Supernovae Posted November 23, 2014 Share Posted November 23, 2014 Yup Hukuna, Oarloff took Magni's hammer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 23, 2014 Author Share Posted November 23, 2014 alright, I will have Odin tell him in-game what it deos then. But, for now I will explain it. It is a Mace of Light, and upon the utterance of a command word, it will produce a brilliant flash of light when it strikes. This can blind a foe for a time, or at least catch them off gaurd. However it is meant for the undead. Basically the light puts them off even more than a living creature. ((powerful undead like a Lich/Death Knight/ many other powerful ass undead things are more or less only affected as if a real creature. the Dark magic that courses through these types of Undead is well, more powerful than that of the hammer..)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted November 24, 2014 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Only Marcus heard what Blue said there, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 24, 2014 Author Share Posted November 24, 2014 Nope they all heard it, but only Marcus can answer back through his mind. The others don't feel that connection....I should make that clear in the post. ((nvm, I will just make it so they all can, but it will make it hard for Blue to maintain it.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted November 24, 2014 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Would Hunter be outside town or inside too, at the inn? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 24, 2014 Author Share Posted November 24, 2014 He could be in the inn, remember the Shattered Hills are kinda chill about wolves walking straight into town. ((well usually. It is easy to tell if they are trained or wild.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 25, 2014 Author Share Posted November 25, 2014 I kinda decided I am just going to explain the Elf thing better, about why they aren't immortal exactly. At one point in history, Elves were immortal they lived forever unless felled by a dire wound or killed by terrible plague. The ones that showed this secret to them were none other that the Umbranari. Of what is remembered of the race is that they were also immortal, and could not die of old age. They and the Elves grew close as a race and they were very good friends. This lead to the Umbranari sharing the Secret of Immortality to the elves making the second Immortal race in Graterras. However, it didn't last forever. At one of the Greatest battles in the Grey Purge,The Elvish and Umbranari forces stood together against the other races. It would decide the war almost entirely, if the Umbranari could drive back the enemy forces they would have the upper hand forever and the war would have came to a standstill. If the Humans and the Demi-humans won, they would flood into the Umbranari lands and overrun them. The Battle of Moondark Pass, it is known as. The Umbranari fought off wave after wave of Human forces. However, they did not know their greatest enemy stood next to them on the battlefield. The Elves grew greedy in their times, they wished to be the only immortal race the only one that would live forever. They turned their bows on the Umbranari guarding the pass, skewering them with arrows they didn't see coming. They slaughtered the Umbranari forces in seconds. The Grey General, leader of the Umbranari forces was shocked, and horrified at what their allies did. But most so, he was angered. He was so angry in fact with his dying breathe he prayed to the god now known as Arcano. He spun a horrid curse, that would bring plague upon the Immortal ones that their deaths be painful and their immortality spoiled forever. Even though at this point in time Arcano was dead, the curse still came true, because afterall, the Umbranari were his people, and their will was his will. The Curse took form, or at least part of it. It befouled the Immortality of the Elves, partially removing the gift the Umbranari gave to them. After the Immortality faded from Elves they would take on a terrible wasting sickness, that in their dying days would be the most painful and excruciating thing ever known to Elf Kind. 600 Years is not actually the limit on Elf Life Spans, but it is the one where most can no longer take the pain any longer and they pass to the next world, usually by taking their own lives. It has forever been known as the Greying, or the Grey sickness after the Grey General. It is the last dying wish of the great leader of a dying people...and it's effects can never be undone. It is the last grim reminder of the Umbranari. Basically, don't betray the race of the God of Magic.....they will kinda screw you over even if they all die. ((also....if the full curse happened, all elves would be dead right now, so they are lucky Arcano was dead before that happened.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted November 25, 2014 Share Posted November 25, 2014 Is that common knowledge? I can imagine Xavier having a mental breakdown if that wasn't something he knew already. