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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Hello and Welcome to the World of Graterras, a once Mystical and Promising land fallen into darkness! I will be your host along this journey if you think ye are brave enough to face the dangers that lie ahead!
The world of Graterras is world broken into 8 island continents. All these islands are believed to be the first birthplaces of the Major gods. This will be explained in further details later.
Once a land of Grand Adventure and Great Fortunes, Graterras is a shadow of it's former self. While some of the kingdoms still manage to thrive, others fall into decay and ruin. The Scourge of the Undead in the Southern Islands, threatens to wipe them off the map, as ancient Lich Lords vie for territory razing the humans and everything else in their path. The Orcish threat to the Northern Isles threatens the same, as the less civilized of their kind rampage through villages, pillaging and leaving a swathe of bloodshed in their wake. Many fight tooth and nail to make an honest buck, others turn to less savory work. But some choose a different path, they choose the life of an adventurer. It has been a long time since Graterras has seen a proper hero, perhaps that is what it needs to save it.
Extra Backstory, the Elemental Gods, and their lands.

There are 9 Landmasses or Island's based on one of the Nine Main gods, or as they are collectively called, The Creators. 4 of the creators are known as the Elementalists, They are based off of Fire, Water, Wind/Air, and Earth. They also represent the creation of humans, with Earth and Wind being the Gods of the vessels. Earth created the body and Air created the mind. Fire and Water are known as the Fillers, as they created the things that fill the vessels. Water created Knowledge, and Fire created the soul.

Each of these gods has a Nation that is said to be where they were born into the world. (this applies to the rest as well.) The god of Earth and Body, known as Tectanitus (Tech-ta-nite-us), was said to be born from the Shattered Hills, a land of stone and mountains. It is a very inhospitable land, where only the hardy survive. As such is mostly home to Dwarves and Gnomes who eek out what living they can underneath the mountains. A few human towns exist on the North part of the island, mostly fishing and mining villages. No known Elves or Fae folk live in these lands as it is too harsh.

The god of Air and Mind, Aelia, was said to be born from the snowy peaks of Aurora, a northern tundra, that is known for it's harsh winters and winds. Sailing to the continent is very difficult as the winds are unrelenting to ships. They culture is more similar to those of Vikings and is very tribal in nature. They believe in Hardy warriors and the way of the blade, and don't look kindly upon magic users or thieves, or as they call them, cowards of the night.

The god of Fire and Soul, Pyron, was said to be born from Shifting Sands, a sea of a desert, that Shifts almost as much as human emotion. This land is full of strange Tech, almost Steampunk in feeling, magic is starting to die here, but it still remains. Cities dot the desert in places near water. Here Water is worth as much as gold, some make a living by being what is called a Water Baron. They make money off the use of a water source. Typically towns are built around these water sources and the water Baron becomes the head of the town. Also some places there are traces of old dead civilizations, giant pyramids jut out of the landscape. They are said to hold unimaginable treasures. Along with Deadly traps, and restless undead.

The god of Water and Knowledge is said to have been born from the Crystal Archipelgo. A chain of small islands that all claim to be one nation. It is here that Many powerful minds come together, and the research others are afraid to do is done. This land has a culture Similar to Japan and other Eastern countries like China. They look up to the scholars, as they are most important people here. Wizard's are the most at home from this area since they are never critized or harassed in these lands, in fact most of the citizens known a tiny amount of magic(they would never be able to become a full wizard however). Sorcerers are home here as well, their Natural talents are more considered an art-form, as opposed to wizard's scientific approach.

This is just a small glimpse into what is going on with my world. There are actually 5 more major gods and 5 more continents that I haven't gone over yet. But they shall remain shrouded in Mystery for now.

Rules for the Journey
1: Respect your fellow Players
This should be a fun experience for everyone involved, don't bully or harass other players. There will be no tolerance for that here, otherwise you will be removed from the rp.
2: Respect Me, the Host
Players should respect my decisions and trust my Judgement. In no way do I have it out for players or will I ever pick on a character I do not personally like. This will be a rough world, characters WILL die or be injured to the point where they must retire from their adventuring career. Also keep in mind, I will be devoting a lot of time to you guys, respect my time in creating this RP for you guys to enjoy and remember I have put a lot of work into this.
3: No excessive swearing
Using a cuss every now and again is fine. But using one every other word is not, Please try and keep your posts as clean as possible, and use swearing for effect, not just because you can.
4: No over the top Violence, Sexual acts, etc.
Please refrain for doing these things. I know that this is a Dark Fantasy, however Dark doesn't mean you need to torture or cause people to suffer in inhumane ways. You guys are playing the heros in the end. Graphic Sexual Acts should not be included, this isn't Porn or anything of the sort. Innuendo and the like may be made, but if they became too intrusive or degrading in anyway that will be vetoed as well. This rule also has a Zero tolerance policy, I do not suggest breaking it.
5: Only control your own character and nameless NPC's
Do not bunny anyone else's character and do not control ANY NPC I have named. They can be see as per-say my own characters. The only exception to this rule will be Henchmen, which will be extra adventures that may go with you at some point. You will have partial Command of them, but remember I hold the right to make them act as I wish, since their motivations etc. will not always align with yours.
6: This will have some disturbing content, be forewarned.
There maybe an occasional upsetting thing or 2 in this RP, I will not describe them in Graphic detail and I will not glorify them in anyway. but know there will be things like Slavery, and the killing of bystanders and innocents, I will not account the every gory detail of these when they happen, but they may happen. If you think any of this will not allow you to participate, I fully understand, but don't jump in and want to leave later because you can't handle it.
Playable Races
All Player Characters automatically know Common and their Native Languages, I will be opting to not let them obtain new languages as RPing this would take a great deal of time. If speaking in a Native Language put it in Brackets [ ] in front of your sentence otherwise give us an indication of it being used if you don't want to use the brackets. If speaking in common no extra steps are necessary. I urge you to read at least the Human entry since it will explain what a Race's Favoured Class is and what their least Favoured means, and it is a good template to get an Idea of what other races will entail (though it will be shorter since we are all human, so we know them pretty darn well.)
Humans (Native Language: Common {means they don't get an extra})

Humans are one of the more common races on Graterras. This is due to their natural intuitiveness and ability to adapt and learn quickly. Humans can be found all over Graterras, from the Frozen wastes, to the Desert of Steam, and even to the Deathsong Marsh.
Humans easily find themselves being able to take on any class without ridicule, as most humans see every class as a useful skill, talent, or art. Paladins however are an Invention of theirs, making most of their numbers Human. The only other race to naturally have Paladins being Dwarves. but seeing anything other than a Human Paladin would be a strange sight, but not impossible.
Favoured Classes(what a race is most known for, get the least grief from NPC's or PCs. Especially members of their own Kin)
Least Favoured Classes(What class a race would almost never be, not only is a well written backstory required as too how it happened, they receive a lot of ridicule especially from their own Kin)

