Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 26, 2014 Author Share Posted August 26, 2014 It depends how Impulsive he is. Will seeing this strange Kobold messing with something that is his school of magic make him jump? It may also help him get his mind off the weird thing that just happened between him and Abraham. ((also Glicks is much more sociable when he is excited. Not to mention he would love meeting another Practitioner of his field. This isn't set up by the way, it just so happened to be, a lot of this part of the story was drafted up by me prior to actually starting this RP on the forums, other than fitting in Oarloff most of this was intended to be this way. A lot of it I just tied together with the elemnets of the story that have happened. Like Bjorn wasn't originally a character, but not only was he to give someone that had a similar mindset to SIgurd, he also was a hook to get you guys to Nevermore. Funny how all this works, huh?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 26, 2014 Author Share Posted August 26, 2014 A special treat for you guys, End of Chapter 2 Questions......Hukuna Addition. (( some questions have been changed.)) 1. Which Island Nation would you like to visit most in-game? Honestly, the Crystal Archipelago. It is rather strange and is one place in Graterras I haven't worked on too much. (it has been a bit, but it would give me an excuse to do more.) 2. Which Nation would you like to visit most if you were in the world of Graterras? Shifting Sands, give me some Steampunk tech any day and I will go nuts, not to mention it is pretty Western inspired, and Westerns are my jam. 3. Favourite NPC and why. So I messaged Zeph about this because she happened to be on at the time....but I had an epiphany. I remember saying at one point that Odin was the most like me in this RP. I have never been so wrong and so blind to my own creations. It turns out, Jupiter is actually the most like me. The one character I thought wasn't like me at all, turns out to be the most like me. Odin I have worked on for literally most of the inception of Graterras. Jupiter was a character I threw in sorta like Bjorn and Chauff to see how another character would react. She was never in the draft of Graterras until the very moment were she appeared in Chapter 2 (( I literally made her up on the spot.)), I realized this with the most recent convo between her and Marcus ((so kinda thanks too you Notus, you made me realize how much a moron I am lol.)), realizing she is very much me in that she is a person that holds of front of being a strong individual but is actually very shy on the inside. THings even of the name choice which up and too this point even I didn't realize....I inadvertently used the name of a Lightning God (Jupiter being the Roman counter-part of Zeus. keep in mind I identify with the element of Lightning, it being very common in my characters etc.), because Jupiter sounded Feminine enough but also displayed strength. She has literally become my favorite character I have ever created in the span of a single conversation with Zeph. 4. Least Favourite NPC and Why. Orpheaus, and not because I don't like him, but more cause I felt I kinda handled him poorly. He has a very strange characterization and it is my first time bringing him to life, so I am working out the bugs. ((he is the first character I created for Graterras, and therefore he is very old and he has a pretty weird attitude for me to play off of.)) I hope you guys get to see him again, I really want to show those that don't like him that he is a good character XD. 5. Significance of the Chapter 3 Name? Can't tell you guys yet, but I will say, some of you are pretty warm on those guesses. 6. Which PC fascinates me the most? ((this is not which PC is my favourite kind of question. I do not pick favourites among PCs as it leads to me not being impartial as a host.)) Nero, undoubtly. I want to break that man out of his shell of lonely darkness so badly!!!!! 7. Which PC do you think you need to be better at including? Those of the quiet variety other than Helze. I feel I kinda neglect Dru and Nero alot and I want to try and get them in the story more. ((though it is hard when you guys kinda refuse to interact sometimes XD.)). Helze has 2 NPCs that are attached to her, and I kinda took away Dru's. ((Brass will be back sometime by the way. OMG HUKUNA SPOILED HIS OWN RP!!!!!!!!)). Sigurd is kinda included, but in that weird he is the little brother nobody gets along with kind of way. ((not that it is a bad thing, I love Sigurd as a character, but he does not paly well with this group as they are slow and methodical, and he is a Firebrand.....honestly sometimes I wonder why he isn't the Cinder Knight in the group......)) also I think Bjorn will be a good friend of his, but I got to start getting the jolly old bum into gear. ((yes he has been missing in the bar scene for a bit, I am working him and Chauff in, but I wanted to see PC reactions moreso first, and Odin and Jupiter are more like PCs to be honest, why they are included in that list.)) 8. Do you prefer Action or Character development sections? I prefer Character Development over fighting. Interpersonal relationships between characters are interesting and I love to see them grow and mature. I love a good fight scene, but the content of a character's soul, what they stand for, what they would do for what they stand for, and who they are as a person