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 26, 2014 Author Share Posted November 26, 2014 It is known by all the Free Races. ((this is what I am going to refer to Humans and Demi-Humans collectively, easier than saying both all the time. This consists of Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Elves, and Half Elves.)). Most retellings of the Grey Purge and specifically the Moondark Pass, however, glorify what the elves did and paint the Umbranari as villians. It is said the elves made a last minute decision and joined the war right then and there to purge the Umbranari. Basically, time has passed such that people have forgotten the Elves turncoated on the Umbranari, because History saw them as heros, and therefore history doesn't want it biggest heros to be questioned. It was tailored that the Elves only then joined the war, that they didn't flip sides, because they were a neutral party up until this point. This is false, they had been helping the Umbranari, thinking they would prevail, but seeing their chance they attacked and killed them. History conveniently forgets this was the case. So in short, while it is known, the history is tailored. The Elves were not heros in the battle, they were the ones who betrayed the Umbranari. However, in the books it is written that they were the Noble Upstarts who saw reason and then joined the war. It is written that they unjustly had a terrible curse wrought against them by a terribly evil General, The Grey General. And while at the time it unified the nations and the Free Races, if the truth ever gets maybe very damaging. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted November 26, 2014 Share Posted November 26, 2014 Wait, so how does that work with Half-Elves? Do they also go through the Greying, and is it even more painful because they are part Human, or is the curse's effect halved because they're only half Elf? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted November 26, 2014 Share Posted November 26, 2014 Ok, we're missing Björn, Chauff, Abraham and Oarloff, and then we're all set. I'll wait for Oarloff's wake up scene before answering to Helze ok? COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT EDIT: Actually, speaking of Oarloff... I was at the super market other day and I found this: Reveal hidden contents Plot twist Oarloff learns from Odin to make beer and after years of experiments creates Vodka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 26, 2014 Author Share Posted November 26, 2014 Zeph, Half-Elves are completely unaffected, only the Elves are affected by the Greying. The human half of a Half-Elf makes them already die, therefore the Greying wasn't aimed at them. ((as the wording of The Grey General's curse is why it doesn't affect them in anyway. He specified that only the immortal ones be affected, that they die painful deaths and their immortality befouled. As Half-Elves never were immortal, it doesn't effect them at all.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 26, 2014 Author Share Posted November 26, 2014 and in case anybody asks, no Orcs ((both Grey and Green)) are not corrupted elves. In the world of Graterras they have no relation to Elves in anyway, other than some remarkably similar features. ((mostly just the ears being pointy, as orcs have much different looking faces.)). They are rumors to them being so, but they are not corrupted elves in anyway, and it is widely believed they are not due to advances by scholars and sages. ((some still believe they are though.)). The Downtrodden Races the Ashnard mentioned, better known as the Forsaken Races ((as they were left out of the Grey Purge and took no part, and therefore were not considered to be part of the Free Races as they didn't fight for their Freedom from the Umbranari.)) are some of the other races in the world of Graterras. The Forsaken Races include Orcs ((both Green and Grey.)), Ogres, Half Ogres and Orcs, Kobolds((Grumman's and the Reptilian ones...I forget what I called them right now.)), Victonari, Kenku, Illithids, Gnolls, Goblins, Lizardmen. Drow Elves ((and only Drow elves.)) and most other sentient races that were known at the time. Some of the Forsaken are more tolerated than others, Kenku and Kobolds being higher up in the list. Kenku were mostly nomads at the time so they didn't really have a force to give. Kobolds are considered pretty weak, so people aren't really frightened of them, a lot find them cute. ((both kinds.)) ((seriously though....if anybody has what I named the other type of Kobold could you pop it here somewhere, I really can't remember what the bloody hell I called them XD.)) The Victonari are almost as misunderstood as the Umbranari, but as they were the children of Bartallimo they were left alone. ((also, they lived on the other side of Pandora in the Golden Crags, a Mountain pass [they actually live in the valley between 3 or 4 mountain ranges it is a basin that is nearly impossible to get into without them knowing.] that was nearly impossible to assault from the outside, the Free Races would have 100% lost against them. )) they aren't really feared or respected, people don't really know how to deal with them. The others are seen as mindless monsters for the most part even if it isn't true. Grey Orcs are barely considered civilized and are barely tolerated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 27, 2014 Author Share Posted November 27, 2014 P.S. it is actually painful for Dru to keep up his spell now, like not deadly painful, just it hurts to do it. Also Grave Earth pretty stuff huh? This is basically the Dark Fire that was used in Golems, but the Earth version. It is super dangerous if it devours another body by the way, so you can't really kill any other foot soldiers without the whole town becoming a giant Monster. ((yes I am serious. They spread that stuff all over town, not really realizing what it would do. They think it is totally inert right now. Only Dru has any idea this stuff is still trying to kill all of you. So, if another body hits the ground, all the land in the town becomes a creature that devours the physical body of it's victims.....I don't suggest letting that happen. and no the Gnoll Ashnard killed doesn't count, his body is sitting on the porch of the inn you came out of, so it isn't sitting directly on the Grave Earth. Grave Earth can't reach for things in this state as it is a state of Famine. Basically the power in it disperses into the ground around it. Only Dru knows what is happening right now, since he is directly connected to the earth right now since he is maintaining that spell.