Dwarves (Native Language: Dwarven and Gnomish)

Dwarves, also known as the Children of the Stone, typically reside in the Shattered Hills Island in the south. This landmass is a hard and cruel land, being mostly barren and solid rock, making it next to impossible to grow normal crops. This is reflected in the Dwarves very nature as they are hardy and harsh people. Dwarves tend to live under the Mountains, and live alongside the Gnomes in a mutual agreement. Other than this however, Dwarves don't trust other races, especially Elves. This makes them come off as stand-offish or down right rude at times. Many Dwarves have very dour and cold attitudes, until it comes to money. They have quite the soft spot for gold and gems (other than gems from the sea like Pearls), though would rarely steal to get it. They reveal in the arts of war and are skilled Fighters. Dwarves also adhere to a strict Caste system
Dwarves tend to favour more In your face kind of classes. They enjoy wielding Maces and Axes and bludgeoning their foes to a pulp. Dwarves however highly criticize magic, they rarely trust in what they do see, let alone something you can't see with your very eyes. The only magic they even tolerate is Runic magic. this magic is a sacred art know only to Dwarves, and involves power words from an ancient Dwarven Tongue. It is the sole reason Dwarves are the best enchanters around, but takes many years of practice after which they are never permitted to leave the halls of The Shattered Mountains (so no shenanigans, this isn't an ability allowed for PC's). However, it is also applied to more practical Magic as well(More info on this will be included in the "Magic and You:The Magics of Graterras" section later on.
Favoured Classes:
Least Favoured Classes:
Bard (doesn't exist in their Culture, would have to be raised by a Bard from another Race)
Wizard( unless Dwarven Rune Mage{See "Magic and You: The Magics of Graterras")
Special Notes: Dwarves cannot be Sorcerers, they have no innate magic ability, and are actually somewhat resist to magic (though not that it will effect anything a PC will cast.) therefore they can not have Natural Magic.

Gnomes (Native Languages: Dwarvish and Gnomish)

Gnomes, also sometimes called The Gem Vagabonds, lost their homes a long time ago. During the Great Goblins Wars centuries ago, they lost most of their civilization. Ever since they have lived with the Dwarves. Gnomes were said to be created from the gems that would grow in stones, so their races feel a close bond (no matter how annoying the Dwarves think the Gnomes are). Gnomes are ingenious people, with a sharp wit, and a passion for tinkering. Though they lack the Wisdom and common sense other races have, they are generally happy people. They don't let the tough things bother them and carry on. (though this go-lucky attitude can annoy some of the other races a great deal.). They however hold a dire hatred for Goblins, seeing as their homes were taken away from them. Some Gnomes will instantly fly off the handle when they see a goblin. Others prefer to remain level-headed, and not blame the current generation for what their ancestors did (though they still don't typically get along very well).
Gnomes enjoy being Roguish types, they enjoy the sense of adventure and are very adept at picking locks, even inventing things to help them do it. They are also pretty good performers so they make excellent bards as well. Gnomes also are highly accomplished Illusionists, a type of Specialized magic. They tend to be the best Illusionists, as their race has an uncanny natural skill at it. Though they must be thought to shape magic just like Dwarves as their natural tolerance to magic prevents them from being Sorcerers. Gnomes prefer the work of the mind and skill, therefore they aren't typical any of the Warrior archtypes (they can afford to not have as many Normal Warriors which are typically common in all races regardless of favoured class or not, as the Dwarves help to protect them.)
Favoured Classes:
Illusionist (only Illusionists, no other type of Wizard.)
Least Favoured Classes
Special Notes: Gnomes also cannot be Sorcerers.

Elves(Native Langauge: Elven)

This Section will be more difficult as there are 4 kinds of elves.
Grey Elves
These Elves see themselves as the true Elf being better than others, they are quite stand-offish and snotty towards other elves, believing they are better in every way. Most reside in Solarium, but like most types of Elves, they are few of them remaining in this world. They typically enjoy Classes that are more mind oriented, as they have high Intelligence levels, and don't like to do Barbarian's work as they refer to as the arts of Warfare.
They Favour the Classes of Wizard and Sorcerer, and least favour anything to do with Warfare.
Wood Elves
Wood elves typically hail from the Lands of Arbouretium. They tend to be more savage and wild then other Elves. They believe other Elves are much too Frivolous in nature. (much like Dwarves do, but Wood Elves don't mean it in ill-will.)
They Favour the classes of Ranger and Fighter. They Least Favour the class of Wizard, as they tend to live out in the wilderness, and don't have access to the Wizard's Guilds to actually learn Magic if they don't Instinctively know it being a Sorcerer.
High Elves
High Elves are the most common of all Elves, and also hail primarily form the Land of Solarium, though since their Kingdom fell to the Green Orcs 200 years ago they have been scattered about the Isles. They tend to be like humans pretty good at a multitude of things, though they have no natural Paladins or Bards. Therefore they Favour any class that isn't those 2.
Drow/Dark Elves(Native Language: Undercommon { common language of the peoples of the Underdark.})
Dark Elves are one of the most hated of established races. The thoroughly evil ones still inhabit parts of the Shattered Hills, known only as the Underdark. Many have been sold into Slavery (some of the Men actually fled their home, since their Kin treated them as slaves anyway.) Normal Drow society is run entirely by the Women, Men being Slaves and reproductive tools only in their eyes. Player Character Drows will either be ones that escaped their own kind, or escaped Slavery (this counts as their parents being freed and them being born afterwards as well.)
Drows Favour Sorcerer and Thief as a class. Both would have important tools to help them escape their past lives. Drows have no least favoured class, as being a Drow (especially Male) already gets them enough problems to deal with RP-wise.

Halflings(Native Langauage: Plain's Speak)

Halfings are the Homebody type. They Like to sit around relax around the hearth and just do nothing all day. It is very hard to stir one to adventuring, but it happens ever now and again. Once they get out of the house, halfings tend to be just as adventurous as others as it keeps their mind off home. They live all over Grasterras, but mostly on the Great Grassy Plain on the Isle of Pandora the Ninth Isle in the center of the others.
Halflings tend to make good Thieves. They are small, quick and nimble. They also can't resist not trying to filch a nice shiny object when nobody is looking. They usually don't ply this trade on allies as it quickly leds to trust issues. Halfings aren't good at much else, though they are not horrible at it they aren't savants in their trades either. However Halings are very bad at being Mages and Sorcerers. They lack the discipline to keep practicing it.
Favoured Class:
Least Favoured Classes:

Half Elf (Native Language: Player Choice. Depends whether they were raised by an Elf or a human. Elven is gained when raised by at least one Elvish parent.)