is more important to me at the end of the day then what they do in a battle. I must humbly apologize for those of you that feel left out during these sessions. I try my best as a host, but even I can drop the ball. I try to engage every character in meaningful development very time there is downtime. Sometimes I screw up and miss a few. I hope those of you I do miss by accident can forgive me for it. 9. Who or what do you think Bjorn's friend is in Nevermore? [REDACTED] (these lips are sealed.....YOU SHALL NOT BREAK MY WILL!!! I will not spoil anymore!!!), *coughs* I mean...um what? I do this for you guys, and I hope you all continue along with me on this journey. It has been a joy so far and I am glad to have shared it with all of you, you have each become a treasured friend of mine, and I am glad to call Reborn, one of my homes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted August 26, 2014 Share Posted August 26, 2014 I realized this with the most recent convo between her and Marcus ((so kinda thanks too you Notus, you made me realize how much a moron I am lol.)) Woah, second time this happens with me. The first was with Stratos's character in Under the Hill, guess this is kind of a talent XD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 26, 2014 Author Share Posted August 26, 2014 I dunno, whatever it was you just flipped a switch in my brain that made me be like.....wait is Jupiter basically me, but In a different way? and I stepped back and looked at it all, and all the pieces fell together, the puzzle was lain before me the entire time, but not until you opened my eyes was I able to put it together. ((basically this means either I am a genius and I didn't realize it , or I am subconsciously an egomaniac because I accidentally inserted myself [kinda] into the world. Lets' go with the first thank you very much.....)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jory Posted August 26, 2014 Share Posted August 26, 2014 I feel similarly about Dru. When I made him, I never realized just how much I tend to sit to the side of conversations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 fixed my little error for some reason i've been wanting to play a kobold (and a dwarf, but not in this RP, his character would overlap too much), must be all the DF getting to me. Are we allowing multiple PCs? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 To say the least......Glicks isn't very sociable if that wasn't already clear. Scratching his head Social Tick number one. Hitting People with his walking stick, social tick number two. ((He is also more of the Mouse look, so he would look pretty cute or more innocent than some other of the Grumman's Kobold variety.)) ((and nope, I am not allowing multiple PCs, already got a lot of you guys to keep track of, don't want anymore lol.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 *cue question* Sensei what's an Illithid? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 ((I swear I explained it somewhere.)) Illithids, a.k.a Mind Flayers are Cthulhu-esque sentient beings. (this means they have a head of some kind of Octupus or Squid like creature.), they are not regarded very well amongst the normal races as they have a big tendency to be much like the one who created them, Seeker, and endlessly hunt for knowledge. This wouldn't be too bad if Illithids didn't have a natural ability to consume knowledge through a Giant Stinger like appendage in their Mouths. They stick it into another sentient creatures mind and quite literally feed off their Knowledge. They are slowly becoming less and less this way, but needless to say, they aren't very well regarded in the eyes of most. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 wait what happened to illithids wanting to, yknow, take over the whole universe and turn it into the Far Realm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 oh yeah you did lol sorry I forgot-- what with college stuff and all I'd make a horrible computer, forgetting a frikton of data and deleting others when I obtain new data Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 Illithids are much different in my world, because their actual god and Seeker created them together, however he crossed Seeker, and Seeker doesn't take kindly to those that do, so he easily dispatched of him. Seeker is actually the most powerful god in the universe ((even more than the ones that created it, due to his ability to absorb knowledge.)), but due to his addiction to knowledge he doesn't really do anything other than endlessly seek it, and therefore is no threat to the universe. ((the Elder God as I call him, the one that helped create the Illithids, wanted to just that and programmed it into the Illithids. This angered Seeker as they were to be his creation, but he had no power to create life himself, or more so on his own. However, now that the Elder God is dead, the Illithids are slowly losing their urges to do exactly that, and at this point in Graterras have mostly gotten away from it. They still however carry Seeker's addiction to knowledge, or at least some of them do. Others can break it's hold on them because Seeker is much to interested in getting knowledge, that he doesn't maintain his people, and therefore even his influence on them is starting to wane.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 Ah, so the Crystal Order itself is beginning to fall apart as well? