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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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It's actually great that the site's on again cause in a few weeks, college starts for me and I might not be able to post as much. orz

Also. That bird. And commando girl. *claps* So there's some kind of dispute between the men and women there, or is it just Hawke and Jupiter having a sort of rivalry or ill-will towards each other?

I'm also kinda curious about the Stilfes... Carnivorous, birds with a reptilian lineage of some sort?

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TO answer some questions, it is a riverly thing between the Jupiter and Hawke a little bit, but it is also a Man against women thing. The Men don't want the women to fight they want to protect them, seeing as they have never seen much real combat. Hawke doesn't want to be shown up by any, so he is kinda a doushe. He isn't actually narrow-minded, he is just a Naive kid.

The Stilfes are almost exactly what you said funnily enough, you got good instincts. They tend to live near a Volcano on the Shadowed Isles, named Raven's Eye Peak. (named that because it's location would b the eye of the Isle, which is shaped roughly like a Raven.). How Jupiter found him, isn't for me to spill the beans now, you will learn about this Bird and her more if you choose to. The Stilfes, also have a tendency to go Blind early, as they are abomination's that were created through magical experiments. (that is why, Nemesis, has a Blue Sash around her eyes.) Luckily they kind of recovered from being pure monsters and are actually just animals now, they still however have their Monstrous size, some scales and other minor things leftover. This knowledge is mostly lost though, to most other than the Templars of Seeker. Seeker has a tendency to horde knowledge, and doesn't like to give it to more mortals than absolutely necessary. (bascially he is a Knowledge hungrey being, who doesn't want to share it with the world. Luckily he doesn't hold any malice for the beings of Graterras otherwise he would be more dangerous than any of the other gods combined. [Other than most likely the Nine-Fold.])

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Nope not writing a book, it is literally all in my head. I am quite simply and mostly likly quite a bit crazy lol. Probably should write a book book though, would help get some of the lore in order etc.

THey do have some Fireproofing, but not much. THey mostly have a lot of ways to vent heat, their Feathers are actually quite light and they don't have a layer of down feathers. (actually makes flying a bit rough on their bodies, so they can't do it for extended periods of time.) Also this is the first time most of the villgers have seen Nemesis, so expect them to gawk for a bit lol.

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Understandable, I'd probably freak out if a huge bird suddenly dropped down out of nowhere. Could Hunter get some love like that too cause he's actually a pretty big wolf too then again he's still just like an overgrown wolf you could ride so nvm

I actually do get how that feels, though for me I'm too lazy to write things down, or I magically lose ideas at the sight of blank paper(yeaaaah, this is kinda why the fanart's taking a while ;; I'm sorry sensei). Instead of things I need for life or to pass school, like math, things my mom tells me, I end up only recalling the stories I write, or the people or creatures I make up XD

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That is completely Fine, take your rime with it, I don't rush things that I don't 100% need. It would be nice to have Odin's thing for his Bio, but it is not necessary. Also I just have problems thinking I can carry on a story for more than a few hundred pages. Like I am a good writier, but I am better at Loring and World Building, since it doesn't need to be 100's of pages long. This is why Graterras probably feels pretty rich, even when I am hiding a lot of the substance from you guys. This also has the problem that only I could ever really run this campaign's story. I feel like the amount of inner-working I would have to divulge would literally take forever to get another up to speed. The character's are a tad easier, though I tend to be a hard-ass about my characters, so I would never let even a Mod if I picked one ever touch say Brass or Orpheaus. Their Reactions etc are very important, and a change in their style or personality will be very grating. Brass I think would be easier to pull of then Orpheaus, though I have a feeling people would blow his hate of Sorcerer's out of proportion. Yes he does hate them, but he doesn't dehumanize them. As you saw with Dru pre-reaching Pass-through, Brass while being a bit arrogant and a bit high and mighty towards him, never once devalued him as a person. It doesn't help I choose to make every Isle it's own flavour. If you get to Shifting Sands it is very different to the Shadowed Isles. It is a bit like Final Fantasy 6, in that there is some technology, so it is psuedo-Steam punk. While the Crystal Archipelago (Seeker's Birthplace.) literally has so much magic, even the average citizen knows it. Maids have spells that help them clean, Cooks have ones for cooking. etc. (now they aren't full blown mages, but everyone has a little bit of magic.)