Half-Elves do not have their own culture. They typically more identify with their side that the parent who raised them were or their favoured parent. Half-Elves can easily disguise being half human by not growing facial hair and they retain their Elvish Features of their Elven race. (Wood Elves are a bit stockier, typically having Black or Brown Hair and Green Eyes and their Darker Tan skin tone. Drow have their darker skin and typically red eyes and white/silvery hair. High Elves have their Blonde hair and blue eyes. Grey have their pale skin tone, Black and Grey hair, and typically Grey eyes.) Any extensive facial hair makes it obvious they are Half Elves.
Half-Elves Favour Ranger, as they are free spirits and tend to wander, as they are not accepted by normal society, not the Human half or the Elf half. They aren't treated horribly as Drows or other more strange races, but get some flak every now and then. Half Elves have no Least Favoured classes as they are almost as intuitive has their human side.

All Further Races have no possibility of being a Paladin, not because they couldn't, but because no society would let them (you can try playing a Paladin of these races, but be prepared for a super hard time and a great struggle.)
Half Orc(Native Lanaguage: Orcish, unless raised by only a Human parent.)

Half-Orcs are another Half-Breed. They can be of either type of Orc Grey or Green (will be explained later on in the Grey Orc's Player Race Section) These Half-Breeds are usually treated horribly as Orcs are mostly still seen as monsters. Green Orc Half Breeds are typically products of rape and the sacking of villages. Green Orcs being horrible creatures rarely let the Women survive as they are barbaric creatures, but it happens every now and then. Grey Orcs more commonly have them as they are a civil race. Either way niether kind of Half-Orc is easy to tell apart by anything other than orcs so people assume they are all the Green Variant. This leads to a lot of poor treatment of these people.
While Half-Orcs are more intelligent than the Green Orc Race they still prefer Warrior roles and job types. They also have no Least Favourite Classes due to the RP penalties of just playing them.
Favourite Classes

Half-Ogre(Native Language: Orcish. Natural Ogre as language will be rare, but possible.)

Half-Ogre are much in the same situation as Half-Orcs, tending to come from rape or other terrible things. They have it even rougher, as being Huge and most times pretty ugly makes them stand out a lot in Crowds. They are enslaved a lot as Slaves and used for heavy Labor in lands where it is still practiced.
Half-Ogres also tend to be pretty brutish, using their strength to over power people and get what they want. They tend to also fall into Traditional Warrior roles. Being Huge Thief tends to be a pretty awkward choice of Class for them, it is still possible, but isn't recommended.
Favoured Classes

Grey Orc (Native Language: Orcish)

Grey Orcs are the more intelligent of their Kin. They have managed to become civilized enough that other races at least will allow them within cites (even if they are treated like dirt). Green Orcs are their barbaric cousins, and will not be playable for the campaign. Grey Orcs struggle in their daily lives as not much is different between them and their Green Kin, so other races sometimes assume they are the same. While a Grey Orc could tell the difference, they are really the only ones who can. (Grey Orcs are believed to be corrupted Grey Elves, while Green are believed to be corrupted Wood Elves, this is where the name comes from, it has nothing to do with looks.) They don't face as horrible a plight as the Drow Elf but they are still treated horribly. While they will be allowed in most Cities, the authorities won't help them. Most Shopkeepers will try to cheat them, people will purposely accuse them of crimes they didn't commit and most Inns won't accept them. This has caused Grey Orcs to become very Independent People, creating their own cities and civilization that is almost separate from the normal society.
Grey Orcs also tend to like their more hostile side, taking up many Warrior type roles. They however also make some of the best Templars. A templar is a class that is like a Paladin but is a champion of a more primal elemental god. Orcs have always been huge worshipers of the 4 Elemental Gods, and a naturally good at becoming Templars because of this. It also gives them something of a purpose, a reason to drive on and try to preserve the good of their culture.
Favoured Classes
Least Favoured Class

Kobold (Native Language: Lower Draconian, Orcish)

Kobold are a strange race. Their small size makes them rarely be taken seriously,even though they are believed to have the blood of the dragons flowing through their veins. Kobolds are tiny Reptilian People, and when speaking they sound some what like small dogs barking. Though how silly they may appear, do not underestimate them. They have a razor sharp wit, and are clever builders of traps and quick thinkers. They are highly tenacious, and they have to be in a hard world, they don't give up and fight on despite their obvious weaknesses.
Kobolds make excellent thieves, knowing the in and outs of trap making, like the backs of their hands. however Kobolds are also known for another power. Many of them can channel the power of the Dragon Blood in them, and make Powerful Sorcerers. Try laughing at a small Lizard that just burned all your skin off, not to funny anymore huh?
Favoured Classes
Least Favoured Classes
Fighter (as many are servants of dragons, they don't normally need to defend themselves, therefore they are not good at warfare.)

Kenku (Native language: Kenken {Also called Bird's Tongue by the Kenku themselves.})

Kenku are a race of Bird-like humanoids known for their Trickstery ways. They resemble Humanoid Hawks and typically are a Mottled Brown in colour. They distrust other races as much as the other races Mistrust them. While it isn't an outright hatred, they don't typically get along. It is mostly due to Kenku being to prideful to enter a Human or Demi-Human town or even give others a chance, they typically only bother with their own race and usually hang around out in the mountains were the lest amount of other races are. They are capable of a small amount of flight, but it is not far off the ground and isn't for longer than a few seconds. Though they can glide down from high places, making it hard to kill them by falling.
Kenku love being Thieves, it is their race personified almost. They are also highly fond of Illusions, but will use any magic. Kenku's have their own Wizard's guilds so it is possible for them to be Wizard's, but most will be sorcerers.
Favoured Classes
Least Favoured
Templar (They do not recognize the major gods, and only the Bird Mother. this makes it only possible to be Templars of Wind)
Priest (same as above).

