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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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What about the Legend of Sigurd the Magnificent?

So this Grave Earth is something that will kill us all right? I picture it as a giant flower made out of soil but I don't think that's quite right. And no, Sigurd isn't going to active it. xD

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Uh Ty, I just... make Helze set her arrows on fire with a torch. XD that's the most magic I can do, other than attempt to multi-shot, which, apparently, will kill my bow faster.

Also I'd like to see some spin-off RPs of Graterras when this one ends C: the lore must live on, the lore of The Kestrel's Fang, one of the Two Who Pierced The Heavens XD and Hukuna-sensei, you're actually doing pretty well, y'know. ~

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No it is like quite literally just the ground you are standing on. If it was active it would be extending pseudopods out from the ground. ((usually covered in the forms of screaming souls. Like faces and stuff supes creepy.)) to grab you and devour you. When active any flesh it touches also starts to break down and wither, as long as it keeps contact. And you have no idea how far it stretches since it is not distinguishable from the normal ground if unactive. ((it it isn't much easier when it is active due to the way it attacks. and that it isn't a creature so to speak...it just acts like one. Since Tectaniteus is the god of body, Grave Earth is the opposite of Body, or that which destroys it. When active it devours the body of anything touching it, but it cannot devour souls, Minds and knowledge as those domains aren't part of Earth. Since it is contact with regular Earth almost all the time however, it power fades rather quickly causing to fall dormant and lose potency. It can't devour bodies that still have souls, minds or knowledge, and therefore can only eat corpses. However, if it eats enough and regains that ability. Basically, after most of the night, The Grave Earth power dispersed throughout the area. But the Large intake of bodies it ate, is why the one corpse made it gain so much energy, it is just on the cusp of returning to active state.))

The Dark Flame from Chapter 2 that held the Golems together, that destroyed souls or at least burned one's soul. The Earth Barrier Dru, put up saved more people than it killed, I just made it look like that wasn't the case. ((the heros would have survived the blast..they were strong of spirit, the militia, not so much...almost the entire force would have been killed if Dru didn't encase that thing in Earth.)) ((Pyron is the god of Soul by the way if you don't remember, therefore the Dark Flame burns away at souls. ((this may sound weird since it had souls affixed to it to achieve this effect....but uh, since those souls are in the creation of the Dark Fire...they become it, a whirling maelstrom of souls that devours other souls and adds them to it's ranks. By the way, this is the reason the Fire didn't burn the Bone Golem, it has no soul, and therefore is unaffected by it.))

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You guys actually have zero clue you can't kill anybody else. Other than the earth literally swallowing that guy right now you guys don't know anything else other than Dru.


((just a friendly reminder for you guys, so right now until Dru tells you, you guys really have no clue that killing them will awaken the Grave Earth.))

That's why I made Marcus talk to Dru. XD Anyway, invisibility is out of the question so... Jeez, I'm tempted to say grab the chance and run. Though...

Uh Ty, I just... make Helze set her arrows on fire with a torch. XD that's the most magic I can do, other than attempt to multi-shot, which, apparently, will kill my bow faster.

Maybe we can start a fire a little away from us like this? That would distract the guards.

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Also I'd like to see some spin-off RPs of Graterras when this one ends C: the lore must live on, the lore of The Kestrel's Fang, one of the Two Who Pierced The Heavens XD and Hukuna-sensei, you're actually doing pretty well, y'know. ~

I'd also enjoy some spin-off RPs...

What about the Legend of Sigurd the Magnificent?

...and maybe there could be slight references to our characters in future timelines? It'd be kind of neat, for the novelty, but it'd be your decision as it could be a rather large influence on the world. As Chimchain said, we could have the Legend of Sigurd the Magnificent, Dru the Earth Shaker, and who knows what else. Nero the group invisibility creator. :Kappa:

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Yea, Odin was trying to cheer him up and say to him any weapon can be powerful no matter how much others may look down on it, it is the person using the weapon that makes it, not the weapon itself....((well unless the weapon is intelligent....but uh shhh....)). And he could still pick up another weapon later and use it, there just isn't a lot of weapon stores around the Shattered Hills that would carry such a fine weapon. They are a pretty simple down to earth people and most of the weapons around here would be based on farming tools or just tools in general. ((like hammers, war-scythes, and other converted farm weaponry.))

Do remember he is a bard by the way, he can play songs and stuff too. ((Like he can inspire his people to fight, he can use a few minor spells that have interesting effects. I recommend looking at spells in the 2nd Edition Manuals of D and D if you can find it. Heck I might post it here meself if I can find a good pdf of it. But those would give you good ideas of things you can do with Bard magic. [it would probs be around 1-3 at how powerful you guys are Bards have weaker speels than Wizards, but pull from the same pool of spells. They use music or whatever they tend to do as the catalyst to cast magic. [Lymeric Bards, Storytellers, etc....]))

And the heros of the Shadowed Isles maybe referred to every now and again in timelines after it, however they will be stories, probably not exactly remembered by name. That is actually one goal of this campaign, to make storeis to use as lore from this time, since as time goes on tales get more and more insane and grow out of control, and I kinda would over if there where just straight up different versions of the tale.