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Notus Posted November 28, 2014 Share Posted November 28, 2014 Ok, tactics session: We have a window were we might be able to run off, buut it's not sure. We can't kill anyone else, so defending ourselves would be hard in this case... And if we wait too much the guards may realize one of them is missing. What you guys think we should do? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyrus the Priestess Posted November 28, 2014 Share Posted November 28, 2014 If Nero could spread his invisibility over all of us, that'd be a big help... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 You guys actually have zero clue you can't kill anybody else. Other than the earth literally swallowing that guy right now you guys don't know anything else other than Dru. Also Zeph he can't, Invisibility beyond himself right now is impossible. ((should note it isn't true invisibility, like people can still see you if they look, it is hard but it is possible. What is more likely though, is that they can still hear/smell you as well. Also the Grave Earth could sense you as you are standing on it, keep that in mind.)) Not to mention, there isn't really a group invisibility spell that exists in would have to invent it, and he is definitely not powerful enough to do that yet. ((just a friendly reminder for you guys, so right now until Dru tells you, you guys really have no clue that killing them will awaken the Grave Earth.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted November 28, 2014 Share Posted November 28, 2014 On 11/28/2014 at 3:20 AM, Hukuna said: Not to mention, there isn't really a group invisibility spell that exists in would have to invent it, and he is definitely not powerful enough to do that yet. Not yet, maybe. But someday... :Kappa: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 You would have to be around Glicks level, that would take a long long time. ((well you can attempt it earlier, you just won't be able to create that powerful a spell unless you get really bloody lucky...and even if you probably couldn't even use it lol.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 28, 2014 Share Posted November 28, 2014 Maybe im not playing my character right but I think Akuma feels a bit left out, all you guys have unique traits, the Cinder knights have their flames, Nero got his illusions, Sigurd got his wind blade and his evil book, the Rangers have their magical arrows and mutated forest pets, Oarloff has this magical hammer and probably has the same strength as mine . Dru got his earth thing going on and all of these abilities can only get stronger... and Akuma is like 'hurr durr im angry, im going to smash things'. anyone in this party can do that..isn't there a higher form of rage? probably this rant but this doesn't count. lol a tool that a berserker can use to improve themselves? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 The Berserker;'s Rage is quite literally a battle trance, going to be honest you have never actually really used something like one. It is an unbridled powerful rage that makes one go nearly insane. ((not sure you watch it...but think like the Berserker Class in the Fate series.)), Akuma would be more powerful in this state like super powerful, but he wouldn't be able to control himself, other than to not attack allies as he would recognize them instinctively at this point. But like you gotta go super off the wall rage mode is what I am saying. ((like so much he couldn't coordinate his attacks with the party...or at least not very well. They would more have to plan around your maelstrom of rage. A berserker is only as good as you play him, if you do something that seems like a true Berserk mode I will recognize that, however you haven't much done something that I have deemed a full rage mode yet. ((like back in Chap 2 when the Death Knight used the speel that summoned the tentacles, and he got grabbed by one, he could have went into rage and just ripped it apart, but then he would imeditaly attack the Death Knight without thinking. Keep in mind while the Berserker's rage is powerful it is risky to use as well. You literally fly into a bloodthristy rage where you can't think clearly. So it is the greatest strength and the greatest weakness of the class. You honestly have been playing him more like a Fighter, than a Berserker. And a good fighter must be played in a very different way to a berserker. Fighters are masters of the arms they choose to use, highly surpassing the weapon skills of any other class, thy know everything about their weapon of choice. So, make Akuma get mad, and don't be afraid to die. Berserkers are not a safe class by any means. They are more likely to die than any other class due to how reckless they get when they fight. But you must use this recklessness in a believeble way and try to get it to work for you. Berserkers probably take the most skill to properly play in a Forum RP, due to the way strength is very relative etc...etc...)) ((also....Rangers don't have magic lol.