coil and leaf blade Serperior the game to easy.

In Turn Though I Wish That Ame Would Make A Dragon type pulse but nope.

Ama go trash somebody

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  • 3 weeks later...

And... a much more proper update for tonight, since I got off my lazy bum and did the grinding I needed to do.

The only real team changes are a few new moves/held items here and there, and... I swapped Houndoom out, since I figured he'd be pretty much dead weight here. Sorry, Indra...

Current number of badges: 10
*Garchomp has been defeated.
*Judgment has rained down upon the false god.
TFL 'dex completion:
34/44 Seen | 30/44 Caught
Team used against Samson:
Duskwing the Honchkrow (Male, Lv. 65) @Dread Plate
Adamant nature.
-Sucker Punch
-Night Slash
-Brave Bird
~Used at the very end, against Hawlucha. It was a double KO, since he was (obviously) slower than it, and Brave Bird recoil really hurts.


Void the Spiritomb (Male, Lv. 65, Shiny) @Leftovers
Relaxed nature.
-Shadow Ball
-Calm Mind
-Dark Pulse
~Rotated in in favour of Indra, due to his typing. Got a lucky crit on Chesnaught with Psychic after barely surviving a Wood Hammer, taking it down. Was going to use him against Mienshao, but that thing couldn't stop U-Turning for two seconds...
Corey the Drapion (Male, Lv. 65) @Black Sludge
Careful nature.
Battle Armor
-Poison Jab
-Swords Dance
-Ice Fang
~I was going to use him against Mienshao, but... yeah, see above. He did take advantage of the U-Turn to set up Swords Dance, which kind of ends lives due to being boosted by the High Striker. Took down Blaziken pretty effectively.
Zig-Zag the Scrafty (Male, Lv. 65) @Leftovers
Adamant nature.
-Zen Headbutt
-Dragon Dance
-Hi Jump Kick
~Wasn't used at all. With Fighting moves flying about, and the fact that he's pretty slow... yeah, I doubt I would've had the opportunity to switch him in.
Azurine the Greninja (Male, Lv. 66) @Splash Plate
Timid nature.
-Dark Pulse
-Shadow Sneak
-Hydro Pump
~Finally took down the extremely frustrating Mienshao and left a nice dent in Conkeldurr... Unfortunately, he was one-shot by it on account of me not wanting to take the chance of the AI screwing me over and deciding against jumping types to Dark first. Ah well.
Sepia the Malamar (Male, Lv. 65) @Leftovers
Adamant nature.
-Psycho Cut
-Light Screen
-Night Slash
~The High Striker was very nice to Sepia, netting him two rolls of "...OVER 9000!!!" in a row against Hariyama. Using Superpower as my opening gambit was a wise move. He also finished off Conkeldurr... thank goodness Psycho Cut was enough.
All-in-all, it wasn't too bad of a battle. Thank goodness. Adrienn is going to curb stomp me into the ground, just watch...
Back into the depths of forever with this topic... until Episode 13.
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