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Graterras, A World in Peril. [OOC/Sign-Ups]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Uhmn, party of adventurers crossing a bridge over a creepy ravine...

I have a feeling we'll have a LotR scene in few time.

Edited by Notus
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Damn Zephyr, this was beautiful! Specially the first one.

Edit: I'm travelling tomorrow, and won't be able to get net till next monday, so feel free to bunny Marcus as needed. See you guys next week!

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First character Bio

Name: Brass

Race: Victonari

Class(Chosen God): Templar (Magnus, Shaker of Worlds. [Earth god of a different pantheon, not available for players]

Appearance/Age: Hulking Size 8'6 well muscled. Wears a simple Traveling Cloak, along with plain burlap clothes. Brass coloured scales, show greenish towards the age, indicating Middle aged. 68 years of age. (around 30 in human terms.)

Personality Overview: Brash, Loud, snarky, and Idealist. Heavy Drinker and not overly fond of Sorcerers/Wizards. He believes they abuse the Elements and treat them as tools, rather than allies as the elements themselves are alive. Intense Hatred of Thieves, and others who take advantage of people.

Backstory: Not much is known of the one called Brass. Even he doesn't know his past. The people of Passtrough met him when he was much younger. He randomly appeared in the center of town heavily wounded during the night. Somehow he lived, and a kindly Doctor treated him back to health. That man became like a father to Brass, Brass soon becoming accepted in the town. Brass was seen as it's protector, as he would do anything necessary to defend it. Other than that his origins are shrouded in mystery.

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I am getting too it lol. I am deciding how much of Odin's past I want to divulge right now. Brass is easy as he doesn't know his own past. I don't want to give away too much about Odin, but I don't want to give away too little. It is a balancing act lol.

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Name: Odin Thunderbrew

Race: Dwarf

Class: Thief (Scoundrel, a.k.a the guile thief.)

Appearance/Age: Raven Black Hair, with Greyish Silver splotches, most notably around his Moustache. Ember Orange eyes, look like Forge embers. Has a very simple Ponytail on the back of his head, and slight thinning on the top. His beard is in a simple single braid. Stocky but slightly taller than the average Dwarf at 4'5. Age 236 (Around 45-50ish in Human years.) Wears a simple Red and Brown Waistcost, along with other slightly fancy clothes.

Personality Overview: Fatherly, caring, kind. Good manipulator, but never manipulates friends. Great People Person.

Backstory: Odin was always a surface Dwarf, living most of his days in the town of Brinestar. His father always told him tales of The Great halls 'neath the Shattered Hills. His Father Magni Thunderbrew was a powerful and just Paladin, who retired in the Shadowed Isles. (later Odin would name his son after him.) His father was one of the 2 Brothers in the Thunderbrew family, A well known Clan. They were famous for their Brewing Techniques and their Family business was that of Brewing. However, knowing only one of them would inherit the Family Business, Magni left to make his own way in life. He became a Paladin, but now being a surface Dwarf was no longer part of the Thunderbrew family. (though he kept the name.) After a long Fruitful career he settled down in a small fishing village known as Brinestar. Odin and his brother Davbin found out about the old recipe for the Thunderbrew Ale from their father, and tried to recreate it. It became a huge success with the Sailors and Fishermen that were abundant in the town. They set up an Inn and Tavern and named her The Drunken Clam. Odin always having a knack for people decided to take up the Front-End Duties. He would Greet the customers, and talk to the Investors or deal with most people that had goods to trade. Davbin, tended the bar, and did most of the housekeeping. (both actual cleaning and keeping the Ledgers.). Odin eventually married a Young Dwarf Lass, named Matilda and she gave birth to his son, Magni. However, she died when delivering him. For awhile there was a damper around town, as The Drunken Clam closed it's doors for about a month after her passing. The Town lost a lot of people and it grew small again. Seeing this amde Odin realize that the Clam was the Spirit of the Place, and he couldn't just let that die out. He put on a cheery face and tried as hard he could to get the Clam remembered again. He thought to himself it would be a shame if he let the Clam die, so much of Matilda had come into that place. He continued to run it for her, while he raised their son with the help of his brother.

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I am going to Time Lapsing up to the Town most likely, skip the travel. Unless you guys want to RP or something during the trip.

Other thing, just noticed not one of you have asked what a Victonari is. I know I have been calling them Lizard-Like etc....but they aren't Lizardmen. Thought at least one of your characters would be curious, guess not lol.

I also realize the beginning is a bit on rails. Trust me it will open up a bit more after the Shadowed Isles, this is just getting yu used to my world, and the way I will run things. Can't tell you when it will open up exactly, since I am not sure when that will occur, and it is also much to spoilery to share it right now.

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