By the way I do have an idea for a future arc...however I can't say anything about it due to massive spoilers on the universe that will be revealed much later on in this storyline. Trust me...you guys are going to find out some rather Earth shattering things. ((like if me explaining the betrayal of the Elves to the Umbranari didn't show how taliored the past of this world was and the secrets that only the gods now anymore could be revealed. It is going to get super interesting that is for sure.))

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I should mention, it would be super bloody hard for Sigurd's legend to catch on due to the one about Snow by the way. She even invented the very style of fighting Sigurd uses. ((there is a reason in Sigurd's dream she really didn't get a long with him, he is so much like her it pisses her off lol.)). A Dual Bladed style that combines the fury of a raging tempest, and yet the elegance of a mid-summer breeze, that is the Twin Gale style, taught to all Wind Templars that use 2 weapons. (( I forget my in universe name for them....cause I am probably going to change the name of the order to more reflect the Viking-esque culture of Aurora.))

One name change I have is Huskarls of Winter with the individuals being known as Huskarls. ((a Huskarls being basically a bodyguard/personal guard of a rather important figure in Norse/viking culture. The one they are protecting? Well uh...Lady Aelia. ((sometimes known as the Lady of Winter Winds at least in Aurora, which is usually a land of eternal Winter, so they associate her with Winter even though she doesn't really have much to do with it. Kinda of how to them she is a Warrior God, though she also really isn't. Aelia is an anomaly in the Graterras Gods, as her people ((worshippers)) define her in the World of Graterras, she herself does not. She would be an Athena type god of Warriors though, strategy over rash boldness etc. [cause remember she is also the Goddess of Mind, she created the Mind that all creatures have a place for them to store the knowledge that Seeker gave to them at the beginning of time.]))

I did mention that in the Elemental gods ((the 4 that have Templars.)) there is two types right? The Vessel Gods and the Fillers? The Vessel Gods, Aelia and Tectaniteus created the body and the mind, 2 shells to hold things. The Fillers, Pyron and Seeker created the Soul and Knowledge. These things filled the shells of the body and of the mind and animated them, gave them purpose.

Oh boy will future events be interesting, you guys don't really even know what is coming, it will be fun once we get there lol.))

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It's cool, maybe we can make the rapier a running gag for Oarloff. I also won't do any actual spells with Oarloff unless another bard/Bartimus teaches them to him. He may do a spell here or there by accident, but I don't see Oarloff being a benefit in battle for a long period of time unfortunately. A good goal he should be going for now is 'don't get himself or anyone else killed.' His usage for the group will be getting them out of tricky situations/getting others to possibly join them/generally cheering everyone up and being the heart of the group.

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Other changes I will be thinking about, to make things better.

I am thinking of Earth Templars super power ((when they get very powerful)), to have control over gemstones rather than metal. The power over Metal is a bit too op, as you can turn anyone against you's armour and weapons against them ((as almost every kind of armour and weapon has metal somewhere in it's design)). Gemstones are still considered earth but would be more complex and harder to control as they would be forced to grow in their crystalline patterns. Therefore, I find this an interesting substitute. ((it would clearly be more powerful than regular Earth, but would be very hard to find good sources of it without carrying good gems, so it has built in weaknesses like being hard to obtain an amount your could say make a suit of armour with temporarily.))

Now the other Templars Powers I am also not sure about. WHile I like the idea of the Inflamto Cortodduim, it is kinda super similar to Berserker rage, and it kinda infringes on Berserkers a little too much for my taste....they would probably have lightning powers. ((like FIrebenders in Avatar could get.)) however I already gave that to Wind Templars. So If I wanted to give the Flame Templars Lightning I would need something new for Wind guys. I actually don't mind this, I originally wanted Wind Templars to be the more Hybrid, using a combination of Magic and fighting, however they are developing to be more of the Warrior type. This is what I had envisioned with the Fire Templars, however they are more becoming what I thought the Wind Templars would be. I would therefore like to give them the lightning alter on, but I don't know what to give to the Wind Templars. ((Inflamto Cortoddium will be just changed to mean The Fire that burns clean.)) however, what would I give to the Wind Templars for their super awesome thing later down the line?

I like the Water Templars already, using their magic and bieng able to control the temperature of it. It makes them able to use steam and ice for other utility. They are very much the overly Mage version of the Templars, and this is awesome for them.

Any thoughts?

((oh and i figured Super lol, I like that about Oarloff.))

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So, what if the Wind Templars get the power of Thunder? Like SOnic Booms, and jsut forceful wind. I think that is a very Warrior friendly thing to use. ((since it isn't straight up hucking lightning at dudes, which is more magicky.)) Like War-cries that boom like thunder. ((yes it is dragonborn-esque like skyrim....but uh, going to be frank they didn't come up with the idea.)) And it wouldn't be that over the top anyway....no breathing fire etc.

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Tempest Doubles, totally not stolen from DotA. (The first one, mind you, with the yet-to-be-ported heroes.) Wind Templars can make semi-autonomous clones of themselves using wind if they focus hard enough/are powerful enough. As far as just how strong each one is, that's up to you. It doesn't disrupt the Fighter-ish thing much, as the overall effect is just another fighter on the battlefield for you.

EDIT: You know, it would be interesting if Pyron decided he was really pissed at Xavier after all and took away his Templar powers. (I know you're not one of those DMs, though. I'd be fine if it happened so don't feel bad at all if you decide to, it would be interesting.)

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