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 Nope, they are one of 2 things that Seeker actually cares about in the World of Graterras. ((other being his Templars, the Scholar Knights.)). He rarely contacts them though, but they still remain pretty loyal. Also Murdoc, it should be stated I like to challenge the normal thoughts about some of the Races from D and D, I don't want to do 100% the same things, this is why I decided to change it up with the Illithids among some other things. ((like including both types of Kobold, as most try to argue it is one or the other, since D and D 3.0 and later changed Kobolds from the more Rat and Mouse like ones, to those related to dragons. I like both versions of them, therefore I included both.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 Oh and Flux "Your the saddest Illusionist I have ever met, Yousaa can bets before we're through, Misturr, I'll make an Illusionist out of you." ((kinda funny picturing a tiny mouse-like man singing this to Nero XD.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted August 28, 2014 Share Posted August 28, 2014 ^ That puts a funny picture in my mind. And until Nero figures out his Invisibility... he is the saddest Illusionist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 28, 2014 Author Share Posted August 28, 2014 Of course, and you know for now Glicks teaches. However, I am going to clue you in on something a little fun, as I am sure you are now aware that the Raven's Spiral is a School for Wizard's, however it is an elite school and for middling power wizards or higher. ((so around Nero's level, if Nero wasn't this level of power, Glicks would never have suggested you see him as he wouldn't deem you worthy of the knowledge.)), Glicks isn't just a teacher however. He is the Head of the Illusion department, and probably one of the most powerful living Illusionists on Graterras at this point. ((and this is why no, he cannot go with you guys, because he is a bit, shall we say, op.)). Now why am I telling you this? Because if this were any other School's Headmaster, being a wizard/sorcerer of that principle you would easily be able to tell just standing near him. ((you would feel the latent energy of your schools magic flowing from him.)), however, Illusion magic even of this high caliber barely has a trace. ((this is one of the reasons it is one of the more difficult schools of magic.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 Akuma is pretty clueless what your talking inside the pub since he's still chilling outside. I'll just leave him there until the group started to move, since he can't stand ogres in the same room. Also, is there perhaps any chance there's a school for berserkers? i think Akuma needs a new technique instead of just trashing and bashing things. :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 Berserkers are more of a Natural type of learning, like most Martial Classes. They advance more by doing their craft, then sitting around learning it. Most Warrior training wouldn't really help someone of Akuma's caliber. ((and that goes for the Templars and our Ranger friends as well.)). The reason there is Wizard Schools, is because Wizard's need access to information to even know where to begin with spellcasting as it all has a very rigid formula. ((less so for Sorcerer's, but they still do.)) In short, there really isn't much Akuma could learn from a teacher, he knows most of what he needs. Not to mention Berserkers are a bit rare and have a few stigmas attached to them. They aren't openly hated in society, but I would highly doubt a large group of them would be allowed to assemble. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 If a group of them did... we're all definitely going to get rekt Also, I'm starting to imagine Glicks to be... Reveal hidden contents Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 A very socially awkward Yoda, that's first response is usually to smack you with his Oaken Walking Staff. So, no where near as calm as Yoda, that is for sure lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chim Posted August 29, 2014 Share Posted August 29, 2014 So we're going to a Spellcaster's school? May as well start apologizing already... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 29, 2014 Author Share Posted August 29, 2014 Spellcasters includes all Spellcasters. ((I mean, I didn't mention the Scholar Knight for nothing, Templars even come here for learning.)), I doubt you can do anything that bad. ((Also, most probably won't be able to tell that The Crimson King is with you since he has deactivated, the Simulacrum for now. Basically, when the eyes are not glowing[which I said happened when Sigurd was talking with Dru.], it is off, and therefore not transmitting magical essence. Glicks is probably the only one, but he would have to study it, and that won't be happening unless you give him a reason to.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted August 31, 2014 Author Share Posted August 31, 2014 Alright you guys mind if I skip ahead a bit? ((not exactly to the trip to the Raven's Spiral yet, I have a few interesting dreams for people. You'll learn more once I get to it. Then we can get to the Raven's Spiral.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted August 31, 2014 Share Posted August 31, 2014 carry on sensei Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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