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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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I usually min-max my character's stats (but not usually powers/feats/etc) and use that to build a narrative. I am also fond of dumping a class's secondary or tertiary stat, so you get weird stuff like naive rangers and warlords with the personality of a sack of potatoes.

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Interesting methodology... I usually just go with how I feel they would act, really. Once in a while if I feel like making them do something different, then I'll go for it, so long as it doesn't step into becoming OOC.

Also Hukuna, Helze is totally tsun, so she could've been laughing or smiling at the least... but she would die if anybody found out XD

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I like 2nd Edition D and D, since in the thick of things, stats barely even matter in that version. So, you can use your stats more of a thing to tell your character's story, to reflect a little bit of who they are.

In later editions stats kinda became a laundry list of bonuses. And while there are good points to further Editions, I feel they lose some of the charm and what the game is really about. I feel like they lose sight of this and make every single hero some sort of crazy legend. In 2nd Edition it is much easier to have one who comes from humble beginnings, like a farmer or something of the like. Poor Stats don't gimp a character, hell I have played a character with nothing higher than a 12 in 2nd Edition and he was one of my fondest characters, and one of mine that lived pretty long too.

I am just a sap for story and the quality of that story, over the cool shit my character can personally do.

Also, Xavier is a middle aged Elf, so he isn't as relatively old as the Dwarves and Chauff and Bjorn. ((Xavier would have to be like 400 years old to be considered an old Elf. 200ish is pretty short time in the eyes of an Elf. THink of it this way, Xavier is around the same age as Odin, but Odin is probably around 50ish in human span of things, where as Xavier would probably be around 25-30 in Human years. Odin is super Middle Aged, where as Xavier is is the peak of his life.))

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What was her age? Half-Elfs are limited by their Human Blood, they typically live around 180 years in Graterras. ((humans can get get to 120 anymore is pushing it, hell 120 is pretty unheard of, but it has happened once or twice.)).

Basically Half-Elfs have similar, but longer Life Spans then Humans.

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Well, Nero won't be breaking out of that shell quite yet. I think it'll take more than a tumbling dwarf for him to really open up to the group. ^_^

Perhaps eventually though...

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The Elves in my world are actually both of those at the same time. Elves for the first 300 years of their lives tend to be pretty timeless. However, something changes in there ((it is different for every elf when exactly it happens.)), but they lose it bit by bit and start to age. Their typical life span is around 500-600 years ((depending on when the Greying [name of the process where the latent immortality begins to malfunction.] occurs.))

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He is there, he is just being super quiet. He is still under the impression the group isn't going to be friendly to an Illithid. That is why I ahven't mentioned him, he is trying to not be seen right now. ((was wondering when somebody would notice XD.))

and Alrighty, Helze is definitely that then, her age is very much that of a human. ((so if she was Human...she would still be 20.))

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Basically, I will leave it go for Saturday. Sunday the overall plot will be moving ahead whether you wrap up or not.

((I will be replying with any NPCs involved, but not moving the story along until we hit Sunday. and It will be whenever I feel like moving it along on Sunday [November, 23, 2014]. Not going to set a deadline on the tme since I am giving you a full day warning of when to get wrapped up, or at least reasonably wrapped up so we can get moving.))

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