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Yeah, it does have a very rich feel to it, like there's lots to explore and lots to learn about.

Oh oh, also pretty curious about those different lands, actually a little bit more about the Shattered Hills since that's where Helzebeth comes from, and I just remembered about how the Drow Elves come from there...?

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They come from Deep under the Shattered Hills, but their tunnels span underneath the world. they have entrances on almost all the landmasses. I think I will leave the Shattered Hills a bit up in the air for now. From your back-story were was only one place your character could come from, because of the Forest. So she would have a little bit of a different Idea of what it was like. (That Forest however was called the Forest of Knives, it is actually one of the most dangerous places in the entire world, so she is one strong little lady. I think i will definitely share some extra tidbits about that area with you once we get there, so that you can be more convincing that you came from that area. I am willing to do that with other character when we come across their places too. Let's just say, if Akuma is still around once we get to Shifting Sands, we are going to learn a lot about the tech that creates his arm. ((it is similar to Auto-Mail in Full Metal Alchemist though, also been meaning to ask since I keep forgetting. Akuma is missing an eye right Typh?)).

As you can tel, I like my intrigue. Part of exploring a world is learning new things. And while I am willing to talk to you guys about Graterras, remember I do need some awesome reveals.

and just so you guys know, major god-wise there are 3 Pantheons actually. There are the Nine Divines, which are the gods your characters know. The Nine-Fold, which are those of Victonari. (they actually have 10 in number, but the Tenth is not always around. He is Io, the Nine-Fold Dragon, with each god of the Nine-Fold Pantheon, being a shard of his personality.) and there is the Vagrant Gods. This is the group that Fulmine belongs to. (He is the Bull horned Wolf who attacked lady Lumabella.). They used to have their own world, but are now trying to steal Graterras for themselves. They don't really have a lot of followers or have a heavy influence over Graterras yet, which is why they haven't shown up much and aren't allowed to be picked for characters yet. Also Fulmine is based off me if you couldn't guess it, though it may be hard to understand at first, he has a very good reason for attacking Lumabella, so it isn't that he is Evil, he is actually very much good. But that is enough on them, the Vagrant Gods don't play too much of a role in this arc, they are present for it, but they are only managing to get their grip onto Graterras in this arc, and aren't important for it.

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Kinda did guess it(the title above your DP so XD), and that you seem to have a liking towards lightning-based powers lol. Gamma from KHR ftw

Not revealing everything in one go is a pretty nice method too, I should really learn how to do that as well XD otherwise people'd know everything there is to know about my stories and characters. I'm learning so much haaaaaaaaaa *waves arms in the air like a moron, but a happy moron*

Looking forward to it. The Forest of Knives. Helzebeth would probably scoff or wonder why the others would have such a rough time in a place she calls home XD

(at the same time, I'm pretty curious about everyone else's stories. But, all in due time, I suppose. Hopefully the rest come on soon too lol)

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Yea, I am actually giving you guys room to develop on purpose, I want your characters to feel like they belong to the world in their own little way. My world is so big there is room for their personal stories, even if it doesn't effect the overall world very much. Then again I like to work along with people and their characters, I like to make them feel as if their character actually are heros in the world, and not just some dudes who showed up one day to kick some ass. Your collective Group is know as the Heros of the Shadowed Isles, and I actually kinda want to run multiple groups through this, to have many legends of the Heros of the Shadows Isles. I Want them to be surronded in mystery, and it really feel like a tale that has been passed down if I do campaign and story arcs later one down the line. I would have to decide on which was really canon, but it would most likely be this version. Sigurd and Orpheaus's little spat is very interesting to me, probably because I never expected a player to question an NPC of mine like that. Talking back to a guy like that took some real courage, cause you had no idea how powerful he was, it also shows why I like this free form system much better than actually in D and D, the rules would get in the way of the story I feel. While I freely admit I think Templars are a bit OP in a sense, they also bring so much depth to my world. No other world really has personified exemplars of the elements themselves. They are really just glorified Paladins, just with different tenets, but that is what I like about them.