Classes are what your character generally is, it is their profession. This Section will be split into 3 sections, one for each archetype Warrior, Rogue. and Magic Users.
Classes of Warfare. Warriors of Graterras

Fighters are your run of the mill, everyday solider. Spilling Blood and protecting others are their trademarks. Fighters come in all kinds of forms. The weapon they use is a personal choice, whether it be Sword, Spear, Axe, or Bow. Whether they fight with a weapon and sheild, a 2-handed weapon, all of these things are up in the air. While Fighter typically mtch the armour they wear to match the style of their weapon or fighting styles it is as varied as the number of different kinds of magic, if not more. Fighters can wear any kind of armour and use any weapon if trained in it's use, even being able to kinda use ones they are not trained in. Whether your fighter is a Sword and Shield user, who wears heavy armour and takes blows, or is someone who uses a more dodgy and mobile style is up to you. As Fighters are basically needed by every race, all of them will have them, even ones where it is their Least Favoured class. Bodies are needed to fight wars and defend cities, so they are easily the most common of adventurers.


Holy Warrior of the god of Life and Civilization, Bartimis. These Warriors abide by strict codes of honor and to uphold the name of their lord above all else. They are Knights who fight for what they believe in. However, many think they are entirely Chivalrous, or Good. This is not the case. Some of these Knights are so blinded by their cause they they end innocent lives, even if they were hiding something they didn't know about. In these times of trouble the others turn their backs and even Bartmis forgives a bit more than he should.
Paladins make excellent commanders and leaders, many times heading and army themselves. They are highly Charismatic, and are most times the personification of goodness, and holiness. They are a combination of the Fighter and Priest Classes. Paladin's Priest magic is no where near the level of a True priest never being able to Learn to resurrect others or some of the more powerful spells of the Priests. They have the Iconic ability to Lay on Hands, in which they can heal another of great wounds by taking on some of their pain and suffering. this is a very dangerous, but very effective method of healing that can always be used. Paladins also get minor healing spells and spells of protection. They can Sense Evils nearby (but not pin-point locate them. If a Paladin Player asks "Is there any Evil here?" I will answer Truthfully. remember not all threats are evil).


Berserkers are madmen on the battlefield they feel little pain and tear their foes apart. Originally Invented by the Dwarves during the 2nd Goblin War, Berserkers are a historied type of Warrior. Their teachings spread throughout the lands, even some of the less civilized races even learned how to become them and use the secrets of the craft. Berserkers enter an uncontrollable rage during battle, while being able to recognize their friends and allies, they tear foes limb from limb. They prefer to use bludgeoning tools as they deliver a nice resounding crack when popping heads, though they will use almost any weapon. Berserkers don't feel any pain in their Battle Trance so they will retreat under no circumstance, other then an ally somehow snapping them out of their trance. (it would need to be a pretty jarring thing to knock them out.) Berserkers activate their rage by Psyching for a round. Once they take this turn they go in full blown rage mode and can only snap out at the end of the battle. They can choose to fight normally as well, but are more powerful when enraged.


Templars are similar to Paladins, but are Knights of the Elemental Gods. They have entirely different tenets, and are living exemplars of their gods, they employ elemental spells instead of those of healing and are a dangerous foe.
Fire (Cinder Knights.)
Cinder Knights represent the god of Fire and Soul Pyron. They are reckless, prideful and especially hotheaded. They are impassioned Fighters, typically choosing to imbue their attacks with Flames then actually cast spells. Their order is based in the Shifting Sands in the City of Eternal Ash. Strangely enough, their biggest number are of Grey Orcs. They seem to have the best Connection to Pyron, despite his involvement in the Creation of Humans as with the other Elemental Gods. It is thought Pyron sees the Fire in the hearts and souls of the Grey Orcs, and recognizes their plight, and it is why he trusts them most with his power. But, those are just rumors. Powerful Fire Templars are known to be able to reverse their rage and passion into a state of zero emotion to summon "Cold Fire" or "Killer's Flame". However, it is most commonly known as Lightning.
Earth (Eternal Sentinels)
Believed to live forever, not much is known about the Eternal Sentinels. Their overall character is known however. They are typically Soft-Spoken, and only speak when necessary, they feel no need to waste words. A certain Scholar once said "The Sentinels are just like the Stones their God created. They rarely ever speak, but when they do you best listen to them, lest you want to face a Rock Slide or a Cave-in." Their patron God is Techtanitus, God of Earth and Body. Sentinels favour magic that protects other and themselves. They can shape the very battlefield when fighting in the outside, being able to from Earth and Stone to their wills. They will use some offensive forms of magic, but usually as a last resort. They typically use Giant Hammers and Bludgeoning Weapons, that strike as slow and deliberately as they do with their words. Some are so powerful they can also bend Gemstone to their will by tracing its growth pattern, but this is very rare and usually only elders of the order can achieve such a feat.
Wind (Huskarls of Winter)
Templars of the Goddess of Wind and Mind are interesting ones, much like their goddess Aelia they are Flighty and seem to live in the clouds. They always seem to be in their own little worlds and seem Aloof. Their Fighting style is a sight to see. It flows as the wind, beautiful, and sometimes, very deadly. Many choose to fight with Dual Weapons, especially Swords. They much like the Cinder Knights use their magics to enhance their fighting abilities most times. The most powerful Huskarls can use "Hard" Wind, or Thunder magic.
Water (Scholar Knights)
Cold, Calculating and Logic-Driven, Scholar Knights have only one desire, to Seek Knowledge. Like their God, Simply named Seeker. They thirst to find as much knowledge they can and bring it back to their order. They are highly secretive about their own order and rarely converse with outsiders preferring to find Knowledge in old forgotten tomes. though it is sometimes necessary that they do talk to people. In battle they tend to use spells even being able to pull moisture from the Air to create water. Many of them carry Water with them laced with horrible chemicals that add further damage to their foes. The most powerful are know to have unlocked the knowledge to Freeze Water into Ice. The main utility this adds to their spell arsenal is the ability to lock opponents in place as Water can be used Offensively and defensively already. Though this technique is only know by the higher ranked knights in the order.

Ranger (and Mountaineer for Dwarves and Gnomes).

Rangers are master outdoors-men, knowing the terrain they live in like the back of their hand. They are commonly hired as guides for people needing to find herbs that grow in dangerous parts of the Forests or mountains. Rangers have free spirits and are wanderers by nature, never really belonging in one place. They all have an Animal Companion. This Animal is the Ranger Friend and he will always treat him as so since he feels as if he and the animal he has are kindred spirits. The Animal should always be a Normal Creature that can be found in the Rangers Home Terrain. It can be anything, but as you might want it to fight alongside you bigger animals are typically better. Rangers wear light armour, preferring to be quiet and easily maneuverable. They can use most any weapon, but typically before Bows (Crossbow for Mountaineers.) as they can strike from afar, and get the drop on foes who don't know the area as well as them.
Mountaineers are the Dwarf and Gnome equivalent, knowing the Mountains, and caverns. they employ animals from these areas instead of the Forest like most Rangers.
Rangers from Deserts would be called Nomads.

