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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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  On 10/21/2014 at 9:53 PM, Hukuna said:

Also I am not your Senpai!!

"But Senpai you are my Senpai," He says with a heart warming voice, "whether you like it or not." He says with a demonic voice.

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*Fades into existence from the Twilight that isn't a part of Hukuna*

Hukuna-San, I'm afraid that i must point out a flaw in your logic: If one is the Darkness, then one cannot be the Light at the same time, as the Light would obliterate the Darkness.

*Fades back out of existence*

Edited by K_H
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Ah yes... Let me quote someone's Signature here: "If you have nothing, then you have everything, because you can do anything without the fear of losing something."

In that sense, then i am the Border between Existence and Nonexistence. call it "The Area of Semiexistence", if you may, but it's also the extremes at the same time. Ergo: "I Exist, and yet i am Nonexistent."

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It does to an extant. It isn't super over the top, but they will butt heads a bit. Dwarves don't really get Elves other than Wood Elves and even they confuse them. The Dwarves don't get why Elves seem so care-free or otherworldy or why they would choose to live in the forest or above ground. Inversely, Elves don't get Dwarves living in caves and being a bruteish war-like culture.

There were for sure times where they hated each other, but right now they are at a place where they would be tolerated and it is more of a friendly rivalry. ((other than Drows, Drow Elfs are super hated by Dwarves, almost as much as goblins or Orcs. Drows are seen as pretty evil, cause well, they are. They cause just as many problems as goblins do for the Dwarves)). Some Dwarves maybe a bit stuck in the old ways though, so it vaires. Younger Dwarves won't care as much, and older ones will. Odin wasn't really ever in Dwarven cities growing up, that is why he is super tolerant. Heck, Odin is a pretty accepting guy considering there is a Half-Orc, Half-Ogre, an Elf, and a Half-Elf all in the party.

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Wait. The rivalry's not that bad? That's.. like... the rivalry being horrible is partly why the Dragoths became fugitives o.o and that's why Helze will rarely ever go to the villages, never without her hooded robe to hide her being a woman, a Half-Elf woman at that.

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Well, time has passed since then things change. As I said, the older middle generation of Dwarves and up are still super bad about it, but the Newer Generations are starting to question the merits behind it. They see that Dwarves got along with Elves in the past, so they don't understand the problem with them. The Older Generations are still clinging to the wounds of long forgotten wars. What I am trying to say is, that the Dwarves are moving towards where they are now, but a lot of the older folk and middle aged dwarves are still super nasty towards Elves, just no where near as nasty as they are to Orc/Half Orcs and Goblins. ((and Drow Elves, they really hate those guys since they live underground and directly compete with them for resources.))

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Ah, okay. So this justifies Helze's paranoia, then? Cause I don't think she'll be taking her hood off till they get to the Forest of Knives.. she might even insist that everyone who's not human or dwarf to wear hoods too XD oh yeah, will you be PMing Jory and I about the Shattered Hills' layout, how to get to places, what're they like and stuff so that Helze and/or Dru'll be more credible as tourist guides people who come from there?

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I will think about it, but I am definitely letting you 2 have more control over the traveling between places. I will be trying to get a basic overview of the place if I can. I will tell you Farreach is the City closest to the edge of the Forest of Knives, and is on the edge of Human territory. Over all the Land of the Shattered Hills is shaped much like a Hammer, with the hilt stretching out to the North and the Head of the Hammer being a Giant Mountain Range. Anything you guys know of that would be good for slapping something together quickly other than like Paint?

In other words, I think I have changed my mind on the Echo Character theme, I think this song will be the one I go with I really like it for her.

The lyrics aren't a horribly bad fit if we get a bit more abstract in thinking lol.

EDIT: Death Angels have been added to the Original Post, along with the bios for the ones that got one. It is under the Current NPC party members Section.

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Some themes for our good friends the Death Angels, some of which I enlisted the help of Arky to find.

Ishmael ((found by Arky.))

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Hollow ((found by Arky.))

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Vazhul ((also found by Arky.))

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Looking for the others still, but in the mean time, do you think this songs fit the characters? What do the themes tell you about them?

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Should note, Ishmael has 4 themes, didn't find the others yet. The one posted already is his main theme. Why does he have 4 themes you may ask, Well can't tell you that, it is a surprise.

Unbreakable Theme

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Stalwart Theme

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Assault Theme

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This is quite literally the last time I am going to say this. If this doesn't speed up in the next few days, I am retaking control. ((also probably never letting any other group member lead the party ever again, since I have been burned this time.)) I want this to get moving and not stall out, and it only seems to do that under my guidance. This is the last time I am saying something before moving ahead of my own accord.

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