Only people I really need to respond to get them on the way right now is Flux and Acquie, both the Recon Members (Odin don't count he is run by me like Steele.)

Also Orpheaus didn't actually slay a Dragon, he justs says he did. It that he is lying though, he really did defeat one, but not in the way you think, keep your eyes peeled. (The town really does believe he killed it though, since it stopped attacking the village.)

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Well its your world and i kinda like it, bringing something new and exploring these things . not over extending tho like introducing 10 major npcs at one go or anything. it takes time for me to digest i guess.

i kinda forgot about that bionic arm...thanks for reminding me lol, so yeah its like FMA and yeah the eye is still missing.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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  On 6/3/2014 at 11:39 AM, Hukuna said:

. Sigurd and Orpheaus's little spat is very interesting to me, probably because I never expected a player to question an NPC of mine like that. Talking back to a guy like that took some real courage, cause you had no idea how powerful he was,

That's mainly me being a noob and the way how I see Sigurd. The way Orpheaus was dressed was the complete opposite from how Sigurd was raised, so he wouldn't believe someone like that has any skills.

Anyway, sorry for the late post. My internet is being a pain right now.

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na it is cool man. And yea I totally agree with you on that. Aurora's culture and that of the Victonari really clash, it is almost as bad as the Elves and the Dwaves disconnect. Though they spend a lot less time around each other so it is rarely comes up. Brass also wasn't chastising Sigurd, though i could see why he felt that way. Brass is actually more personable with the Human and Demi-human folk, because he was raised as if he was one. I am being very quiet about Orpheaus though becuase he is a part of a major arc. He is a kind of Foil for The Gentleman. (Though they will never end up fighting, that is your guys fight, not Orpheaus's.) as he is a very powerful force of good you met very early on. Though he isn't anywhere near as powerful as the Gentleman is right now. The Gentleman is like the End-game boss if that wasn't clear by now, He is a powerful baddy, though don't think him as purely Evil. There is no such thing as True Evil in the world of Graterras. Graterras is very much a world of Grey, your characters must ask themsleves, what do they value as good and evil?

Also it isn't a noob thing to challenge the Host's character's a bit. That is a bold risk and i commend you for it. If you took Orpheaus for his word 100% he would have been disappointed. He would think you mindless and not capable of being fit of being called a "hero". The fact that most of the others backed up Sigurd impressed him as well. There is alot you don't know about Orpheaus yet, and is why he might be a hard to understand him a bit. But I believe in time Sigurd might actually get along with him. They really do see in similar ways, Orpheaus is just stubborn and has a lot of his own inner demons he is battling with currently, and why he is sorta stand-offish, or seems to be untouchable. He doesn't mean to come off that way, he justs does right now.

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Um, so is everybody ditching Orpheaus? I thought only Sigurd would do it, so I wrote up some NPC for him to interact with, but wasn't expecting all of you guys to split off. (Mostly at Notus, not saying you can't, but it will definitely take me a bit of time to get back to you lol.)

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Oh, I thought we were supposed to do that. I'm gonna edit the post right away.

Edit: Done. Sorry 'bout that chief ! :ph34r:

Edited by Notus
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Might be a chance to jump in once Chapter 2 is finished for you Super, but need to think about it lol. It really depends on your character etc if you make one, since I have to think of a way to logically shoe-horn them in. He/She can't just appear. ( at least not in the way I host, I don't like having Loose ends.)

(Also updated Jupiter's most recent response to Helze, was a bit burnt out there for a bit, but now I am a bit clearer. I didn't add to much too it, but did change it up a bit.)

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Alright I'll give making a character a shot.