Classes of Deceit. The Rogues of Graterras.

The most common type of Rogue Thieves oy getting one over on others. They are masters of trickery, traps and lying. Most Thieves feel the world owes them something, other do it for the fun, some steal from the rich and give to those in need. Anyway you slice it though they are adventurers through and through. Always looking for the next heist or score Thieves all know Thieves Cant, a code taught to them, they can use it to contact other thieves, or discover if someone is a fence for stolen goods. It can only express basic ideas, and a conversation could not be had in it, but it is still a useful thing to have. Thieves can Backstab their Humanoid foes for extra damage having an understanding of anatomy.


Bards are interesting fellows, they can range from the Warrior Poet, a more combat oriented fellow to your Foppish Gentleman, to your Silver-Tongued Deceivers. While Bards lack the mechanical skills of thieves with Lock-picking, and traps, they more than make up for with their Social Skills. Being entertainers they know how to work people to get what they want. Bards also have minor magic through their music playing. It is an ancient art, only recently now being rediscovered by Wizard's. Bard's more use their magic to assist them in their entertainment and Social Abilities, but can use Minor Combat magic as well. Bards excel in a lot of situations, especially Roleplaying ones. They are Jacks of all trades, and Masters of None.

Classes of Magic. Spellcasters of Graterras

Wizards are the Scholars and Scientists of Magic Users. They must learn how to shape energy through Words of Power, Body movements and material components. Their spells are based on formulas. They can shape basic energies without some of these but these effects are very weak. Iconic Spells are the bulk of their Power and are learned through collaboration with their guilds and research. Wizards will receive a bit more of a Lookover as well as the other magic users in the next section, this will include the schools of magic, Specializations in those Schools, mediums of spell casting, Basic God overviews for priests etc.


Sorcerers have access to naturally powerful magic, it flows through their very veins. They see their magic as an art and use as they see fit. This leads sorcerers to highly disagree with Wizards. The 2 rarely get along. (other than Illusionists who see their magic as art as well.) Sorcerers can naturally see and feel the energies in the world around them, and can manipulate it without any training, the way they use magic is very different from Wizards.


Priests are users of more Divine spells, they receive their powers directly from the gods they worship. They are well known for their ability to heal and restore Life when being a good priest, as well as turn the Undead. Evil priests are know for their ability to harm others and destroy life. They can also Control the Undead for a short time.

Magics and You! The Magics of Graterras.
Schools of Magic
Abjuration* (taken from the 3rd Edition Player's Handbook of D and D, I can't say it better myself)
Abjurations are protective spells. They create physical or magical
barriers, negate magical or physical abilities, harm trespassers, or
even banish the subject of the spell to another plane of existence.
Conjurations are spells are magic that call things from other places or summon them into existence. Creatures can be summoned, along with damaging effects tied to objects, and even objects from other place such as weapons.
Evokers manipulate energies and unseen force from outside the caster's body. They create Force and Energies from seemingly nothing, and are the most powerful spells for dealing damages.
Illusion*(same as Abjuration, I couldn't say it better myself so I used the resources I have.)
Illusion spells deceive the senses or minds of others. They cause people to see things that are not there, not see things that are there, hear phantom noises, or remember things that never happened.
These spells can be used to find Information normally hidden from the world or happening far away. This School is not the most useful to Adventurers to specialize in due to it's low combat use, but is very useful for scouting and finding important info.
Can be used to fortify weapons, armour, and other items. It can also be used to charm others, and effect their minds.
Similar to the school of enchantment, this school focusing on changing properties of items (these are basically Permanent unlike Enchantments, but they cannot affect the mind of others). Shapeshifting is a part of this school, but is a very dangerous endeavor, and should not be used haphazardly.
One of the most misunderstood Schools of magic. It deals with the raising of the dead, unlife, and the lifeforces of others as energy.
By most it is considered evil especially non-spellcasters, and is one of the reasons magic is feared in some places in Graterras.
Compentents of Casting a Spell
Somatic: Is a specific Movement needed to cast a spell, from dancing to hand gestures, the spellcaster must be able to move to cast spells this way.
Verbal: A Power Word or music is used to cast a spell, it releases the magic and energy built up for the spell, a spellcaster must be able to speak or to sing.
Focuses: How Priests tend to cast their Spells. When magically energies are focused through an object to cast a spell. The spellcaster must have the object to cast a spell.
Wizards typically use Staves or Wands. Priests use Holy Talismans. Sorcerers can cast these spells WITHOUT a Focus, this is what sets them apart from Wizards.
Runes: Only Known to Dwarves this is a special way to cast Magics. It uses old Power words to cast spells and is almost as effective as other Wizard's Magic.
Specialization: Wizards may specialize in a Single School of Magic, this will make them more powerful with these types of spells, and make them weaker at others. It will be up to the Player to RP this correctly.
List your Specialization instead of your class in the Sign-Up, the names of the Specialists will be listed in Order Below
Wizard Guilds
There are 7 Guilds of Wizards. Guilds are basically Unions of sorts for Wizards. Each have their own agendas and goals.
White Rose
The White Rose guild is the one of the Good Guilds. They work to try and better the World without regards to law and Chaos. They refuse to research on subjects that haven't volunteered for magical experiment. They are however ancient and try to protect the "Old Ways" of magic. They must wear White clothes with a Design of a White Rose on their chest when within the guild hall, otherwsie they tend to wear whatever they wish. Other guilds are much the same, having a dress code in their halls, but nowhere else.
Red Rose
The Red Roses are a Neutral Guild. They are known as the oldest guild and have well documented history. Some of the Greatest wizard's came from here. They are proud and pretty strange people, not much is known of their inner workings. They have similar robes to those of the White Rose, Just Red in colour.
Black Rose
An Evil Guild. They Use magics to exploit People for Money and experiment on live subjects for their own gain. They are not above doing terrible things to get what they want, or test mad theories. It is noted that they are most likely responsible for many of the abomination creatures that now roam the wilds of the world. They wear Black Robes with a Black Rose in the center.
Crystal Order
Hail from the Crystal Archipelago. They simply only look for Knowledge to expand their knowledge and care nothing for the rest of the world. They are very similar to the Scholar Knights of Seeker, and actually worship the same God for the most part. They wear Robes of Sky Blue.
Runic Order.
A guild made of only Dwarves. Their only Goal is to protect the Secrets of Runes from the rest of the world. They will hunt down and kill any who learn their secrets, and destroy those in their order who leak those secrets. They Wear Robes of a Brilliant Purple.
Order of the Silver Tree.
These Wizards try and seek the goodness of all races. They use magic as a tool to protect the Wilderness and the world from the exploitation of Magic.
Most of their number is elves, but any are welcome to join. They wear Silver Robes with a Tree on their chests even outside of their guild halls. They are a haughty order and flaunt their membership. Most perceive to be either stupid, or too cocky fro their own good. Others beleive they are up to something, and others yet take them at face value, that they really only mean to defend the forests and the wilderness of the world.
White Saints.
An Order that comes from Arbouretium. They are highly regulated by outside forces as to not become evil ((by the Paladin Order of Bartimis.)), they try and look for the greater good in magic, but the Red Tape of the Government keeps them from doing much of anything worthwhile. They typically wear white or grey robes, but don't have a very strict dress code in their halls like the other guilds.
Priests must choice a God they worship, this will affect the magic they can use, I will give more knowledge based on the gods if asked. The Gods mostly grant spells related to their Domains, but most give the power of healing to their followers in some way.
Pyron, God of Fire and Soul.
Techtanitus, God of Earth and Body.
Seeker, God of Water and Knowledge.
Aelia, Goddess of Wind and Mind..
Bartimus, God of Life and Community.
Lumabella, Goddess of Light and Individuality.
Mortimo, God of Death and Time.
Draven: God of Darkness and Narcissism.
There are many other Gods in this world, some however are not available for players to use as Patron Deities. If you want to play as Priest of something that isn't here, ask about it, I might have something cooked up for it, and if not I can work with you to create it. These are just the most Major Gods, and are well known to all the people of the World, therefore they are the most powerful and have the most Followers.
Formats for Sign-Ups.
Wizards and Sorcerers
Character Name:
Guild: (if Sorcerer skip this Line)
Way of Casting Spells:(Examples: Traditional [which is normal mage style.] Dancing, Musical etc anything you can justify in your backstory I will most likely accept if done reasonably.]
Appearance and Age:
Personality Overview:
Priests, Paladins, and Templars
Character Name:
Class(Chosen God):write like this Priest(Pyron)
Appearance and Age:
Personality Overview:
* Paladins may only choose Bartimus.
** Templars can only choose Techanitus, Pyron, Aelia, and Seeker.
Other Characters
Character Name:
Appearance and Age:
Personality Overview:
Accepted Characters
Name: Drug'thok Grunara Class: Sorcerer (Invoker)*
Name: Nero Darkwinter Class: Sorcerer *
Name: Sigurd Olafson Class(Chosen God): Templar(Aelia)*
Name: Akuma Bladewing Class: Berserker*
Name: Helzebeth Dragoth Class: Ranger Pet: Wolf (Hunter)*
Name: Marcus Arthai Class(Chosen God): Templar(Pyron)* RIP in pepperonis.
Name:Xavier Sylvarus Class(Chosen God): Templar(Pyron)*
Name:Oarloff Class:Bard
*original Party member.
Current NPC Party Members
Odin Thunderbrew
Bjorn the Seabear
Chauff Firewalker
Abraham Silversong
Jupiter and Nemesis
The Crimson King
Death Angels((Main Enemies of the PCs.))

