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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Nope, just wolf pelts. They died of natural causes though. Morlak is more of the Summoner type of conjurer so he tries to be in tune with nature and therefore he will only wear clothes made from natural hide. ((by summoner I mean he is better at Summoning Creatures, whether they be actual animals or elementals, rather then the Conjuring side of the school he masters.)) keep in mind, a lot of them have exggerated features and clothing choices for a reason, and it is to show physically they are masters of their schools. Glicks even does, in that he isn't what he seems. A small little mouse man hardly screams master of Illusions, but that is why he in fact does look like one.

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Well it might be a bit, I got sick recently....and I am totally not up to posting the update. It is huge, and I just don't have the energy to do it. When I feel better, I will get on it, but I am going to have to go on hiatus for a few days while In recover. ((basically, I slept an entire day almost, from 10p.m. yesterday til 8:00 pm today. in EST. so I am super tired and I really don't think I can can post and have it be a quality one.))

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So I am still pretty sick, but I am well enough to get up my stuff for Graterras, however, as such I probably won't be able to keep up with the other RPs right now, so hopefully you guys can spread the word for me on that. I will be focusing on my RPs and my Modding duties only for now.

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I don't think Oarloff is really smart enough to consider any possible consequences of summoning Mr. Buttons in the middle of the chamber. Oarloff thinks of the world in a very black and white manner, Mr. Buttons was nice to him, so he's a good guy. It's possible that he'll summon him, but I'm more or less trying to bait someone in the order (likely someone capable of reading the guy's mind) into asking about him. Oarloff's curiosity about Mr. Buttons is more or less a play by me to figure out more about him. ((Hopefully this plan doesn't backfire because I just told you.))

Edited by Supernovae
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Oarloff would have to summon him there. Mind-Reading isn't something one of the Order would do for no reason. Keep in mind they have a Half-Orc in their midst, hell, they have a bloody Illithid there too. Basically, I know now that Oarloff would most likely summon him there due to his poor impulse control.

Just so you know, all I am saying to you here and now, is that Something else will pop out that gate. If it was an Evil presence, I don't think it would have done what it did for Oarloff. ((the magic in particular, if it was evil....why didn't give him something it knew he couldn't handle, like the ability to use magic to kill? Mr. Buttons is and isn't what he seems. But to find out exactl what he is, Oarloff has to summon him, in his true form. Keep in mind the Silver Tree, it is a symbol of what is to come, and it is a symbol of something powerful. The ball is in your court Mister Supernovae, will you play ball, so to speak? and that is a rhetorical question. Don't answer me here....answer me there. [and I know forget if you were the last to post, XD]))

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