Character Name: Oarloff
Race: Half-Ogre
Class: Bard/Fighter (not sure which would fit the character more)
Appearance and Age: Oarloaff is a giant half-ogre, who appears to be around middle-aged for his species. He stands roughly 8'6", has a HUGE belly, and is often dirty and unruly. He never really wears clothes instead wearing tattered rags that just cover the essentials. Despite all of this Oarloff doesn't really look intimidating instead giving off the persona of a huge goofy teddy bear.
Personality Overview: Oarloff is commonly known in his village as the biggest idiot in town. Despite being a giant he is a coward and will often try to avoid a fight at all costs. If he were forced into a fight he'd likely use a giant club, just because a weapon like that would require no skills and allow him to easily smash his enemies. His voice is dumb and goofy, however it is enjoyable to be around and always provides a good laugh. Oarloff is also a klutz and often messes up on even the most simple chores. A simpleton at heart Oarloff loves animals and tries to keep as man pets as he can find, caring for them as if they were his on children. If
Backstory: Oarloff has been a slave for as long as he can remember. He was found as an infant abandoned outside of his village and was picked up by a villager who decided to take him in. His slavery isn't on horrible terms, his master and the rest of the town for that matter love him, despite his inability to perform manual labor. The reason for the love affair is because of Oarloff's natural ability to create beautiful music from the harp. Often Oarloff is found at an inn or tavern after night, playing and singing (usually a comedic tune in a monotone, yet funny voice) happily for the patrons.
((I figure he'll be easy enough to work in, since you can have him in almost any normal village. If the next town you guys are in doesn't allow slavery than he can just be the village idiot, who was raised by the town and is super poor, yet loved.))
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Here's where I wish there was a village next, sadly it is a major city. Once we finish, the Battle of Passthrough, the Heros will be still headed towards Nevermore, which is the capital of the Shadowed Isles, and while there is Slavery there, someone won't really end up that well known. (Basically it is a hard city, ruled by an iron-fist of corrupt business men and just as bad politicians.). I will definitely try to fit him in though. (I don't think Nevermore will take all of Chapter 3, they are headed there for info, so as long as they don't piss off the Shadow Counsel they hopefully won't be there too awful long.)

Also I think Bard is the better suited class for him. (mostly because as a Half-Ogre I am wondering who could have taught him the ways of the Bard, and that would be interesting to add into his backstory. Like were his adoptive parents/owners the ones who taught him, was it a traveling minstrel who took a shining to the lad, or was it someone in town who enjoyed his company so much, that they deciced to teach him about it.). Oarloff, sounds like a a very likeable, (probably a little less dumb than he lets on) guy, which are good marks to have as a bard. Though he may not be the dashing pretty boy version, he is definitely a very interesting one to say the least. (not everyday you get a Half-Ogre Bard, especially one who plays such a dainty instrument such as the harp.)

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Yeah, I like playing really out there characters. Playing as a bad ass, yet noble knight is kind of boring to me, though I do know those characters need to exist, they don't really appeal to me.

Though if you want me to switch him up a bit to fit into the RP better I have no problem doing that. It's really the character that matters to me, i.e. who he is, not really the minor details, so I can make him popular in his area of town, or even just to the patrons of the bar he works at (I can have him be owned by an inn owner.) And how he learned how to play the harp would be a spoiler, something I have an idea of, but I'm not sure if I want to let go of that secret just yet.

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You can always tell me that part via PM, since I can make a npc to interect with that story background. (That and I personally like to know.) But yea, definitely a bar or something he could work at in Nevermore, most likely would ba a pretty seedy place though.

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Okay, everyone need to talk to y'all about something. As I am sure you know I divided everyone into the 3 groups. Wallteam and the Frontline guys has been going fine. However, the players in Recon Team are either to busy or aren't very much interested in the RP anymore. (I won't name names by the way.), one of them asked me to NPC their character for now, but the other didn't really get back to me. If they drop or ask to NPC their character, that would be an entire group of NPC (at least temporarily.) characters, and I don't think it would be very fun for you guys to have to read through, "Hukuna talks to himself, as 4 different characters all at the same time". So, I am thinking about just cutting their mission, finishing up what our Frontliners/Wall Team are doing, and then just get into the thick of the battle. So basically, the Recon Mission will still be happening, I am just not going to write it out in the thread. Is everybody cool with that?

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