The Crimson King, The Immortal that thrums with Dark Magic.

Ishmael, The Armour that shelters a tortured Soul.

Echo, The Graveborn, cursed to wallow in her sorrow forever.

Hatter, The Mad Assassin with Style, and a lot of hats.

Ashnard, The Wolf in Man's Clothing.

Vazhul, the Seer in Yellow.

Hollow, the Demon with a Thousand Faces.

Magdeline, The Fey with a Vendetta.

Hastur, the Impish Right Hand of the Gentleman.

Death Angel Bios

"I remember the clattering of swords, the ringing of battle. But it is all I remember, the only thing that resonates within my soul. I remember blood shed and anguish, but I remember nothing else. I know I died once, and was bound to a new body, but I don't know why. Who am I? More like Who was I? I don't think I am that person anymore. Maybe if I knew who I was I could be again, but I don't know. The only things I remember are the din of metal striking metal, the screams of anguish and battle on the field. Was I the one screaming....or was I causing it? My new form is a good representation of what I am now. A Suit of Armour filled with nothing. That is who I am now, Something forged in war but with no other substance. The only thing in my armour is a small gem, they say my soul is attached to it. It is an anguished soul, one that doesn't know where it came from, all it can hear is battle. Maybe this soul is mine to write upon, make a story. Make something other than Battle be the only thing it remembers. I will use it to change the world, make it a better place for the downtrodden races of the world. Those shoved out of cities and treated like dirt and scum. I will make the humans and demi-humans know that the Downtrodden are tired of being stepped on, we deserve a voice too. It is their fault none of them can speak, because they slash our throats before we can even respond. They will know me as Ishmael, the one who stands for those that cannot, because their legs were forcefully broken. It isn't easy breaking Iron. Lets see them try and stop me from showing them their errors. They can't cut out my throat, break my legs, or crush my spirit. It is encased in Iron."


"Blood smells nice. It never quite had this aroma before....it smells heavenly must be part of my gift from the wilds. Their crumpled bodies look so pathetic, to think I called these people friend, brothers, sisters, and so on. And look at their lifeless corpses.....they are nothing now, but broken bones and piles of flesh. Thought they could rid me, thought I turned into a devil, a wolf that lives under the full moon. But I am more than that, it wasn't a full moon tonight. I choose that form, and they were mote their divine justice, the justice of the forest, of Wolves. Only the strong survive. Those that cling to the past become forgotten, if they can't keep me from taking their lives they do not deserve them. I saved them from their pitiful wallowing, in their so called lives. They should have been thanking me as I rended their throats giving them the sweet release they so craved. I am no Demon, I am an angel of death, one that grants the pitiful death wishes of the masses. If they want nothing with their life I am happy to end it for them, besides, blood smells nice. It smells like forlorn souls, and more importantly a deserving death. Oh the ecstasy of the kill feels so good hunting prey that wants you to kill it, but doesn't know yet. It is funny watching them fight so hard to save themselves, then just as funny when it quickly dawns on them there is nothing they can do. Humans are a funny race in general, so undeserving of the life they have been given, and yet so interesting how they try to cling onto it. I used to be one.....Until now, now I am something real."