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 Think of it this way, since it takes a round to truly psyche into a rage. ((basically, you spend one post getting your trance on. I will admit...this was a bit too vague in the main post.)). You literally become a battering ram of death that feels no pain after you do this. So Berserkers would rarely dodge an attack unless they know it will kill them, probably soaking a lot with their bodies. They are tend to swing wildly or even use their body itself as a weapon. Like go ham and balls to the wall. You are a wrecking machine of death, so fighting like it will start to spice him up a bit trust me. Remember, the hammer((in your case.)) or weapon a Berserker uses is just an extension of their carnage, they aren't particularly skilled in using the weapon. ((this is why I mentioned in the OP, that they like bludgeoning weapons, as if you swing it is pretty effective, but you don't need brains or to master it to use it properly. Like we won't see a Berserker using a graceful weapon such as a rapier or a fencer's foil. They would use crude effective things. Like even if they used a sword...the sword would basically still be used as a hammer effectively.)) however they should not cling to the weapon, a board or something lying around is just as good for them in a rage stance. ((the hammer would be preferred outside of rage, when more finesse is needed, though he could still use his brute strength he would just have to actively try and dodge rather than soak blows. Like the part where Akuma threw the log at the Death Knight, do more of that stuff be creative. I will let you know if you go over the top, and as you learn where my boundaries lie, it will get easier. ((and I am usually rule of cool, over practical kind of guy, do something awesome, I might try and make it work if you aren't trying to ouright god mod me, or use it to try and reduce all risk from the party therefore making the adventure ahead a bit more boring..)) You catch what I am trying to say here right? Go a bit ham, I know you did get burned 1 time for going a bit cray so It maybe my fault, but I couldn't help it with the situation. Basically the those tentacles things that the Death Knights summoned were based off a spell in D and D, so when you pass by them they try to grab anything that comes within reach and crush the life out of them. It was just unfortunate that when you ran in your ran directly for the Death Knight, thereofre ignoring them giving them an opportunity to strike you. ((and hit automatically, the first time, since you had no clue what they were going to do at that point in time. SO I reckoned it took him off gaurd it made it auto-hit. These things happen as a Berserker, you got learn to roll with them. You are a big beefy dude you can take some punishment, don't be afraid of it.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 28, 2014 Share Posted November 28, 2014 Crap, I've been using my trance wrong the whole time.. Akuma's life as a berseker is a lie Ok here's what i've learned.. Go nuts, Be a juggernaut but don't go overboard and most important of all, don't be afraid to die.. ok got it. XD... maybe i've chosen the wrong class. lol also is Barbarian and Berserker the same? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 I honestly should have a Barbarian class...the problem is I find it very hard to squeeze into the Graterras world for one reason. At most points in time it is very civilized, therefore making it super bloody hard to fit them in. ((since they are typically Nomads and well they aren't a civilized culture. [barbs can be any race, just a tirbe of said race living out somewhere.])) I guess they could come from The Shattered Hills, or some of the crazy expanses of the Shifting Sands since the desert is huge. But no, while Berserkers can come from Barbs, they are different in Graterras. They are tradition carried down by Dwarven Warriors, that originally started it. It just diffused throughout most of the culture of the known races, having Berserkers becoming paragons of rage and raw unbridled force. So while a person from a Barbaric tribe could be a Berserker, the Barbarian class is a tad different. ((at least in Graterras.)). Not all barbaric people in a tribe would be in the Barbarian class. This is due to it being 2nd Edition least when I started creating Graterras where Barbarians and Berserkers were different....I could change it, but it would take a bit of rewriting the world. Nowadays in most things they might be considered one on the same, but they are not in Graterras. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 28, 2014 Author Share Posted November 28, 2014 Speaking of which, when this RP ends, if I decide to start another one in the Graterras Universe, I will definetly be overhauling like everything so it is clearer and makes more sense. When i first started this it kinda was the first Forum RP I ever started lol. So, I am sure my inexperience is evident in the OP. A lot cluttery stuff and other things that were not well explained. SO, I got my faults guys!!! XD, but really though I would have to write a whole new campaign.....not sure what it would entail going to be super honest lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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