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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Scratch that moving it to Tuesday. (or the 24th.) I really want you guys to be able to get to know some of the other characters if you wish, or even have your bond with some of the other PCs. So Tuesday, then I cut off that stuff, and we go to WAR!!!!!

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By the way, starting th battle talk tomorrow, tried to wait a few dys that way FLux doesn't miss everything so that is why it has been a bit slow on my side. Gave you guys the first In a Far Away Land to make up for it though, so enjoy some Gentleman characterization.

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Considering that last post this is going to be a bit awkward...

I'm leaving this Monday on holiday until the 10th. I have my laptop with me and I probably have internet access, but I won't be online much and I probably won't post until the 10th. I would appreciate it if someone could bunny Sigurd until then. Or you can knock him out for a week (Maybe Hukuna since you've pretty much figured him out?) Anyway, sorry for any inconviences...

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Don't worry Chim, though I am going to try and keep him the way he is now. (basically try and keep his characterization the same. Since he will most likely be in the battle with Orpheaus, he will see the guy fight, and it is up to you once you get back if his opinion changes about our Golden VIctonari friend.)

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Question: How are we meant to go about learning new spells? I am obviously not able to use invisibility yet, but how and when will I? Just a bit confused here, since I doubt we'll be stopping at a library or something where our characters can flip through a few books...

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I think I am going to say you can do whatever unless I deem it too powerful for you. Things you couldn't do as of now would include Invisibility, Simulacrums (will explain what those are soon enough, but it is an illusion type of magic.), Haunts (Most powerful illusion, can actually kill a person by taking the form of their greatest fear.) and Demi-Illusions and the Phantasmal Killer(similar to the Haunt, but nowhere near as powerful.). I think once you beat this battle I will say you have gotten significant power as to use invisibility. (will try and work into something though, not just like ticking off a checkbox.)

This has been something I am trying to figure out as it is hard to RP it without setting actual spell rules. You will gain more power, but at what interval is hard to say. SInce you are a Sorcerer your magic is more natural, like as if it was it is something you can just learn, there isn't science to it like there is for Wizards. Wizards are easier to say as they go to a fellow Wizard and learn form them, or perform magical experiments. Sorcerer's could possibly do the latter, but it would be more of a discovering they have a new power sort of thing.

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I was under the impression that sorcerers learn through meditation and that their magic takes a more primal form in that the sorcerer communes with their thing.

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Well, Elemental would work that way since hte elements themself are alive in the world of Graterras. Other forms of magic however are formed by Arcane energy or Generic Force. So while I can let Dru get away with that, Nero bing an Illusionist first makes him not able to commune with the spirits of the elements. (though he can still tap into their power if he so chooses, though he would be more inclined to stick to the area of magic he is most familiar with.)

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A few more character themes for you guys.


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???? (who's could this be......I wonder......)

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You would probably lose your mind it and it would take over your body. That flame is made out of Human and Demi-Human souls. And the maelstrom of the agonized souls would cause your character to go completely insane. (there is a reason it is Black and gives off no Light, it is what is called Dark Fire. It is a type of magical Fire. But in Graterras it is created in a pretty gruesome way, by affixing souls to a normal flame. I can't really desricbe it all right now, you characters will probably learn more about it soon enough. Since they don't know something is wrong with those flames, if one of them does try to control it, they can pull out, but it has to be quick.)

(There are similar versions of these with the other elements as well, but Dark Fire has a void like propriety where it sucks in all other Fire, The others have other proprieties).

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Oh and you could actually use your fire if you struck and made it disappear quickly, however, as I am sure you noticed, the Golem is immune to Fire, as the Fire burning it it's gut doesn't actually damage the bones around it. Orpheaus told you guys not to use Fire because they had discovered this already, and that any FIre you used would either do nothing, or just end up powering the beast. And you actually did do quite a bit of damage to the leg, there are just literally thousands upon thousands of bones layered into that thing's legs from random creatures, Hence why it had a Dragon's Skull, yet you broke seemingly human bones in it's legs. This will be a pretty tough fight though, these things aren't pushovers.

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Anti-Magic Shells only stop Active Magic, inert magics are unharmed. (Enchantments etc. magics binding the Undead to this plane.), because if it did destroy inert magics, it would just destroy itself and not work. Basically, it only stops new magic from being invoked. Basically, active magic is magic being concentrated on, or invoked now. Inert Magic was active magic at one point, but now is just permently set, and would mostly have to be dispelled through more powerful methods. (one of which is a Wish Spell, but that will probably never be accessed by a PC anytime this campaign. Not to mention it has horrible consequences if used improperly).

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