"Emptiness, I feel nothing. Though it would be common for a creature who has no true face. I can make myself look like any human, or demi-human, I can make myself look however I like, but I feel nothing for it. It makes me sick seeing the humans who have something real, they can look a certain way and say that is them, nobody else can be them. But I can't. I can imitate thousands of faces, but I can't call any of them my own. It isn't fair. It isn't fair what was done to me.....I don't even remember what I looked like anymore, I can't see my face or remember what I was.All I feel is emptiness, a longing to be what I once was, but I can't, the one face I want, the one Face that is me, I can't remember. If I can't have it, then none of them can have an identity either. I will destroy their faces so their loved ones can't remember what they looked like, and they can feel my pain. I feel nothing but emptiness. Emptiness and Pain."


"I have seen the face of the madness. I know of the old god. The Elder God, the true king of the Illithid, cut down by the False God Seeker. I see flashes of his wicked genius and his mad ravings. Even dead he stirs, his mind still thinks and it still has a will. I will I will carry out with my own hands. This World will be plunged into the madness he designed, and I will carry it out. I am his messenger, his eyes, his hands, and his mouth. I am the Seer in Yellow, the one who sees things others cannot. For I have seen the face of madness, the face of the one true god."


"Who wants to live forever? You don't realize how sweet the touch of death is, how it can release you from all your pain in this world until you can't have it. I have to watch my love ones waste away, while I cannot. I have to live with causing the death of my dearly beloved. I have to live with the Mistake of a Stupid God. One who wanted to play with life, when he shouldn't have. I am forced to wallow in my pain forever because Mortimo decided his experiment had to be done to innocent people. A God of Death has no business messing with life, and I get to be that mistake. There were 13 of us once. 13 Graveborn, the Living, forced to become the very spawn of Hell. I ended their agony. But I will not take my own life, I am not a coward. I will tear down the skies, and kill Mortimo himself. I am the echo of his mistake, that will ring through his ears as I destroy him. Because no God would do what that creature did. He is just another monster that pretends to be powerful, all knowing, spreading fear and lies. And once he is dead, and his blood puddles around my feet, then I can die, but not until then and then my story can fade away forever. I am not worth knowing."


"Why do I fight? Skill? No, that isn't a reason. For honor? Definitely not. For Country? There isn't a Nation worth a damn, just piles of lies and greedy souls fighting for pointless power. For Money? Coins have no true value. It is sad how you can dangle them in front of one who has none, and they look like starving children, like that coin is the most valuable thing they have ever seen in their life. In reality they aren't worth anymore than the Toe Nail Clippings my mother collected. By the way....who does that? Hold on. I am getting sidetracked. Back on that train of thought Hatty, keep your brain from wondering you dolt. So, where was I? Oh yes, why I fight. I fight because I enjoy it. Oh the adrenaline, the thrill. OOOLALA, it makes me FEEL ALIVE!!!! So surely I would follow the Gentleman, that guy seems to attract all sorts of interesting fellows. Hopefully, they have just as strong enemies. And hopefully I get to see the despair on their faces faces when the realize they can't beat the rapier of Hatter! World Renowned Assassin, and Duelist!"

Current Chapters
Chapter 1: The Darkness Descends
Chapter 2: A Second Chance
Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed
Musical Themes

Character Themes


The Gentleman:





Chapter Themes and Main Theme

Main Theme:

Chapter 1 Theme:

Chapter 2 Theme:


Chapter 3 Theme:

Edited by Hukuna House
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Hmmm. Would it be possible to play a strange mix of Sorcerer and Templar? (Perhaps born with magic, like a sorcerer, but trained in swordplay?) If possible, I'd like the character to mainly battle with a longsword, supporting it with Illusion magic. He'd wear normal clothes (A cloak a long coat most likely) to maintain speed and not interfere with magic. Just let me know. If I can, Hurray! I will almost definitely join. If not, just say so, and I'll give things another look through.

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Character Name: Nero Darkwinter
Ra ce: Human
Class: Sorcerer

Way of Casting Spells: Traditional (Does this mean they can use somatic or verbally? If I have to pick one, then Somatic)

Appearance and Age: Mid length silver/white hair, with long bangs parted at the sides, showing his forehead in between. Fair skinned and handsome. Nero wears a long black coat with red trim, black and red being his house's colors. He is in his late 20s, and he has noticeable lines under his eyes, possibly effects of the stressful life he has lived.



Personality Overview: Serious and unforgiving, Nero is very pessimistic, a reflection of the world he lives in. He sees the dark side to everything, and gave up hoping that the world could get better back in his childhood. He finds comfort in darkness and the power of his magic, though he prefers the beauty of the sword. He is very logical, not putting much time or faith in the gods, believing them to have forsaken the world long ago.

Backstory: Nero is the sole surviving member of the House of Darkwinter. He was raised in their manor, a rather large castle. He was largely ignored by his father as a child, who saw him as more of a hassle than anything else. His mother was sick for much of her life, but was always loving to Nero. He spent most of his childhood attending lessons, learning proper mannerisms, swordplay, battle tactics, and eventually learning how to act as lord of the estate. Eventually, he discovered his magical ability, a throwback to one of his ancestors, as neither of his parents had the gift. A sorcerer who called himself Scuro was ushered in, to teach Nero how to use his magic. Nero was an avid student, eager to learn with a quick wit. Over time, Scuro became a father figure to Nero, caring for him when his parents would not. Nero would spend hours each day in the sorcerer's library learning about magic in his own time, and he found that he had a particular gift for Illusion magic. He spent many years like this, attending his lessons and visiting Scuro when he could.

When Nero was in his mid-teens, the Darkwinter estate was targeted during a raid from the Northern Isles. Nero managed to escape to Scuro's old home, a small cabin deep in the surrounding woods. The rest of his family was not so lucky. His teenage years were spent living with Scuro, learning the intricacies of a sorcerer's innate abilities and practicing swordplay in his free time. You could say he found a sort of happiness in this routine regimine. However, he was doomed to lose the dear friend he had found in the sorcerer as well.

After a lesson with Scuro, Nero returned to Scuro's quarters to retrieve a book he was supposed to study. The sorcerer was out, and a certain object caught Nero's eye. It was the corner of a book, the cover sealed with a lock. It was a book on necromancy. Intrigued by the book, Nero kept it, working at the lock with magic to no avail. Eventually, he managed to break the seal. Upon learning of necromancy and its ability to revive the dead, Nero poured the contents of the tome, hoping to revive his dear mother. After two years, he decided to attempt to revive her. He went to the ruins of his estate, and performed the ritual necessary. As fragments of magic gathered, piecing together his mother's body, he thought he had found success. However, the result was an abomination. He killed the mindless creature and returned to Scuro's cabin in disgust, considering necromancy a waste of his time. He was greeted by a furious teacher, having followed Nero and seeing his works. After explaining in his rage that "necromancy was a distasteful art" and "one he did not want any student of his to take part in," Scuro banished Nero from his house, leaving him to survive on his own. He moved into the ruins of his estate, repairing what he could for the next few years, until it was restored to a mere part of its former grandeur. He lived there until he was 28, mulling over the death of his family and betrayal of his mentor. Nero was hardened during this time, developing the mindset that everything he loved would be taken from him eventually. A broken soul, he has nothing left to lose.


