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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Um, without serious damage being done to the crossbow, or it being rigged to do so ((which still wouldn't be good for the thing.)) no. Not to mention they wouldn't be all that effective. Basically your answer is yes, but just as with a bow it isn't all that effective, so it is not worth bothering.

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Bows really can't either, but the have a much faster refire rate as knocking an arrow doesn't require resetting the firing mechanism. Crossbows take an awfully lot of time to rearm because of the mech needing to be rearmed usually being longer and longer depending on the size of the crossbow.

Basically Crossbows are meant to be used by People on the castle walls defending, and are pretty shit in the field. They are meant o punch through the heavy Armour of assaulting knights etc. So, a Helze having a bow makes a lot more sense due to where she grew up, considering there are not many castles to be defended in the Shattered Hills there aren't many.

((the reason Dwarves are depicted using Crossbows is their mechanical nature and dwarves tend to be resourceful and are very advanced in the arts of war. When paired with Gnomes, who live with dwarves in quite a bit of fantasy, it shows the Gnome genius when it comes to mechanics, and the Dwarves utilize this as part of keeping the less combat able gnomes safe.))

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It is really bad for them, like you could but it would not be entirely effective. As this is Fantasy though...you can do it, just don't do it like every shot, otherwise your bow totally will break. ((basically, if I think you are going to overboard I take matters into my own hands, but you would have to be super abusing it for me to do so.))

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Cause I know how to push Sigurd buttons, and I am totally doing it on purpose lol. ((though it is in character for Flint to do that, Dru is like a son to him, and that his his special nickname for him.))

Hukuna Golden Rule: If Hukuna finds out about something that annoys a character, he will try to have it come up at inopportune moments. Because it makes the character have to react and reacting is what is interesting.

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Just assume the group is on the move here, I will let you know when we hit either more encouters, or Hawk's Roost, but assume you guys are walking for the most part. I am going to allow some character development on this little trek, since we usually skip their traillife, it will be nice to see some since the character can interact with each other...or the NPCs.

((so Nero...get talking to Abe lol. Well if ya want to. I will definitely try and restart that convo if you don't though.))

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Kinda want to change Jupiter's Character theme. Found one that fits her better IMO.

It has that pretty, but I am still going to utterly kick your ass feel to it. Basically, it feels very Jupiter, as it has it powerful moments, and the ones were it feels more frail and beautiful. Jupiter is someone is is strong for others rather than herself, so I think this song encompasses that.

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I'll post when my laptop is fixed. That might be later today (I'm going to my friend in a few hours) but I'm not sure. Just in case I don't have it back today and end up without a laptop for a day or two: Sigurd is just going to follow around.

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I gotta say Super Oarloff makes me laugh so much. He is just so lovable XD. Never would I ever imagine a day where I said a Half-Ogre PC is cute....but dang Oarloff just is. I really like this take on a Half-Ogre character and have never seen it done before.

Hell, I love all your guys characters, they are just so interesting to me. ((even you quiet bastards. I AM GOING TO GET THEM TO BE BUDDIES WITH THE GROUP MARK MY WORDS!!!! I mean...what?)). It helps that you guys pretty much just go with the flow with me, and let me mess with their backstories and try to make interesting hooks for them in the world. It just makes them feel so much more real.

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Thanks Hukuna, I can't tell ya how much I appreciate that. I have to say after playing some really dark characters like I do in some of the other RP's it's really nice to pick up a guy like Oarloff. I also have to agree with you, it makes it much easier to play and develop a character that may be a bit unorthodox when you're with a group of outstanding RPers and with a wonderful host, like I'm lucky to be with.

Also thanks Notus, now I can't stop watching Avengers clips on youtube, >.<.

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*reads Oarloff´s bowling sequence*

*reads again*

*laughs so loud that almost gets the whole house awake*

... Super, Murdoc and Huk you guys are GENIUSES! :lol:

(Also, you´re welcome XD)

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Putting this here because Graterras will get more dangerous from here on out. Character death doesn't need to be bad, it can be a big part of the story. So, if such a time comes remember this stuff guys. ((also....sorry if Neal uses a lot of examples you guys don't understand sometimes XD. He assumes you watch the series he DMs, which are Roleplay: Solum done on ItMeJP's channel etc..honestly, the Roleplay series is pretty good and I recommend all of them if you like Tabletop RPGs.))

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Helze, the serious one in a group of buffoons. Miss Business in a world surrounded by silly silly buffoons. ((I want to break her out of her shell so bad XD. Just like Nero. Dru kinda has moreso than these 2. Being quiet isn't bad, I just want to see these guys mess with the group and really come to know them as friends, you know?))

Really though, I like that the group has so many dynamics....I am used to have players that all have shades of the same character, like they all act to similar to feel real, it is soooooooooooo boring. I hate minmaxers in D and D so much, cause they kinda ruin the game for me. The cool parts of D and D is making memorable characters and memorable moments happen, not just offing some dude, or being super powerful i kill dudes in 1 hit guy.

With this party, I remember everyone. I can know each character's personalities, and I just feel like they are so real. Hell, they overshadow some of my NPCs. You guys are awesome RPers, and I super duper hope we get to some of the cool shit in this Campaign, because we have barely scratched the surface of this world. Like you guys haven't even gotten to met some of the larger than life heros in Graterras, or truly met the Death Angels. I put the most of my time into those guys and I am sure you will enjoy when they show up to give you trouble.

I am so glad you guys get to share this journey with me through a world I poured my very soul into. I probably say this way too bloody often to you guys, but it because I truly truly mean it from the very fiber of my being. It makes my heart sing and makes me giddy as all get out for what is to come. This is the reason I am so passionate about RP, because it brings people together like this. I love this stuff, and I will never stop loving it because there is no feeling like it.

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