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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Wow really? There is a lot more magic than there is in GoT, but I guess I know what you mean, it does have a more dark/more real tone like GoT in places. But like thanks XD. I personally hope one day my world matches up against the likes of the ones created in Westeros and others like Middle Earth, so that means a lot to me.

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She could say he knows about it, that won't give away his avatar nature. For them to reasonably figure it out they would have to be told he is one. Because nothing about him indicates that he is, he really just looks like a normal Illithid, and I am sure it is not a stretch for him to have info the Headmasters don't, because since he is an Illithid, the Headmasters may have never asked a guard, especially if he was an illithid.

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The Official Heros are in high spirits song of Graterras, when it is time to get pumped, or during one of those like peptalk scenes, this would be the song. It just feels right to me lol. You know what I am talking about, like in an anime or an RPG when the party is in low spirits, but they start to work themselves up, and will it builds, this song would build behind them.

((Metal kinda just fits Graterras well, due to it high energy and explosiveness, and it ability to also have sadder themes as well. [which haven't come up yet as there have been no major character deaths or anything of the sort.].))

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"Blood smells nice. It never quite had this aroma before....it smells heavenly must be part of my gift from the wilds. Their crumpled bodies look so pathetic, to think I called these people friend, brothers, sisters, and so on. And look at their lifeless corpses.....they are nothing now, but broken bones and piles of flesh. Thought they could rid me, thought I turned into a devil, a wolf that lives under the full moon. But I am more than that, it wasn't a full moon tonight. I choose that form, and they were mote their divine justice, the justice of the forest, of Wolves. Only the strong survive. Those that cling to the past become forgotten, if they can't keep me from taking their lives they do not deserve them. I saved them from their pitiful wallowing, in their so called lives. They should have been thanking me as I rended their throats giving them the sweet release they so craved. I am no Demon, I am an angel of death, one that grants the pitiful death wishes of the masses. If they want nothing with their life I am happy to end it for them, besides, blood smells nice. It smells like forlorn souls, and more importantly a deserving death. Oh the ecstasy of the kill feels so good hunting prey that wants you to kill it, but doesn't know yet. It is funny watching them fight so hard to save themselves, then just as funny when it quickly dawns on them there is nothing they can do. Humans are a funny race in general, so undeserving of the life they have been given, and yet so interesting how they try to cling onto it. I used to be one.....Until now, now I am something real."

A short piece one of the Nine Death Angels, I think I will do one of these for each of them, to let you guys know a bit more about them, by cluing into their back-stories a smidge without blowing all of who they are as characters. So what do you guys think of the idea, and how do you like this one? ((I really hope you can guess who's it is otherwise....I dunno....you just really need to pay more attention. it should be easy lol.))

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Plot twist... I just discovered I´ll have to make an emergency trip to another city for a medical check-up for the Navy, so I´ll be out from tomorrow afternoon until Thursday or Friday, probably with no net. Huk, please feel free to bunny Marcus as needed... And really sorry guys, this has come out of the blue and I can´t miss it. :(

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And yea no, Ashnard is straight up a Werewolf, but in Graterras Werewolves aren't inhibited by the normal things. ((as in they can transform whenever they want, it isn't dictated by the moon.)), they however do still have a nasty weakness to silver and most magical weaponry will harm them as well. Going to be writing up some more of the other Death Angels bios, but these actually take a little while.

Otherwise, whenever Notus gets back, I will probably just fast forward a bit, to get us rolling again as we have where we are going decided already. Chapter 3 is almost over, then we are moving into Chapter 4. Doesn't have to be when he gets back, but as you know, my bunnying typically implies using thier character as little as possible. I don't really like running other people's characters.

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"I remember the clattering of swords, the ringing of battle. But it is all I remember, the only thing that resonates within my soul. I remember blood shed and anguish, but I remember nothing else. I know I died once, and was bound to a new body, but I don't know why. Who am I? More like Who was I? I don't think I am that person anymore. Maybe if I knew who I was I could be again, but I don't know. The only things I remember are the din of metal striking metal, the screams of anguish and battle on the field. Was I the one screaming....or was I causing it? My new form is a good representation of what I am now. A Suit of Armour filled with nothing. That is who I am now, Something forged in war but with no other substance. The only thing in my armour is a small gem, they say my soul is attached to it. It is an anguished soul, one that doesn't know where it came from, all it can hear is battle. Maybe this soul is mine to write upon, make a story. Make something other than Battle be the only thing it remembers. I will use it to change the world, make it a better place for the downtrodden races of the world. Those shoved out of cities and treated like dirt and scum. I will make the humans and demi-humans know that the Downtrodden are tired of being stepped on, we deserve a voice too. It is their fault none of them can speak, because they slash our throats before we can even respond. They will know me as Ishmael, the one who stands for those that cannot, because their legs were forcefully broken. It isn't easy breaking Iron. Lets see them try and stop me from showing them their errors. They can't cut out my throat, break my legs, or crush my spirit. It is encased in Iron."

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I wish I could let you, but they have disappeared into the city by now. And it isn't wise fighting an entire Crime syndicate lol. ((since if you mess with the goons, you are going to stir the higher ups into action. And the Rivenholts literally have the man power and the cash to chase you guys to the ends of Graterras.))

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Is he highly vindictive towards them though? Not really I don't think he is the kind to act on it.

And I have a feeling it is the typical Elf, thing where they think they are higher than everybody else, and they are nice to them because they feel sorryfor them. Or am I wrong?

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The hypocritical part, yes, when he started telling Sigurd off for "not thinking before wildly and/or blindly charging into things". And it does make sense for him to patronize others given that he's a Cinder Knight-- an Elven Cinder Knight, at that (I really should make Helze more haughty, but she understands the pain of being a halfbreed in a way ._ . am I even playing her right? Though she does sympathize with her human half more because of her father.)

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That is up to you. Helze wouldn't strike me as the haughty type, I don't think she was around people enough, and I think she genuinely isn't fond of others very much. She seems more down to Earth to me, judging people by character not their race or that kind of stuff.

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Hmm... I suppose the "haughty" part really is just in regard to her skills as an archer and whatnot. Towards people it doesn't feel right to me if I make her act like a snob, for some reason... anyway, before I even had the chance to make her act like one and call humans and dwarves as "dirty, smelly, inferior people", Odin changed her mind with his hospitality and fatherliness... XD that and the goblins came along and most of her resentment and hate got directed at the Gentleman lol

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