Sorry for the length... Too sue-ish?

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Those are more for Iconic spells and will come into effect later, weaker magic is cast using a Focus, but Sorcerers Focus is themselves. Iconic spells info hasn't been added yet since people won't start with access to them, and will be added once they do become available.

Only Sue-ish Part is the Necronomicon, an artifact of such power would never be just lying around a home (it actually exists in my world). Necromancy also isn't a Forbidden magic, just misunderstood. The Necronomicon deals more in the arts of Sacrificing people to summon the Demon Lords, or the Forgotten Ones then actual Necromancy.

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Those are more for Iconic spells and will come into effect later, weaker magic is cast using a Focus, but Sorcerers Focus is themselves. Iconic spells info hasn't been added yet since people won't start with access to them, and will be added once they do become available.

Are you talking about the necromancy part? I'm a little confused what you mean..

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Nope, sorry I hadn't read all of entry before that. That part only pertains to the Somatic/Verbal question you had. (Iconic spells are Powerful spells that have certain effects. They have yet to be added to the rules since in chapter one it will not be possible for Players to obtain them.)

I just edited in my 2 cents of the End of your backstory.

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Either going for a Half-Elf Paladin or a sorcerer of some variety.

Also, are hybrids allowed? A hybrid paladin/sorcerer would be somewhat extremely awesome.

Character Name: Xavier Sylvaurus
Race: High Elf
Class: Templar (Pyoron)
Appearance and Age: Around 130 years old, though it's difficult to judge on appearance alone. Has long (hip-length) blonde hair and striking gray eyes. He is built fairly typically for an elf, not being particularly bulky and tending toward lankiness. Looks somewhat feminine. Dresses in half-plate that is a bit battered, but well taken care of. It has simple flame patterns to represent his order enameled on the gauntlets. Over that, he wears a fairly plain cloak, though he owns another that is an almost garish shade of red. He owns a blade that he earned upon the completion of his training as a Cinder Knight. It is a fairly large, well-polished bastard sword with a simple orange stripe running down the entirety of the fuller. His off-hand gauntlet is reinforced heavily, which restricts motion but absorbs blows, allowing him to catch a strike from a sword.
Personality Overview: Impulsive and prone to rashness. Very idealistic and has a strong sense of morality. Tends toward holding grudges. Amiable, but his intensity can be offputting for some. Fairly direct and blunt when dealing with problems; he has a large issue coping with gray areas. Strong desire for fame.
Backstory: It was fairly obvious what Xavier was going to do from a young age. His excellent reflexes and knack for getting into trouble meant he wouldn't do very well in any sort of settled career, so his parents decided to send him to train with the Cinder Knights, reserving more practical lessons for his more levelheaded siblings. He quickly distinguished himself with his martial prowess, though a lack of restraint made his instructors less than fond of him at times. However, he graduated without incident, and became a full member of the order. He immediately set out on an ongoing quest to rid the world of oppression that crushed the soul. Rumors followed, however, of a possible conflict within the order that forced him away.
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Either going for a Half-Elf Paladin or a sorcerer of some variety.

Also, are hybrids allowed? A hybrid paladin/sorcerer would be somewhat extremely awesome.

I'm doing a half-orc sorcerer

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Character Name: Drug'thok Grunara (goes by Dru).

Race: Half-Orc

Class: Sorcerer (Invoker)

Way of Casting Spells: Traditional

Appearance and Age: 5'9", dense with muscle. Appears 29. Black of hair. Earthy brown eyes. Favors earthen tones and traveling cloaks, along with some form of robe.

Personality Overview: Generally reserved. Seems to be of above-average intelligence, but his quiet demeanor makes it difficult to tell most of the time.

Prone to wandering off on his own when lost in thought.


Drug'thok's mother and father were the long-told story of forbidden love. Girl is a human, father is a Grey Orc sorcerer. The two meet and it

seems that the two will never be together. Father leaves his people to be with girl. Girl gets pregnant. They get married. They have another child;

a daughter. One day, the father says he needs to leave. Never comes back. Family hopes. Family accepts. Family mourns. But not the son. He

knows his father is out there somewhere. Some say that's the reason he wanders in the first place. Others say he's part of some secret society. Still,

all agree that he appears in several local myths among humans and that he is from- or at least spent a significant amount of time living on his own

in- the Shattered Hills. They call him the Earth-Shaker and the Stone-Caller. But his friends call him Dru.

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This looks awesome and confusing at the same time lol.

People from Aurora don't like magic, so can a Templar of the Goddess of WInd be from Aurora? Or doesn't a Templar really uses magic?

Because dual wielding Viking!

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Those are overall descriptions. The overall population isn't fond of magic, but it still exists there. It is actually the Templar's Guild of Aelia that they don't trust magic, something happened a long time ago that ended up in the guild destroying half of the continent, but I can't reveal all of the details of that yet lol. So yes in short a Wind Templar would only ever come from Aurora, but their own people hate them.....funny how it works huh?

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Either going for a Half-Elf Paladin or a sorcerer of some variety.

Also, are hybrids allowed? A hybrid paladin/sorcerer would be somewhat extremely awesome.

I am not allowing Dual Classes. I feel it just gives too many options in the way of RPing, and characters need something they can't do in order to have some weakness for me to play off of.

interesting indeed..

you had me at Berserker

so wait wizard can only focus on 1 element? but they can cast other elements right?

Evokers can use all elemental energies and Force spells, the sacrifice an Evoker makes is his other types of spells from other schools are weaker. An Envoker can just as easily use Ice as he can use Fire, lightning Earth, or some other element. Force by the way is just generic energy. You can choose to focus on a SInglar element but that is a preference thing. Now Templars cannot use other Elements. They can only use the Element of their Patron Deity, and other elements if they acquire them by becoming very powerful (like how very powerful Earth Templars can eventually control and bend metal.) however starting players will only need to worry about their normal element as a Templar.

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The only restrictions as I said were that Gnomes and Dwarves can't be Sorcerers as they can't Naturally possess magic. Some races if you go Paladin as well you will have an RPing nightmare, because your order won't be the nicest people to you. This is all in the race section I believe, so if you need more info just read up on it lol.

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