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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heey guys, don't you die on me right? XD

Just passing to say hi, it's gonna be some time before I can go back to RPing... But I will be droping by the server and forums every now and then. Things are going great at school and I have tons of stories to tell from these first weeks there but time is now a luxury for me. See you around everyone, I missed you a lot!

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Even if Dru slipped on that point and blew her cover, our Mustachioed Guardsman is not paying a lick of attention to you now lol. He is a little more concerned that the reports from Wounded Knee ((the other town you could have went through by the way.)) were true, and not just the ones about it being razed to the ground, but that of the use of Grave Earth. ((which of course, he doesn't know exists. You guys were just privy to having Blue who told ya XD.))

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  • 4 weeks later...

Imma just call this one dead at this point. I just feel like the interest is lost. I might consider a reboot though. ((been meaning to post that, kept forgetting.)) but for now, I am going to consider this RP, closed. I any of you guys are still hanging around, I probably should have done this a bit earlier. If I do reboot it I will be making another thread most likely.

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