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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Just so you know I am not bullshitting you, going to explain a few things about Gunslinger Primers. As I have said, GUnslingers create their own primers, using magic that is connected to their soul. This imparts special properties into their bullet that only thiers have.

The First of which is an Origin, and origin is the the essence of their magic. Origins are passive and always are in effect and are the very essence of the primer itself.

Second is the Primer's severance. a severance is an activateable ability that a primer has that usually kicks it into a special attack mode that is different from normal mode. ((they can have drawbacks that make you not want to use them.))

Thirdly, they have an element, and these elements can be ones that aren't normally active elements. ((like Fire, Water, Earth and WInd. But it can also be combos of those elements such as Heat [fire/air], Lightning[air/fire], Ice, [air/water.] etc.... But they can also be thing such as Light, Darkness, Negative energy, Positive Energy etc.....)).

They also have an alter, which is a bit hard to explain, but it explains how the Origin manifests itself in the bullet.

So, as an example, our Victonari friend here has an Origin of Seeking. So what the hell does that mean? Well it means his magic seeks other magic.

His severance is Chaos, Chaos makes the Bullet split into multiple copies, they are weaker and move slower, but it amplifies the origin. ((basically, the big bullet he first fired at Xavier went right past him after he dodged it, but this most recent one he dodged turned around because it is trying to hit his magic, not him.))

His element is light, which is why they appear as pale lavender light. ((because his aura happens to be that color, but the color of the light has no bearing on what it does.)).

His alter is Energy Eater. Combined with his origin, this explains what his origin tries to manifest as. It seeks other magic to try and absorb it. However, it can only absorb energy of the same type. ((light)), and even if it does seek out other energy it attempts to destroy it. This is where Dru made his faux pas ((though he didn't know. as the reflective surface made more light within the sphere and it started to absorb that light. If it wasn't reflective,it would have fizzled.))

((also this is the reason I didn't allow Gunslingers, making one is hella involved as you have to ask how the Origin, Severance, Element and Alter affect each other. Also, right now they are super rare. This guy might be one of the only ones you see.))

also fun fact, his shot would be called, Seeking Chaos Shot or The Energy Eater.

it is either named in Origin Severance Shot fashion, or in making a title out of the Alter of the shot.

((why I may do a future Graterras that all the characters are Gunslingers, cause it is easy to make them different from each other due to the way Primers work.))

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The only issue I had with the chaos thing is that I kinda figured it was light related, but the law of conservation of mass doesn't really allow for something like that to happen. Essentially you created more mass (photons have mass) out of a thing that in theory should have only reflected it, which maintains the amount of light but just redirects it.

And I know this is high fantasy so physics goes out the window but it kinda felt like I got powerplayed :(

Also, not sure if my last post got ignored or if you're waiting on a reply for it...

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Oh no Jory I knew you would feel that way, that is why I asked were the Obsidian came from earlier. ((because I tried to prevent it from happening.)) this thing literally leeches on any magical light energy it comes across ((including that of it casting it's own reflection.)) It is supposed to be a bit op, because his chaos shot actually can't hit non-magic users. ((like they would target himself before they targeted Akuma, Odin, etc...)). If it was the Big shot you caught ((like the one Blue originally caught.)) it totally would have fizzled, because it doesn't leech energy anywhere near as much and the bouncing around inside would make it lose more net energy then it was gaining. and sorry I totally didn't see that reply, going to figure out where to squeeze it in, but you totally destroyed all of those. They aren't usually very smart and will take the most direct path. ((however in Nero's case, they avoided the tree because it was a life force it wasn't locked on to.))

So yea, the Chaos shot probably seems super bullshit, at least there it probably did, so sorry about that, but it is the way I wrote that it worked. ((that specifically, any attempt to Reflect it, made it more powerful. Why did it bounce in Blue's Water Ball then? Because it was looking for a weak point to get out, but he kept up enough energy to keep it from getting out, and it lost a lot of energy from touching the water.)) my logic may not be real world perfect, but had anybody tried to reflect it, it would have acted that way. ((it is mostly that it reflected multiple times over.))

P.S. sometimes there are things in Graterras you just have to see what happens, and since you don;t know what could happen, it probably seems like I am bullshitting things against you. Trust me, I am not I know how all the powers and that stuff works ahead of time. I would never go out of my way to screw somebody over, even if it feels like I did it, trust me I didn't. As a host coming up with shit to counter everything your players do, is not cool, you got to let them try somethings and just be badass while doing it lol.

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That is because Violet is a bloody coward, it took only 1 hit to get him to run away lol. Dru and Xavier made it almost 100% certain he got hit since he didn't have the time to stop the boulder, or Nemesis. You guys will see more of Lord Violet, he isn't lying, he will be back lol.

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  On 12/12/2014 at 9:29 PM, Hukuna said:

Why did it bounce in Blue's Water Ball then? Because it was looking for a weak point to get out, but he kept up enough energy to keep it from getting out, and it lost a lot of energy from touching the water.)) my logic may not be real world perfect, but had anybody tried to reflect it, it would have acted that way. ((it is mostly that it reflected multiple times over.))

^ Pretty sure he's referring to that.

Ninja Flux away!

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FOr those who like reading lore or just finding out more about the world, I have written the start of a Short Story in the CW forums. It is entitled Graterras: Dream on Another Shore. It is about a starving Artist who lives in the Crystal Isles. She has no magic to call her own, and many people look down on her, but her luck just may be on the up swing.

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Guys, I need to give you all a heads up. There are so family issues going on for mw right now. ((I would rather not discuss it yet. I am not in the headspace for it.)) So, I might not be as diligent as I usually am and Graterras may get put on the back burner for a few days.

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Oh jeez =/ Good luck with that mate, don't worry and take your time to solve everything.

EDIT: Also... does my order know? XD Really, how much would Marcus know about Steam Casters, and are they a trouble in the Sands for some reason?

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They would be a trouble cause people really know nothing about them ((basically, they don't have enough info to know if Gunslingers are a threat to everyone or not.))

The Cinder Knights know they exist, but not much else. They would still be trying to assess the situation with Gunslingers. Like whether or not they are a group or individuals. They would know enough to know they are highly dangerous and rather unpredictable as no Gunslinger they have found has had the same proprieties in their bullet. They may have recovered a Steam Caster or 3, but not really a hell of a lot. So, basically it is more of a "Hey these guys are dangerous and some have attacked people. We need to find out what we can and whether or not they are wokring as a unit. However, be vigilant."

They would know of them and have maybe have basic training against them, but nothing concrete. They could identify a Steam Caster, but really wouldn't know how ti works.

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I believe so.

Other's include the Dwarves favourite, Ram's Nettle useful for stopping bleeding similar to Bloodroot. A small white flower known as an Aelia's Beauty as well. The petals are known to have an agent in them that stops swelling. ((Aelia's Beauty grow many other places than the Shattered Hills, it probably doesn't grow too well in the Forest of Knives either.))

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