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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Which of the island Nations in Graterras would you most like to visit in-game? *The Shadowed Isles is where you are now. (The ones you haven't been to are Arbouretium, Solarium, The Shattered Hills, Shifting Sands, The Crystal Archipelago, The Land of Death, Aurora, and Pandora.)

I think I'd like to see the Shattered Hills. Having Dru go "home" and be known by people would be great exposition for him, especially given his quiet demeanor.

Which Nation would you like to most visit yourself if you were in the world of Graterras?

Definitely the Crystal Archipelago. It just sounds dope.

Has you favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?(still name them and describe why in a little blurb even if it didn't change, because your reason may have changed.)

My favorite NPC has a few more holes in him than I would like (Brass).

Has your least favourite NPC changed, if so who is it now?

My least favorite NPC is, unfortunately, Odin. While he dotes on Helze, he tends to pass over any member of the party who isn't actively trying to get everyone else killed (*cough*Sigurd*cough*). That being said, there aren't any NPCs who I actively dislike. My favorite did the dying thing though :( (RIP Steele)

What do you think the significance is of the name of Chapter 3?

I'd be willing to bet money that it has something to do with the revelation of some form of darkness.

Which PC do you think your PC gets along with best? Why do you think this is?

My PC doesn't get to interact with the others much. To be loyal to his character he has to be open to conversation, but can't really start any himself.

Which PC does your character get along with the least? Why do you think this is? (keep it civil folks.)

Undoubtedly Sigurd. Dru (not me- I love how headstrong Sigurd is) doesn't think too highly of people who act before thinking. It's just a part of his more intellectual nature.

Chapter 3 is going to be more of a Character development sort of Chapter, do you like these pauses in the action?

Usually during these I end up sitting on the sidelines for lack of something engaging other than becoming my own mini-DM for a bit. So no, not really. My characters' actions are much louder than their verbal expression and it can be hard to create meaningful action from nothing.

Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend in Nevermore could be?

The Breadfish.

Is there anything you think I can improve upon?

Last chapter I felt pretty ignored during the battle. I understand that people needed to hold the walls, but Brass was the only character Dru had any form of meaningful interaction with and Dru, as far as I can tell, never had any idea that the amulet he gave Brass had any significance further than that of a gift to a friend. I posted twice in the entire thing and got ignored when I tried to be involved.

Edited by Jory
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Just so you guys know, nobody saw Steele die......who knows, maybe he is out there.....somewhere.....

Also, Odin actually doesn't interact with others much cause I honestly forget to make him do so sometimes lol. Kinda a mistake on my part lol, he is somebody I keep forgetting is important to make updates on and I want to try and have him interact with the party a lot more.

Also yea, I kinda did give you the shaft the last battle and am sorry about that. It happened to Flux alot in chapter 1 as well. There always seems to be 1 or 2 characters that have trouble interacting in every battle and it is in no small part kinda my fault. Also, The Death Knight was pretty messed up at the point Dru arrived, that I was waiting for anytime they comboed their attacks together in a such a way the Death Knight couldn't block it. Any straight on attacks he would have blocked for the most part. I am trying my best, sometimes it is hard.

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  On 8/22/2014 at 6:59 PM, Notus said:

... Oh well. Seems we're going to prison right away. XD

Have some faith in Sigurd's social skills xD

I totally didn't want to go for the grumpy looking guard

And I like Super's idea. I can see why it's difficult to give every character a lot of action in battles, especially if they aren't fighting on the frontlines.

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I feel it is pretty apt, as it conveys a very Elemental feel, and as I am sure your aware, the Elements are a very important factor in Graterras. Though.....I have this feeling....and I can't shake it. I swear I have heard this before, but I am not sure where.

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Good, I think Sigurd could use somebody in the Party that annoys him lol. Also, this part may seem weird, but I am really interested to see who will be drawn where, kinda want to see what characters will sit where etc... ((also, I do have some things planned for those that choose to sit alone, I am not punishing you for doing it, it is just going to be interesting if you do to say the least.)) I know I have some odd experimnets from time to time, but is cause I like to see how characters react etc to things, and who they gravitate too in the party. (whether it is an NPC or another player character.) this helps me figure out even more about them and their values without just directly asking about it. So excsue me if you think I got some weird methods, but I like my weirdness, it inspires even characters that are normally quiet to break out of their shells a little. ((funnily enough, those tend to be my characters when I play in a campaign. I myself and a very quiet person, so I rather enjoy playing that Warrior archetype of "speak softly, but carry a big stick.")

And if you mean Youtube vids, I just take the share link and copy pasta it in. The forum automatically does the rest for me though. (as in puts the video right there in the post.)

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Great tune Super!

Anyway, I sat Marcus on Abraham's table because he is an impulsive person, and after listening to Oarloff his first thought would be to get to know more about him.

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Glicks was going to show up soon anyway.....Akuma just so happened to bump into the little fellow as he was about to get to the Nightingale. (( and he probably won't be a permanent NPC even if you guys end up liking him, because I have a feeling he would get really annoying.))

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Thanks for reminding me, he was totally supposed to talk to you, in your mind!!!!! Basically, being in contact with his Simulacrum allows him to directly contact you through a special form of telepathy, you can also use the reverse. (I am will work it in, since it is hard for him to talk otherwise without scaring the hell out of the townsfolk. and don't worry, he can't take over your mind or read it, or any of that stuff. and just so you are aware Flux, though I think you amy have figured it out already, this is a very advanced Simulacrum, it has researched features that don't exist in normal ones, like the form change, direct projection [means he can directly project himself through it, like when he talks, it says what he said etc...], and this special telepathy. He basically created this as a vessel so he could see the world is the gist of it.)

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Now that I have an opportunity to take advantage of being the quiet observer, this will be better. I've also found myself really enjoying writing Dru's part because he's a form of self-insert that I call a partial insert.

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Not really sure if that whole telepathy thing is only for Sigurd right now or not... But I guess this can work until it comes back to bite him in the *** xD

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Debating if I should have Nero interrupt Glicks or wait to see more... Decisions, decisions... It would also be in character for him to just take what he's learned and walk away, but that's kind of boring...

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